Uyghur Genocide


I.T.S. University President
Gold Member
Jun 13, 2005
The US is now officially calling the Chinese Communist regime’s atrocities against their Muslim minority a genocide. This formal determination triggers the US’s commitments under the Genocide Convention to prevent and punish genocide. Better late than never
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Will make it significantly harder for Biden to give away the farm to them without being viewed as being soft of genocide.
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Will make it significantly harder for Biden to give away the farm to them without being viewed as being soft of genocide.
Yeah. China is always a tough problem. Trump is ham-fisted and simplistic, but him calling China out for currency manipulation, unfair trade practices, and now humanitarian violations, is one of the few issues I agree with him on.

I don't think going full out trade war right off the bat was as good of a solution as, say, joining the TPP (which he scuttled without understanding what it even was), but I'll give him that his instincts were in the right place for once.
It’s a very complex issue. Do we want access to their very bad epidemiology issues? Hell yes. We are never doing this again. Should we call them names if we want to do that?

I’m ok with moving the cheap labor elsewhere. I’m also in favor of building a military base in Taiwan and protecting the Uighurs. Give Hong Kong back to the British. But none of these are things that any president could realistically accomplish. We did have better access to the disease stuff pre-Trump.
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I will say that I’ve been all over the world and China is simultaneously the most impressive and worst place I’ve been. You can live well there. There is very little freedom. I temper looking for a newspaper in the Beijing airport and then it dawned on me that they don’t really allow the international press to do much.

The food and history are amazing. The government and pollution, not so much.

By comparison, Russia is this pathetic and very poor place with bad infrastructure, lots of pollution, and some really nasty people. I’ve never seen the level of poverty I saw there anywhere else. I saw people wearing clothes that looked like they had been made out of bushes.

There were some very kind people too. I ran out of food and they made sure I ate and made it off the train OK when it was time to leave. I met an Irish lawyer who made a great comment: if they had nothing, they’d give you half of it.

There is some incredible culture buried there, but most people don’t give an eff or have a clue about it.

They had all these resources and opportunities, but most of the country looks like Wagoner County. In 1910.

I have nothing but contempt for them. I’m also very disgusted by the political rhetoric that anyone who opposes Trump somehow supports them. Shame on you if you made that statement this year.
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