UPDATED: American Medical Association Rescinds Previous Statement Against Prescription of Hydroxychloroquine


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 16, 2008
UPDATE: Resolution 509 was proposed but “NOT” adopted by the AMA. I was wrong and apologize for poor reading comprehension!
Funny that after Big Pharma gets the check for COVID vaccination, the AMA makes a miraculous turn around and says Hydroxychloroquine really is safe for use against COVID. When POTUS pushed this remedy, Mainstream Fake News did what they always do. Try to Discredit and LIE!!!!!!!!! How many lives could they have saved if they only listened? Only about 300,000!
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Funny that after Big Pharma gets the check for COVID vaccination, the AMA makes a miraculous turn around

While big pharma‘s business practices and politics can be faulted, evidently this particular change was not adopted by the AMA.

While big pharma‘s business practices and politics can be faulted, evidently this particular change was not adopted by the AMA.

I stand corrected. Thank you 🙏🏽
Here is the decision (page 15):
(the word "resolution" sounds a bit decision-like, but apparently
it's more like a "motion" that suggests the wording of new resolutions). So some early-treatrment devotees suggested the wording of 509 and then some more conservative and influental doctors said "No, lets keep it the way it was". It means off-label prescription is allowed by doctors in states where that option is available.

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