UNT Game thread

Francis looked scared out there. I'm not sure I blame him. Give one of the other guys a shot.

What clown car did our coaching staff arrive in? Wilson is a career assistant who cannot run a winning program. New AD Moore needs to make a tough but necessary change at season's end.*

*If we make a miraculous second half comeback to win, then nevermind.
Francis appears to be shellshocked. Every throw is off the back foot, and he is no threat to make them pay by running. What a turnaround from the 1st quarter.
Right. You don't have to permanently bench the guy. Just try something else. Unless you have zero confidence in the others.
Francis appears to be shellshocked. Every throw is off the back foot, and he is no threat to make them pay by running. What a turnaround from the 1st quarter.
It always comes down to O-Line play. They are loading the box with 8 athletes and then clogging up the throwing lanes by dropping back different people. When you cannot protect, there are only so many routes the receivers can run within 3 to 5 yards of the line of scrimmage...
It always comes down to O-Line play. They are loading the box with 8 athletes and then clogging up the throwing lanes by dropping back different people. When you cannot protect, there are only so many routes the receivers can run within 3 to 5 yards of the line of scrimmage...
He’s also holding onto the ball too long given our O-Line. That’s why I hope they put Cardell in he can at least escape the broken play with his feet.
He’s also holding onto the ball too long given our O-Line. That’s why I hope they put Cardell in he can at least escape the broken play with his feet.
A dual threat QB can make negative plays into positive plays, making the D keep more people int he box to stop the threat.
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I love Francis but he doesn't get enough on the ball under pressure. I would try the next guy up who can make plays with his legs.
How many times have we all seen it? You play well but fail to score points on the road. It comes back to bite you. Old story.
Have not heard Pressley's name either. Guess he is a bust, contact lenses or not.
I glad we can all come together in this, our moment of greatest strife....

Maybe there was a reason Wilson wasn't the play caller at OSU.
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I'm in year 8 of my tulsa dynasty on ps5. Won 2 natties in 2029 and 2031. I can do this.

Can you get to Dallas before the game ends?
Thinking about turning Tulsa football into a drinking game until Wilson is let go.

Need some suggestions for rules.... ????
This hurts worse than the Burnes era... sad
Thinking about turning Tulsa football into a drinking game until Wilson is let go.

Need some suggestions for rules.... ????
Any time there are two 3 and outs where the play calling is run, run, deep pass you drink. If it happens on a 3rd, 4th, etc. consecutive time you drink.

That rule is called the Montgomery Hangover
Finish your beer every time we chew clock to end a half that we're down in.
I'm at 7 beers and 2 cans of tobacco.

I flew a 4 day trip, including beating a hurricane out of Florida, drive to Tulsa at 2200 from Dallas to show my niece the campus, then drive to Denton for this. OKC tomorrow and back in Dallas Monday.

I'm not happy.
I'm at 7 beers and 2 cans of tobacco.

I flew a 4 day trip, including beating a hurricane out of Florida, drive to Tulsa at 2200 from Dallas to show my niece the campus, then drive to Denton for this. OKC tomorrow and back in Dallas Monday.

I'm not happy.
Sorry about your trip , sounds about like my time at Arkansas State , Wilson should refund all of the fans that traveled to these away games for the piss poor product he has put on the field . Everyone should flood the ADs phone and e-mail on Monday letting him know we want a change

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