I haven't subscribed to the TW for many years and never will again. I do look at the free on-line version on my iPhone every day but the last TU article is a soccer story 1 1/2 weeks ago. If anyone subscribes, have they produced anything on TU in the past few weeks?
This is ridiculous. I get better Tulsa coverage from other conference teams newspapers and sites and of course, from Chris and the Rivals site. Where are the days of Bill Connors, Jimmie Tramel and Eric Bailey? This is a travesty for the city of Tulsa and TU fans. I wish I still subscribed so I could cancel.
This is ridiculous. I get better Tulsa coverage from other conference teams newspapers and sites and of course, from Chris and the Rivals site. Where are the days of Bill Connors, Jimmie Tramel and Eric Bailey? This is a travesty for the city of Tulsa and TU fans. I wish I still subscribed so I could cancel.