Tulsa RPI now officially at #30

Originally posted by TulsaEye:
Checked three different rpi sources all say Tulsa at #30. Way to go.
Unless you're Hines who reported ESPN's RPI ratings in her article today of 37.

OU and apparently some others lost last night that affect us as we are at 32 at rpiforecast.
A lot of people use ESPN because you can get more info there quickly than at other sites. I saw the 37. Thing is, if the formula the NCAA uses is public and known, then why does anyone else bother with their own?
Originally posted by TU_BLA:
A lot of people use ESPN because you can get more info there quickly than at other sites. I saw the 37. Thing is, if the formula the NCAA uses is public and known, then why does anyone else bother with their own?
NCAA doesn't update theirs daily and having the RPI on your own website (ESPN, CBS, etc.) will increase their ad revenue even if it a tiny drop in the bucket its still increased revenue.
Originally posted by cmullinsTU:

Originally posted by TU_BLA:
A lot of people use ESPN because you can get more info there quickly than at other sites. I saw the 37. Thing is, if the formula the NCAA uses is public and known, then why does anyone else bother with their own?
NCAA doesn't update theirs daily and having the RPI on your own website (ESPN, CBS, etc.) will increase their ad revenue even if it a tiny drop in the bucket its still increased revenue.
They do update their's daily. We're down to 33 officially.
Originally posted by Weatherdemon:

Originally posted by TulsaEye:
Checked three different rpi sources all say Tulsa at #30. Way to go.
Unless you're Hines who reported ESPN's RPI ratings in her article today of 37.
At least she didn't use BPI?
Does anyone know if she was one of the 7 votes for us in the AP poll (or if she contributed a vote that got us pts in the poll?)
The World seems more interested in Thunder games and NASCAR events lately.
I have no problems with the Folds of Honor layout Sunday. I am sure it was weeks in the works coinciding with the race. It is a positive light in things for the name of the race and the race sponsor are both heavy Tulsa in nature. QT is routinely rated one of the best companies to work for in the country and Maj. Rooney and his foundation are exploding and no one is going to argue with that.

Now the softball jersey thing...OSU is stupid, the girl griping is a whiner. The whole thing reeks of a Pretty Little Liars episode
Posted from Rivals Mobile
RPI Wizard show sTU would end up with an SOS of 78 and RPI of 27 if they beat Cincy, lose to SMU then beat ECU and Temple in the AAC Tourney then lose to SMU in the finals.

BPI would be in the 322 range and ESPN RPI at 336 though ;o)
Originally posted by BasPlayr:
Originally posted by TU_BLA:
The whole thing reeks of a Pretty Little Liars episode

Posted from Rivals Mobile
that you would know that worries me a little.
Actually, I don't but the title makes it seem like there's a ton of pettiness going on which would seem to fit this jersey burning episode perfectly
Originally posted by TU_BLA:
Does anyone know if she was one of the 7 votes for us in the AP poll (or if she contributed a vote that got us pts in the poll?)
This is going to sound sexist but I promise it's not. I don't believe ANYONE who hasn't at least played basketball at a high level (if not collegiately) if they're going to vote in a meaningful poll, much less a female who can't probably hasn't even watched a full game of each of the top 50 teams or so. I know that's how it's always been done, but I think it's crazy. There should be a coach's poll and then an AP poll that consists of only writers that have actually played or was at least a student manager for a college team or something.
Originally posted by Rippin:

Originally posted by TU_BLA:
Does anyone know if she was one of the 7 votes for us in the AP poll (or if she contributed a vote that got us pts in the poll?)
This is going to sound sexist but I promise it's not. I don't believe ANYONE who hasn't at least played basketball at a high level (if not collegiately) if they're going to vote in a meaningful poll, much less a female who can't probably hasn't even watched a full game of each of the top 50 teams or so. I know that's how it's always been done, but I think it's crazy. There should be a coach's poll and then an AP poll that consists of only writers that have actually played or was at least a student manager for a college team or something.
You can't say something is going to sound sexist but claim its not and then make a sexist statement...
Originally posted by Rippin:

Originally posted by TU_BLA:
Does anyone know if she was one of the 7 votes for us in the AP poll (or if she contributed a vote that got us pts in the poll?)
This is going to sound sexist but I promise it's not. I don't believe ANYONE who hasn't at least played basketball at a high level (if not collegiately) if they're going to vote in a meaningful poll, much less a female who can't probably hasn't even watched a full game of each of the top 50 teams or so. I know that's how it's always been done, but I think it's crazy. There should be a coach's poll and then an AP poll that consists of only writers that have actually played or was at least a student manager for a college team or something.
If that were the criteria, there wouldn't be any voters.
Hines has admitted that she wasn't a sports fan until she was assigned to cover the same....I know. If journalist were required to play ball at the college level in order to cover the game we would have very few writers.
Originally posted by youngblood223:

Originally posted by Rippin:

Originally posted by TU_BLA:
Does anyone know if she was one of the 7 votes for us in the AP poll (or if she contributed a vote that got us pts in the poll?)
This is going to sound sexist but I promise it's not. I don't believe ANYONE who hasn't at least played basketball at a high level (if not collegiately) if they're going to vote in a meaningful poll, much less a female who can't probably hasn't even watched a full game of each of the top 50 teams or so. I know that's how it's always been done, but I think it's crazy. There should be a coach's poll and then an AP poll that consists of only writers that have actually played or was at least a student manager for a college team or something.
If that were the criteria, there wouldn't be any voters.
EXACTLY! It should be only the coaches! But if you must include a writers poll, at least use the writers that actually know what they're talking about. That the same writers whose votes affect the BCS also have votes in basketball is also absurd.

And it wasn't sexist. I wouldn't want anyone (male or female) voting if they don't have inside experience playing either playing or managing or something.
Originally posted by TU_BLA:
Does anyone know if she was one of the 7 votes for us in the AP poll (or if she contributed a vote that got us pts in the poll?)
She hasn't voted for TU all season. She is more concerned about following her beloved Aggies (good, bad, or indeferent) than writing about TU. It must have crushed her when she was taken off the OSU beat. She is full of excuses as to why TU does not get more pub in the Tulsa World.

The Memphis "Commerical Appeal" covers the Grizzlies and SEC on a daily basis, but not near as much as they do Memphis Tiger Atheltics. Even in a loss, The Tigers received more ink (full front sports page), than TU did in the Tulsa World. The name Tulsa World is very appropriate, it sure the hell ain't local.

She claims distribution placement is why TU does not get much coverage more???? WTF??? Last I checked the largest distribution of the Tulsa World is Tulsa, Oklahoma. I do not see how it is unreasonable when TU has it's own beat writer to dedicate a daily page or two to Golden Hurricane Athletics, and give full front sports page access before and after big games. I guess if she had to fill 1-2 pages it would require her to stop writing stories and tweeting about comings and goings at OSU.

The best stories about TU basketball this season have been written outside the state of Oklahoma.

Michael Peters is the worst thing to happen to the Tulsa World's coverage of TU sports.


This post was edited on 3/3 3:56 PM by texcane1982
Originally posted by texcane1982:
Originally posted by TU_BLA:
Does anyone know if she was one of the 7 votes for us in the AP poll (or if she contributed a vote that got us pts in the poll?)
She hasn't voted for TU all season. She is more concerned about following her beloved Aggies (good, bad, or indeferent) than writing about TU. It must have crushed her when she was taken off the OSU beat. She is full of excuses as to why TU does not get more pub in the Tulsa World.

The Memphis "Commerical Appeal" covers the Grizzlies and SEC on a daily basis, but not near as much as they do Memphis Tiger Atheltics. Even in a loss, The Tigers received more ink (full front sports page), than TU did in the Tulsa World. The name Tulsa World is very appropriate, it sure the hell ain't local.

She claims distribution placement is why TU does not get much coverage more???? WTF??? Last I checked the largest distribution of the Tulsa World is Tulsa, Oklahoma. I do not see how it is unreasonable when TU has it's own beat writer to dedicate a daily page or two to Golden Hurricane Athletics, and give full front sports page access before and after big games. I guess if she had to fill 1-2 pages it would require her to stop writing stories and tweeting about comings and goings at OSU.

The best stories about TU basketball this season have been written outside the state of Oklahoma.

Michael Peters is the worst thing to happen to the Tulsa World's coverage of TU sports.


This post was edited on 3/3 3:56 PM by texcane1982
Yea. I'm done.

Cancelling tonight.
Pretty much any time you refer to a woman as a "female" you can count on sounding sexist. And following that up by making a blatantly sexist comment ("much less a female") doesn't help your case either.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by chito_and_leon:
Pretty much any time you refer to a woman as a "female" you can count on sounding sexist. And following that up by making a blatantly sexist comment ("much less a female") doesn't help your case either.
Posted from Rivals MobileYep, leave it 2 HOOTter 2 flush those sexist comments down the drain

Lawpoke: If only ex-jocks were permitted to cover sports we would have very few good sportswriters. Journalists are not required to have personal experience with, and expertise in, the beats they cover. If they were, only ex-politicians could cover politics or only ex-doctors could cover medicine. Journalists are supposed to be experts in journalism -- cultivating good sources, asking intelligent questions, organizing information and writing cogently. The cop reporter or fine arts reporter ought to be able to cover a basketball game almost as well a sportswriter, by not pretending to be a sports expert but instead by simply asking questions of the folks who are experts.
That is the worst post I have ever read on here.

There is nothing I hate more than talking heads on TV talking about politics when they know next to nothing about it.
HHooter, flush this: "statistics show that married men live longer than their wives, so-if you want a slow death-get married".

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