Tulsa MBB Alum Honored with Prestigious NABC Award


I.T.S. Senior
Gold Member
Jul 7, 2011
I posted this on the pay board, but wanted to share here as well. Pretty cool honor that all TU fans should be proud of. Previous winners include Scott Drew last year, Eddie Sutton and Don Meyer. Pretty elite company in the basketball coaching profession.

If you get a chance to google and read up on what Kyle accomplished last year alone, it’s worth it! He’s a winner on and off the floor.

Blankenship Named NABC Guardian of the Game for Leadership
That is a high honor.
I remember when he took on that role and it was certainly one that would be considered as guarding the game and worthy of the award and the recognition. Being a head coach at any level takes a heavy toll, but coaching two teams concurrently, and at the level of success they enjoyed is amazing.

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