Tulsa MAGA rally June 19 - Going?

I sincerely hope the rally is packed. Standing room only, shoulder to shoulder. Keep everyone in there for a few hours, let the COVID marinate.
I can agree in part. I don't agree with antifa's tactics as it doesn't do anything to help anyone's cause. But I also think that there are ways the right is using that. In Minneapolis, the initial violence and looting was caught on video and done by individuals with known ties to white supremacy groups. People will do anything to implicate the other side (and I'm not saying extreme left groups haven't done similar things). I also believe armed militiamen going to the capital building armed to the hilt to intimidate lawmakers into doing what they want is the equivalent of armed insurrection and should be treated as such. How in the world is that not considered domestic terrorism? (And yes, Antifa's violence should be considered as such as well).
How can it be an armed insurrection when that state has an open carry law? Legally, Anybody with a gun can congregate anywhere within the state where guns are allowed to peacefully protest. In this case, the issue they protested was gun control. Huge numbers of Minorities and Caucasians protested in unison for gun control during that time.
I sincerely hope the rally is packed. Standing room only, shoulder to shoulder. Keep everyone in there for a few hours, let the COVID marinate.
I think I'll go try to sell custom made Rebel flag masks outside the arena. Could make a bundle. I'll hawk a Supreme Confederate fan package of flag & mask
How can it be an armed insurrection when that state has an open carry law? Legally, Anybody with a gun can congregate anywhere within the state where guns are allowed to peacefully protest. In this case, the issue they protested was gun control. Huge numbers of Minorities and Caucasians protested in unison for gun control during that time.
But that is not the purpose of them showing up armed like they're the military. They show up to intimidate because they're not smart enough to create an actual coherent argument as to why it was time to reopen (and as we're seeing now, it wasn't time). Not only that, there were actual threats of violence against legislators and the governor in Michigan. Tell me, if someone had posted any of that against Trump that person wouldn't be arrested by the Secret Service as soon as they arrived?

Now tweak the scenario just a bit. If all of them had been a POC carrying their weapons, legally,and demanding police reform. How many would have been arrested for the threats? How quickly would a jack ass like Brian Kemp in GA called in the national guard to quell the uprising against him How quickly would Trump have called in the Proud Boys and other MAGAts to put it down? It's a double standard.
I think I'll go try to sell custom made Rebel flag masks outside the arena. Could make a bundle. I'll hawk a Supreme Confederate fan package of flag & mask
Know anyone with COVID, maybe you could lace the masks with that as well. Isn't that how the original immigrants eliminated the indigenous peoples. Maybe it's time for payback
Know anyone with COVID, maybe you could lace the masks with that as well. Isn't that how the original immigrants eliminated the indigenous peoples. Maybe it's time for payback
Wouldn't want the crowd infecting my relatives.
Now tweak the scenario just a bit. If all of them had been a POC carrying their weapons, legally,and demanding police reform. How many would have been arrested for the threats? How quickly would a jack ass like Brian Kemp in GA called in the national guard to quell the uprising against him How quickly would Trump have called in the Proud Boys and other MAGAts to put it down? It's a double standard.

That happened multiple times and there were no issues. In fact, there was lots of approval of it from the right. This has also been the case in Seattle’s Chaz. No one is upset that minorities are armed. Whether you’re white or black, if you’re legally heavily armed and aren’t using those weapons against anyone police would prefer to leave you alone.

The left imagines the right is upset about minorities peacefully carrying ARs. We actually love it.
That happened multiple times and there were no issues. In fact, there was lots of approval of it from the right. This has also been the case in Seattle’s Chaz. No one is upset that minorities are armed. Whether you’re white or black, if you’re legally heavily armed and aren’t using those weapons against anyone police would prefer to leave you alone.

The left imagines the right is upset about minorities peacefully carrying ARs. We actually love it.
The minorities haven't shot anybody in any of those situations you talk about. They haven't driven cars into innocent people. They haven't fired bow and arrows at people. We've seen all of that stuff at least once if not multiple times from the alt right during the last few years.
The minorities haven't shot anybody in any of those situations you talk about. They haven't driven cars into innocent people. They haven't fired bow and arrows at people. We've seen all of that stuff at least once if not multiple times from the alt right during the last few years.

I don't apply collective guilt to people based on race. However, of course we've seen plenty of situations like that where people who happen to be black or hispanic do violent things. Just a couple weeks back a hispanic man went to a BLM rally with the intent to kill counter-protesting Trump supporters. Once that man exhibited an intent to harm people he was disarmed. That's how it should work. And remind me again, how many people were shot and killed during riots over the course of these protests?
Side note: I got a junk text message yesterday trying to hawk the free 800,001 spot for me to the junteenth rally.