Tulsa MAGA rally June 19 - Going?


I.T.S. Redshirt Freshman
May 18, 2020
President Trump announced he will resume his MAGA rallies starting in Tulsa, Oklahoma next Friday June 19th.

Oklahoma, a deep-red state Mr. Trump won four years ago by 36 percentage points, began lifting restrictions on businesses on April 24 and moved into Phase 3 of its reopening on June 1, allowing summer camps to open and workplaces to return with full staffing levels.

Trump campaign officials are unlikely to put into place any social distancing measures for rally attendees, or require them to wear masks, people familiar with the decision-making process said, adding that it would be unnecessary because the state is so far along in its reopening.
June 19 could very well be hot. It could be dangerous for old folks, much as it is for corona virus. I think the rally should be postponed until after the election.
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June 19 could very well be hot. It could be dangerous for old folks, much as it is for corona virus. I think the rally should be postponed until after the election.
The whole point of a rally is to generate support! I envy those who have the privilege of attending.
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COVID-19 will be attending.

A racist holding a rally on Juneteenth in Tulsa Is tone deaf on so many levels. Perhaps he’ll visit Black Wall Street, since he’s “heard so many good things about it”.
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The whole point of a rally is to generate support! I envy those who have the privilege of attending.
I imagine there will be large protests outside of Mabee Center (where I'm guessing this will be held)

My guess is that he pivots and gives a pro-civil rights speech and mentions the Tulsa Race Riot. Democrats aren't expecting it and it will catch them off guard.
I imagine there will be large protests outside of Mabee Center (where I'm guessing this will be held)

My guess is that he pivots and gives a pro-civil rights speech and mentions the Tulsa Race Riot. Democrats aren't expecting it and it will catch them off guard.
If he is going to pivot, which he's not smart enough to do, he will be at the BOK Center. He wants it to turn into a violent protest against him and his supporters so he can cry boo hoo. And then he'll call them radical violent leftists while he is standing there and taunting them with his racist views and supporters. Let's see how many Confederate flags, swastikas, and KKK folks show up downtown next week. My guess is 20k.

If he was smart it would be the Mabee Center to isolate his white bread supporters. It also potentially reduces the number of protesters. PLUS, Mabee Center is on private property. While protesters could be in the streets (81st or Lewis Ave). They could legally be kept from entering the parking lots or on campus at ORU.
Let's see how many Confederate flags, swastikas, and KKK folks show up downtown next week?
some groups attach to you cause.
DT and the republicans do not welcome these groups
the dems embrace antifa, blm, occupy wall street which are violent groups.

what actions has he taken which says he is a racist?
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I imagine there will be large protests outside of Mabee Center (where I'm guessing this will be held)

My guess is that he pivots and gives a pro-civil rights speech and mentions the Tulsa Race Riot. Democrats aren't expecting it and it will catch them off guard.
That’s exactly why he will be there
If he is going to pivot, which he's not smart enough to do, he will be at the BOK Center. He wants it to turn into a violent protest against him and his supporters so he can cry boo hoo. And then he'll call them radical violent leftists while he is standing there and taunting them with his racist views and supporters. Let's see how many Confederate flags, swastikas, and KKK folks show up downtown next week. My guess is 20k.

If he was smart it would be the Mabee Center to isolate his white bread supporters. It also potentially reduces the number of protesters. PLUS, Mabee Center is on private property. While protesters could be in the streets (81st or Lewis Ave). They could legally be kept from entering the parking lots or on campus at ORU.
Despite the whole fake news racist narrative, there were millions of minorities who voted for Trump last time and many more since then have flipped and will no doubt vote for him in November. I’m a registered independent with conservative views but even if Trumps policies didn’t resonate with me, no way I would ever vote for sleepy, dementia Joe. He’s a bait switch waiting to happen!
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Let's see how many Confederate flags, swastikas, and KKK folks show up downtown next week?
some groups attach to you cause.
DT and the republicans do not welcome these groups
the dems embrace antifa, blm, occupy wall street which are violent groups.

what actions has he taken which says he is a racist?
It’s a waste of time asking that question. Both sides are dug in and after being locked inside, forced to listen to the fake news, people just want blood. No point asking the other sides opinions anymore. November will do the talking.
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Let's see how many Confederate flags, swastikas, and KKK folks show up downtown next week?
some groups attach to you cause.
DT and the republicans do not welcome these groups
the dems embrace antifa, blm, occupy wall street which are violent groups.

what actions has he taken which says he is a racist?
Really? OK, calling Neo-Nazis and KKK members (who had just killed a protester in Charlottesville, VA) very fine people. Blanketly allowing ICE to detain Hispanic and Latino members of the community without identifying if they are citizens or here legally first is blatantly racist. He's also called South American and African nations sh*thole countries. He continually calls it the "Chinese virus" knowing full well it is an attack on individuals of Asian descent. He continues to this day to proclaim Obama isn't from here...and has blatantly undone everything Obama has done not because it's bad policy as much as it was done by a black man.

I'll give you Antifa and I don't agree with their tactics, but Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street are not violent groups. I'm not saying that violence hasn't erupted at their protests and gathering when provoked but their goal isn't violence as much as disruption of normal day to day to get peoples' attention to the cause. But I bet you don't think Proud Boys and the so called militia groups brandishing automatic weapons at state capitol buildings and threatening governors and legislators with harm and violence unless they do what they want...I'm sure you're lockstep with Trump that those are very fine people. Can't have it both ways cupcake.

And Trump absolutely welcomes those groups. If he didn't he'd ask them to leave the flags, hoods, and goosestepping outside. He absolutely idolizes Hitler and powerful fascist dictators.
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Really? OK, calling Neo-Nazis and KKK members (who had just killed a protester in Charlottesville, VA) very fine people. Blanketly allowing ICE to detain Hispanic and Latino members of the community without identifying if they are citizens or here legally first is blatantly racist. He's also called South American and African nations sh*thole countries. He continually calls it the "Chinese virus" knowing full well it is an attack on individuals of Asian descent. He continues to this day to proclaim Obama isn't from here...and has blatantly undone everything Obama has done not because it's bad policy as much as it was done by a black man.

I'll give you Antifa and I don't agree with their tactics, but Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street are not violent groups. I'm not saying that violence hasn't erupted at their protests and gathering when provoked but their goal isn't violence as much as disruption of normal day to day to get peoples' attention to the cause. But I bet you don't think Proud Boys and the so called militia groups brandishing automatic weapons at state capitol buildings and threatening governors and legislators with harm and violence unless they do what they want...I'm sure you're lockstep with Trump that those are very fine people. Can't have it both ways cupcake.

And Trump absolutely welcomes those groups. If he didn't he'd ask them to leave the flags, hoods, and goosestepping outside. He absolutely idolizes Hitler and powerful fascist dictators.

you reply is you opinion.

Oh, I forgot, a liberal's opinion is fact.
If he is going to pivot, which he's not smart enough to do, he will be at the BOK Center. He wants it to turn into a violent protest against him and his supporters so he can cry boo hoo. And then he'll call them radical violent leftists while he is standing there and taunting them with his racist views and supporters. Let's see how many Confederate flags, swastikas, and KKK folks show up downtown next week. My guess is 20k.

If he was smart it would be the Mabee Center to isolate his white bread supporters. It also potentially reduces the number of protesters. PLUS, Mabee Center is on private property. While protesters could be in the streets (81st or Lewis Ave). They could legally be kept from entering the parking lots or on campus at ORU.
My thoughts exactly.
That’s exactly why he will be there

Despite the whole fake news racist narrative, there were millions of minorities who voted for Trump last time and many more since then have flipped and will no doubt vote for him in November. I’m a registered independent with conservative views but even if Trumps policies didn’t resonate with me, no way I would ever vote for sleepy, dementia Joe. He’s a bait switch waiting to happen!
No, he'll be there to get votes in Midwestern states. I'm just telling you the smartest strategy.
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Let's see how many Confederate flags, swastikas, and KKK folks show up downtown next week?
some groups attach to you cause.
DT and the republicans do not welcome these groups
the dems embrace antifa, blm, occupy wall street which are violent groups.

what actions has he taken which says he is a racist?

@aTUfan.........I told you! ;)
I agree the democrats thouroughly embrace BLM & Occupy Wallstreet, but I see no evidence that politicians/the majority of Democrats support Antifa. They are a fringe group that is detested or ignored by most of the democratic party.

He(TUBla) points out well known facts conveniently 'forgotten,(by aTUfan) that prove the opposite of DT doesn't invite these groups, and your response is I told you? Are trying to be funny. Give me a break.
you reply is you opinion.

Oh, I forgot, a liberal's opinion is fact.
Apparently you want a written invitation from him before you will admit the facts.

And your post was only your opinion, and partially incorrect.
I agree the democrats thouroughly embrace BLM & Occupy Wallstreet, but I see no evidence that politicians/the majority of Democrats support Antifa. They are a fringe group that is detested or ignored by most of the democratic party.

He(TUBla) points out well known facts conveniently 'forgotten,(by aTUfan) that prove the opposite of DT doesn't invite these groups, and your response is I told you? Are trying to be funny. Give me a break.
Living, eating, breathing government at the highest levels as a Security Professional for the past 15 years has given me unique insight into what’s real and what’s not. Unfortunately, sharing my political views with people who don’t have the same insight or experience has proven to be very divisive. I encouraged @aTUfan to not go where he went bc dialog at this point in time won’t change anyone’s minds and will most likely end up in an argument. I choose to respectfully agree to disagree with the left. At the end of the day, we are all Americans and may God bless the USA!
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Living, eating, breathing government at the highest levels as a Security Professional for the past 15 years has given me unique insight into what’s real and what’s not. Unfortunately, sharing my political views with people who don’t have the same insight or experience has proven to be very divisive. I encouraged @aTUfan to not go where he went bc dialog at this point in time won’t change anyone’s minds and will most likely end up in an argument. I choose to respectfully agree to disagree with the left. At the end of the day, we are all Americans and may God bless the USA!

You are putting up propaganda just like Rippen. The Democratic party wasn't about to lose the black vote. There is no movement before or after George Floyd that would have swung the black vote from Biden to Trump. I get tired of seeing propaganda left or right.

From what I can tell, it's not your insights from work as a security guard that is divisive. You are posting on a political board. You post a point of view and then decide you aren't going to debate the issue? You are just going to post your point of view, and then abandon it? If you are not going to defend your position, then don't post it. You just avoided the issue, and tried to God Bless me off.

Trump has invited those groups. You don't require a written invitation, in order to say he has invited those groups. There is no written invitation for Occupy Wall Street either. It doesn't say that you haven't been invited through your other actions.

Anybody that says BLM & Occupy Wall Street have been invited, but those other groups haven't been invited by Trump is not approaching the subject with any logical arguments. If one has been invited, then so has the other, & vice versa. If one has not been invited then neither has the other. You can't make the argument for one to have been invited and logically argue the other hasn't.

In all reality, they have both been invited. You could argue that neither have, but though it would be a more sound argument than one has, and one hasn't, but it still would be a flimsy argument. That might hold up in a debate class, based on it's logic, but it wouldn't be true.

Back to the argument that one has, and one hasn't. That argument would be the ultimate in hypocritical.

EDIT: Accidentally erased a sentence and didn't realize it.
Me and my black brothers have registered for our tickets. See ya there, fools!
Bynum needs to close the BOK and tell Trump to use Tesla’s Big F*cking Field.
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Living, eating, breathing government at the highest levels as a Security Professional for the past 15 years has given me unique insight into what’s real and what’s not. Unfortunately, sharing my political views with people who don’t have the same insight or experience has proven to be very divisive. I encouraged @aTUfan to not go where he went bc dialog at this point in time won’t change anyone’s minds and will most likely end up in an argument. I choose to respectfully agree to disagree with the left. At the end of the day, we are all Americans and may God bless the USA!
I am more than willing to debate actual politics....conservative fiscal views vs spend and build. Limited gov't vs strong federal gov't. These are the old-school traditional talking points of GOP vs Democrats. The GOP has since emboldened the politics of hate. Racism, bigotry and discrimination vs LGBTQ, everyone should own a small cadre of weapons. It got pushed even further because a black man got elected, something that took 225 years to happen in this country. Family values was never a talking point until 1996...and no one would bat an eye to that IF you didn't hear about a GOP congressman getting caught with a hooker, male prostitute, hooking up with a teenager, or soliciting hand jobs in the airport every other week. The hypocrisy of the GOP knows no bounds right now. And you can't separate yourself. You can publicly abhor racism and the divisive politics, but if you go into the voting booth and vote for the guy pushing these things, you are complicit in it and thus support those things.
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I am more than willing to debate actual politics....conservative fiscal views vs spend and build. Limited gov't vs strong federal gov't. These are the old-school traditional talking points of GOP vs Democrats. The GOP has since emboldened the politics of hate. Racism, bigotry and discrimination vs LGBTQ, everyone should own a small cadre of weapons. It got pushed even further because a black man got elected, something that took 225 years to happen in this country. Family values was never a talking point until 1996...and no one would bat an eye to that IF you didn't hear about a GOP congressman getting caught with a hooker, male prostitute, hooking up with a teenager, or soliciting hand jobs in the airport every other week. The hypocrisy of the GOP knows no bounds right now. And you can't separate yourself. You can publicly abhor racism and the divisive politics, but if you go into the voting booth and vote for the guy pushing these things, you are complicit in it and thus support those things.
Im a registered independent and a minority but there isn’t a liberal thought I can say I agree with. The problem with pointing out corrupt individuals on one side is that the same corruption can be found on the other side. More and more minorities are deciding to leave the Democratic Plantation as well because the see that the swallowing the liberal pill has destroyed their community. Rest assured, more will follow, eventually pushing the bottom feeders out of the Party.
Im a registered independent and a minority but there isn’t a liberal thought I can say I agree with. The problem with pointing out corrupt individuals on one side is that the same corruption can be found on the other side. More and more minorities are deciding to leave the Democratic Plantation as well because the see that the swallowing the liberal pill has destroyed their community. Rest assured, more will follow, eventually pushing the bottom feeders out of the Party.
Kanye, is that you? Is Bruce there with you? Blink twice if you need help.
The GOP has since emboldened the politics of hate.

I think I probably agree with this, but do you really not see where the democratic party has done the same? If I were trying to create more racism and resentment along racial lines I would do exactly as the democratic party has done for the last decade. Making race an essential element of people's identity and constantly focusing on it does not create less racism.

Then you've got the organizations. BLM began based on the lie of "Hand up don't shoot" and instigated riots to burn down an entire town based on that lie. Not to mention the crazy amount of antisemitism within that org. Antifa is basically a bunch of 16 year old white commies that for some reason like to burn down black businesses. If any right leaning organization exhibited that level of violence all republicans would rightly be asked to denounce and disavow them. The media holds the GOP's feet to the fire and, until Trump, they have had to oust their deplorables. The democrats just mainstream theirs because there's little risk to them doing so. They will not be shamed for it by a sympathetic media.
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I think I probably agree with this, but do you really not see where the democratic party has done the same? If I were trying to create more racism and resentment along racial lines I would do exactly as the democratic party has done for the last decade. Making race an essential element of people's identity and constantly focusing on it does not create less racism.

Then you've got the organizations. BLM began based on the lie of "Hand up don't shoot" and instigated riots to burn down an entire town based on that lie. Not to mention the crazy amount of antisemitism within that org. Antifa is basically a bunch of 16 year old white commies that for some reason like to burn down black businesses. If any right leaning organization exhibited that level of violence all republicans would rightly be asked to denounce and disavow them. The media holds the GOP's feet to the fire and, until Trump, they have had to oust their deplorables. The democrats just mainstream theirs because there's little risk to them doing so. They will not be shamed for it by a sympathetic media.
I can agree in part. I don't agree with antifa's tactics as it doesn't do anything to help anyone's cause. But I also think that there are ways the right is using that. In Minneapolis, the initial violence and looting was caught on video and done by individuals with known ties to white supremacy groups. People will do anything to implicate the other side (and I'm not saying extreme left groups haven't done similar things). I also believe armed militiamen going to the capital building armed to the hilt to intimidate lawmakers into doing what they want is the equivalent of armed insurrection and should be treated as such. How in the world is that not considered domestic terrorism? (And yes, Antifa's violence should be considered as such as well).