Tulsa air quality.


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003
This isn't about global warming/climate change.

Last year we had well over 20 times when we exceeded ozone standards. This year we had zero...none. In fact last year was so bad that we put ourselves out for the three year average. This year we were so good that all five sampling stations are within limits for the new three year average.

Not being on the dirty air list benefits the city in a number of ways and all of us are not facing stricter specifications at the pump, meaning a rise in prices. Everyone from consumers, to local government, to the evil oil industry has done their part. Give yourself a pat on the back and breathe easier.
Global warming existes. Its is caused by all the people opening their mouths to talk about Global Warming.
So will the good news turn bad? Will the liberals in DC raise (or is it lower) the bar to a new unachievable level since there is no benefit for them to increase their stranglehold on peoples freedoms and daily routines? If we keep this up, there won't need to be any EPA for crying out loud. They can't let this happen! Those folks need a job no matter how unproductive, harmful and unimportant it is.
Let 'em raise it. I'll just keep routinely spraying Air Freshner on all five sampling stations. Morning Mist and Alpine Meadows seem to be the most effective.
no matter how 'bad' the reported air quality is in Tulsa, it will never be as bad as the air quality in any ciy in India, or Egypt. And they dont care.

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