Are you sure? I don't know what the tie breaker is, but imagine this...
We lost both games, so does UTSA, and Rice wins their game. Rice has the tie breaker over us. UTSA has the tie breaker over Rice. And we have the tie breaker over UTSA. And we all would finish with 5-13 records. Then it would be how we all finish with the top teams. I am assuming we'd lose that though. UTSA would probably get #10 for going 1-1 with N Texas, Rice would probably get #11 for beating E Carolina, and we would get #12 for beating nobody.
I don't know what the tiebreakers are. I found this on the interwebs
"If three or more (but not all) teams have the same best winning percentage in the
original mini-conference, then those tied teams create a new mini-conference and
follow this same procedure beginning of Step 1 (Multiple Team Tie)"
But all 3 teams would be 2-2. So that doesn't help.
Compare each team’s record vs. the team or group of tied teams occupying the highest
position in the standings. If an advantage is not determined, proceed to the next team or
group of tied teams in the standings for comparison. Continue down through the
standings until one or more teams gain an advantage. If two teams have the exact same
advantage (i.e., having the same and better record against a compared team relative to
their mini-conference), they are separated at that point by the two-way tiebreaker
procedure. The next step would take you back to Step 1 (e) (Multiple-Team Tie).
UTSA would get the top seed bc they beat UNT. Then Rice would get the next seed bc they beat ECU. And we'd get the bottom. Maybe???