Lawson put his name in the draft. Under the new rules, you can pull out. He hasn't hired an agent. But with what looks like a weak draft, I'm going to bet he makes a deal to come out.
Interesting, for sure. He entered the draft, withdrew his name and now has reentered but without an agent. So he can test the waters. If he isn't expected to go as high as he thinks he should, he can return to Memphis.
I'm also wondering with him reentering if it has anything to do with Papa Lawson's role, if he has one. As I.I. stated, Tubby is loyal to his assistants. He's had Pooh, Vince Taylor and Joe Esposito on his Tech staff and at other schools where he's coached.
I doubt Saul will get an assistant's job after his DUI fiasco, but could come in a similar role as he had at Tech--Director of Video Production.
Maybe Papa Lawson will not be on the staff or in a reduced role, a non-assistant position. That could be behind his son's decision to reenter.
We should know soon.