Tubby to Memphis

Lawson put his name in the draft. Under the new rules, you can pull out. He hasn't hired an agent. But with what looks like a weak draft, I'm going to bet he makes a deal to come out.

Interesting, for sure. He entered the draft, withdrew his name and now has reentered but without an agent. So he can test the waters. If he isn't expected to go as high as he thinks he should, he can return to Memphis.

I'm also wondering with him reentering if it has anything to do with Papa Lawson's role, if he has one. As I.I. stated, Tubby is loyal to his assistants. He's had Pooh, Vince Taylor and Joe Esposito on his Tech staff and at other schools where he's coached.

I doubt Saul will get an assistant's job after his DUI fiasco, but could come in a similar role as he had at Tech--Director of Video Production.

Maybe Papa Lawson will not be on the staff or in a reduced role, a non-assistant position. That could be behind his son's decision to reenter.

We should know soon.
Trying to force Tubby to hire someone is not something Tubby is used to doing. This is from the Memphis Commercial Appeal:

"A potentially explosive situation for the University of Memphis basketball program might have come to a head Saturday when the brother of Tigers assistant coach Keelon Lawson publicly challenged new head coach Tubby Smith to retain Lawson as an assistant or risk losing the team's top two returning players."

"So what happens now?" Chuck Lawson wrote Saturday. "Does Tubby give in and say, 'Coach Lawson you're my 3rd guy for this year,' or does he say, 'Coach it's been real?' Does he go ahead and make the hire of Saul (Smith), his son who played under him at Kentucky? What's kind of funny, he's trying to replace the father of kids with his son who played for him, kind of ironic."
Surely Memphis had an idea this would happen. If they didn't then they don't do much research. I'm assuming they knew and didn't mind it happening. At this point I don't see Tubby backing down. He would lose respect, and probably not be able to control the Lawson kids in practice. Sayonara to the Lawsons is coming down the pike. I wonder what the Memphis board thinks about this? This is one of those situations where I wish other boards had a non membership board like our basketball board.
Surely Memphis had an idea this would happen. If they didn't then they don't do much research. I'm assuming they knew and didn't mind it happening. At this point I don't see Tubby backing down. He would lose respect, and probably not be able to control the Lawson kids in practice. Sayonara to the Lawsons is coming down the pike. I wonder what the Memphis board thinks about this? This is one of those situations where I wish other boards had a non membership board like our basketball board.

Dockery Finch message board for Memphis is one of the best free boards in the country. You will love reading it as they have whined over Pastner for three years and now have a hornets nest stirred up over Tubby vs the Lawsons. They say Daddy Lawson didn't do much or participate as an assistant which caused dissent among other assistants. Now trying to force Tubby to keep him to save the Lawson recruits. Soap Opera.......
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Dockery Finch message board for Memphis is one of the best free boards in the country. You will love reading it as they have whined over Pastner for three years and now have a hornets nest stirred up over Tubby vs the Lawsons. They say Daddy Lawson didn't do much or participate as an assistant which caused dissent among other assistants. Now trying to force Tubby to keep him to save the Lawson recruits. Soap Opera.......

I thought I had been over there and was not able to get on the Dockery Finch board. Thanks for the correction.
Jason Smith ‏@TheCAJasonSmith 12m12 minutes ago
Some news: Keelon Lawson will remain at Memphis in a support staff role, Tubby Smith says. Lawson confirms. Story posting now.

Former University of Memphis assistant basketball coach Keelon Lawson will remain on the Tigers' staff in a support role, possibly as director of player personnel, new head coach Tubby Smith said this afternoon.

"We will be keeping Keelon on," Smith told The Commercial Appeal...

As the father of prospects, NCAA rules appear to prohibit Keelon from working in a support staff role within two years of the enrollment of his sons. But Memphis athletic officials are confident they will be granted a waiver on that rule by the NCAA, allowing Smith to move Keelon into a support staff position...

"I'm cool because it ain't about me. It's all about go Tigers. It's all about Memphis-born, Memphis-bred and when I die I'll be Memphis dead," Keelon said this afternoon. "And my boys love being here in Memphis. Never once did I say that I was gonna take them away from here. I was just trying to figure out what's going on. Just tell me what's going on so we can move forward. My boys want to be here and they want to be Tigers."
Dockery Finch message board for Memphis is one of the best free boards in the country. You will love reading it as they have whined over Pastner for three years and now have a hornets nest stirred up over Tubby vs the Lawsons. They say Daddy Lawson didn't do much or participate as an assistant which caused dissent among other assistants. Now trying to force Tubby to keep him to save the Lawson recruits. Soap Opera.......

no sir, Dan Wolken said that on the Gary Parrish show...we simply discussed it
Not sure how Memphis can win an appeal to get a Daddy coach a non-assistant position when no one else has been able to. But Pastner got those "sick grandma nearby" immediate transfers regularly. I just glad Tubby doesn't have to put up with him as an assistant.
Not sure how Memphis can win an appeal to get a Daddy coach a non-assistant position when no one else has been able to. But Pastner got those "sick grandma nearby" immediate transfers regularly. I just glad Tubby doesn't have to put up with him as an assistant.

because he's already been there two years, and THEN the coaching change happened...

here's the NCAA regulation:
11.4.2 Individual Associated with a Prospective Student-Athlete—Men’s Basketball. In
men’s basketball, during a two-year period before a prospective student-athlete’s anticipated enrollment and a
two-year period after the prospective student-athlete’s actual enrollment, an institution shall not employ (or enter
into a contract for future employment with) an individual associated with the prospective student-athlete in
any athletics department noncoaching staff position or in a strength and conditioning staff position. (Adopted:
1/16/10; a contract signed before 10/29/09 may be honored, Revised: 6/17/11)

so we could reassign Keelon at the end of the next season...since there was a coaching change, we are seeking a waiver...Tubby feels confident.
Well that's one way to get around it. Wasn't thinking bout them giving him a non assistant position. I guess it'll be a Blankenship type of position?
What are you saying, that Keelon got put in a non coaching position for practical reasons? And Tubby is going to appeal the situation and try and get him into an assistant position with the appeal, or in one year, when a certain time limit disappears? I'm a little fuzzy on point you are trying to postulate.

the rule says the father of a recruit...from the date the players joins the team...must be an asst coach for 2 years before they can moved into a non-coaching position. (that would be the end of this upcoming season)

thing is, Keelon was an asst for a full year before his sons came to Memphis, AND last he's kinda done his 2 years...and that is the basis of the appeal with the coaching change.

we can move him to a staff position, and pay him good money to essentially be a recruiter.
I read that article you linked after I posted that post, and deleted it for that reason. Thanks for the post but I already understood the situation after reading that article. I guess both Tubby and Dad get the carrot without a stick involved. That is if this works out in the way they are attempting to manipulate the system.
most impressive, Tubby...this is why he feels 'confident' we'll get the waiver

Here’s the catch: That rule is very likely going to change on Thursday.

That’s when the Division I Board of Directors will meet in Indianapolis, and at that meeting, they will determine whether Proposal No. 2015-30 will be passed.

According to the report from the NCAA’s Division I Council meeting from April 6th-8th, this is Proposal No. 2015-30, which was adopted by the Council and approved effective immediately: “In men’s basketball, to permit an institution to reassign an individual associated with a prospective student-athlete from a countable coaching staff position to a non-coaching staff position or strength and conditioning staff position, provided the individual has been a countable coach at the institution for at least the previous two academic years.”

Lawson was hired by Memphis in a countable coaching staff position in July of 2014, meaning he’s spent 21 months on the job and been with the program for the last two academic years. As of this July, NCAA rules will allow him to accept a position as a support staff member without endangering the eligibility of his sons.
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He probably calls it sketch because it meets all of the literal rule requirements, but it is not in line with the intent of these regulations. If it were a law, one would say it is not in the spirit of that law.
He probably calls it sketch because it meets all of the literal rule requirements, but it is not in line with the intent of these regulations. If it were a law, one would say it is not in the spirit of that law.
That and that Keelon Lawson is a complete skeezeball that has basically ransomed his way into the depths of the program. Then we have to mention Cal and Rose.

There's been sketchy crap going on in Memphis for years. But hey, at least you guys moderate compared to SMU.
because he's already been there two years, and THEN the coaching change happened...

here's the NCAA regulation:

so we could reassign Keelon at the end of the next season...since there was a coaching change, we are seeking a waiver...Tubby feels confident.
Regardless, most universities have an employee benefit where the dependents of a staff member get free tuition. GG Smith was going to come here in that capacity when Tubby was still here and he didn't sign a LOI because he wasn't going to use a scholarship. Because Tubby left before he ever played for TU, there wasn't any messy transfer or requests to be released. The younger Lawsons could always go that route in Memphis and if something happens prior to them actually enrolling/playing they would be free to look elsewhere. Also, the NCAA surely has a provision that allows for such "recruitment" for dependents. It'd be pretty silly for the NCAA to say your son now can't go to the school you're employed at.

Then again...there was the whole Rotnei Clarke situation.

2h2 hours ago
L. Jason Smith ‏@TheCAJasonSmith
Tubby Smith's assistant coaches at Memphis: Alvin "Pooh" Williamson, Joe Esposito, Saul Smith.

Doc Holliday– ‏@The_DocHolliday

Keelon Lawson tells me he's accepted job as Director of Player Development for Tubby Smith. Per Keelon "Oatmeal is better than no meal."
8:49 PM - 25 Apr 2016
Tubby is now the enemy.

He will receive ibligatory boos from me when visiting the RC.

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