There is a room fill with people of diversity.

A democrat eneters the room; sees the diversity and feels compelled to acknowledge it, then joins the group.

A republican enters the room; sees the diversity and joins the group.
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There is a room fill with people of diversity.

A democrat eneters the room; sees the diversity and feels compelled to acknowledge it, then joins the group.

A republican enters the room; sees the diversity and joins the group.
That’s seriously about the most polite way of putting it.

These people think black people are lesser than able to do well in life than white people. They call it things like “white privilege” & “racism,” (a common tactics for democrats is to mask what they’re guilty of by calling their opponents exactly that - we’ve seen it with Russiagate & Ukrainegate) when in reality they’re too dumb to realize that all they’re proving is that they truly believe black people or other minorities OF COLOR (again, proving they’re racist bc they don’t go around marching for the rights of Russian Jewish immigrants) are less than capable of doing well/having success than white people.

Everything about their “movements” proves that they’re not only racist/sexist but also everything about what I just said. They are the racists. They are the sexists. They are the people defending every religion imaginable BUT NEVER CHRISTIANITY! Actually, they’d probably break their own rules just to tell black people they can’t worship on Sundays bc it’s too dangerous to have that many people in a church - AND THEY WOULD THINK THEY WERE BEING ALTRUISTIC WHILE BLATANTLY SHOWING THEIR BELIEF THAT BLACK PEOPLE ARE TOO DUMB TO MAKE THEIR OWN DECISIONS! AND THEN THEY WOULD EXPECT TO GET MORE POINTS FOR WHAT THEY BELIEVE WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO BY SIGNALING THEIR VIRTUE! In reality all they would’ve done is prove that they are the most racist people in the country!

This is why I say white liberals are the worst!