This is sickening & white liberals this is especially for you


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2002

This is a must read for everyone but should be a must for white liberals. This was written by a Tulsa Police Officer. I have interacted with this guy multiple times - all good (I was even almost arrested by him once, I think? - don’t remember but I’m pretty sure it was him & he let me off after a stern talking to me about my behavior). He is a good man & does a great job.

I said white liberals because they truly are the worst, they do nothing to ever improve anything. Just look at every democrat run city - you’d never want to live there. These people trample on their own & it’s been proven by studies that they are actually the most racist white group. They dumb down the way they talk when speaking to blacks bc they think they’re stupid, they NEVER enact policy that helps the community much less the black community. Those not in government know nothing about what they vote for nor why they even think what they vote for is right.

Level up & take a look around. Nothing liberals ever promise to do gets accomplished. They’re not doing anything in the House but orange man bad. Even with Trump creating a great economy the liberals are still ruining things now over the death of a man (who was a criminal) they never met. 8 years of Obama had this country on the brink & after Trump reviving it, giving it one last chance of normalcy, the democrats have still ruined everything. If people don’t wise up, there will be nothing, NOTHING that remotely resembles the USA in which you grew up left.