The Truck


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003
Killing two birds with one stone here.

1. Authorities opened an abandoned box truck and found it was packed with illegal aliens. They were hot, tired, exhausted and dehydrated. They were from all over Latin America and it might not have been long before some would have started to die. The blame rests with this Administration who will not enforce our borders. Once the word got out that you couldn't get in illegally any longer, no one would pay the truly evil criminals that took their money and deserted them. We are an unfenced swimming pool next to an elementary school. A promised land located just beyond a desert that you can pay criminals to lead you to. No only dangerous but conducive to trade in children.

2. Our porous borders not only let in illegals and drugs, but if [in the unlikely event that] we ever get rid of all guns as some wish, a third contraband could easily come in that way. If you can smuggle in full sized men and women, it should not be too hard to smuggle in a few cheap [Saturday Night Special] pocket pistols. Away from headline killings, most murders occur with 22 and 25 caliber low tech guns. Of course, the gangs have better.
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How does a huge truck make it across the border without being checked? The possibilities of what a truck like this could be carrying is endless. Are our border policies really this porous?
He claimed to have picked the trailer up in Laredo, if true, the it never crossed the border and the individuals made it on foot. Of course, it was to his advantage to claim he had no idea what was in the truck. Fingers coming out of the back doors was a clue.

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