The Death of The Establishment GOP


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 16, 2008
After an impressive month of fundraising despite corporate America siding with the Dems against Trump supporters and pulling their financial support, it’s now apartment that CPAC was the rally cry that generated the support Trump sought to take full control of the Republican Party and end the establishment GOP’s rule. Trump stated “No more money for RINOS,” They do nothing but hurt the Republican Party and our great voting base — they will never lead us to Greatness. “We will bring it all back stronger than ever before!”
Doing his damnedest to split the party 🎉 along lines of intellect.

If successful, will ensure democratic victories for years.

I have faith that even ignorant republicans will smell the napalm in the morning, and vote with the party 🎉 faithful. (eventually) It'll take a few losses to lead a horse 🐎 to water.

Bang your head.
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Is this much different than the socialist wing of the Democratic Party and their efforts to support socialist friendly candidates? Assume both parties care enough about power (the always have) to do what it necessary to maximize the same.
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Doing his damnedest to split the party 🎉 along lines of intellect.

If successful, will ensure democratic victories for years.

I have faith that even ignorant republicans will smell the napalm in the morning, and vote with the party 🎉 faithful. (eventually) It'll take a few losses to lead a horse 🐎 to water.

Bang your head.
When you break down the amount of financial support that is flooding in for some of the most controversial Republicans like Greene and Hawley, and with Desantis ( a staunch Trump supporter) firmly polling second behind Trump, there is no indication that the establishment GOP will survive Trumpism.
political subparty

Radical right
Never trumpers
Swamp Republicans


Yellow dog democrats
Swamp democrats
Socialist democrats
Communist democrats
According to ?

In 2016 I was a never Hillary so I voted for Trump. Wasn't a fan of his tweets, but loved the fact that they drove the left batty. He was able to impliment some policies but spent most of his term fending off bogus crxp from the media and the dems.

So in 2020 the choice was the Trump or socialism. Didn't like either so I voted Libiterian.

Trump lost so he needs to move on.
the socialist won so freebies for everyone..

Fringe elements have gained ground in both parties and splinter groups are appearing.

Like many people Republicans and democrats I have no party. Our elected officials are more concerned with their power, getting reelected, pasifying radical groups and getting even with their opposition,
According to ?

In 2016 I was a never Hillary so I voted for Trump. Wasn't a fan of his tweets, but loved the fact that they drove the left batty. He was able to impliment some policies but spent most of his term fending off bogus crxp from the media and the dems.

So in 2020 the choice was the Trump or socialism. Didn't like either so I voted Libiterian.

Trump lost so he needs to move on.
the socialist won so freebies for everyone..

Fringe elements have gained ground in both parties and splinter groups are appearing.

Like many people Republicans and democrats I have no party. Our elected officials are more concerned with their power, getting reelected, pasifying radical groups and getting even with their opposition,
The ability of a political party to effectively raise Capitol is a key indicator of political prowess and popularity. Trump has raised a great deal of Capitol in large part because about half of the US population does not want to embrace socialism or desire free stuff. The actions of the left are squarely fueling Trumps popularity and increasing his ability to raise Capitol. Most Republicans believe he is the only one who can effectively battle the left. This desire of the people to fight and win against the left has led to the Republican Party fully embracing Trumpism. This is why I believe the establishment GOP that embraced globalism over nationalism is now dead.
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Trumps appeal was he did not back down to the attacks. What you see is what you get, as opposed to the smoke and mirrors you get from career politicians

Trump is a businessman not a politician.
A politician has to be liked,
a businessman doesn't care.
According to ?

In 2016 I was a never Hillary so I voted for Trump. Wasn't a fan of his tweets, but loved the fact that they drove the left batty. He was able to impliment some policies but spent most of his term fending off bogus crxp from the media and the dems.

So in 2020 the choice was the Trump or socialism. Didn't like either so I voted Libiterian.

Trump lost so he needs to move on.
the socialist won so freebies for everyone..

Fringe elements have gained ground in both parties and splinter groups are appearing.

Like many people Republicans and democrats I have no party. Our elected officials are more concerned with their power, getting reelected, pasifying radical groups and getting even with their opposition,
Apologies, engelish is my fiftie langage.

Trumps appeal was he did not back down to the attacks. What you see is what you get, as opposed to the smoke and mirrors you get from career politicians

Trump is a flimflammer-man not a politician.
A politician has to be liked,
a flimflamm-man doesn't care.

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