I just wanted to thank you for all of your hard work and dedication that
you put in to this site. You always do a terrific job and provide
without a doubt the best coverage of TU athletics and recruiting!
Subscribing to The Alley is more than worth the nominal price and we
have you to thank for that. The local media is a joke when it comes to
TU and thank God us TU diehards have you!! Keep up the good work and
thank you for making me look like a TU Athletics expert to all my
you put in to this site. You always do a terrific job and provide
without a doubt the best coverage of TU athletics and recruiting!
Subscribing to The Alley is more than worth the nominal price and we
have you to thank for that. The local media is a joke when it comes to
TU and thank God us TU diehards have you!! Keep up the good work and
thank you for making me look like a TU Athletics expert to all my