
Good article. The problem with our policy toward Syria is ISIS. We were warned last year of the growth of ISIS in Syria....and ignored every warming. We knew about their violence. We knew their extremist beliefs. We knew their goals. Yet, we sat tight as they grew in numbers. We did nothing as they acquired millions upon millions of dollars. We watched as they acquired a huge cache of military assets....and now we're alarmed. They are better funded, more extreme, more violent and bigger than Al Qaeda.

I now expect us to do whatever we can to eliminate this group. Unfortunately, the task now is much more difficult than it would have been a year ago.
Good stuff. Thanks. No good solution for Syria unless you take out IS. I remember all of the "rebels good, Assad bad" noise from last year. Not all analysts are created equal.

The ISIS problem predates the current Syrian conflict. Pretty fascinating course going back to the founding of the Ba'ath Party in 1947. When I get some time I will try to post a bit more info on that long and tangled path.

Let me revive a favorite phrase from the left.

"What's his exit strategy?"

Just throw up his hands and go home?

Wave a white flag?

Ah!!! I know. Negotiate. Just talk nice to them and they will . . .
This post was edited on 8/31 8:56 PM by aTUfan
Isreal and Egypt both are willing to support Assad at least as long as it takes to get rid of ISIS.

That tells you something.

GO TU!!!
I was just wondering what some of our liberal friends thought about this question: Which is worse - water boarding a murdering terrorist or beheading a law abiding journalist?

Option #1 - Waterboarding a terrorist.

Option #2 - Beheading a journalist - (perhaps from the NYT!)

Which is worse, beheading a noncombatant or sodomizing the body of a dead ambassador in Benghazi?

Option #1 - Beheading

Option #1 - That other thing

Which is worse, allowing a deserter to go free in exchange for 5 terrorists who enjoy beheadings or allowing Christians to die for their faith in the middle east?

Option #1 - 5 beheading terrorists set free

Option #2 - All Christains should die if they live in the wrong place
You have to kind of admire them. They are not afraid to state and act upon their beliefs. Even if the whole world and Super Hero Obama threatens to hit 'em with Sanctions.

As opposed to the average American who is afraid to even say "Merry Christmas" because someone might be offended.
Thirteen years ago we were ATTACKED by Radical Muslims.

GWB (contrary to our elite media reporting, had the endorsement from Congress, and troups from most of our allies) entered into a war with the countries largely believed to be harboring the forces responsible for this attack.

By the end of GWB's term we had substantially defeated, or reduced the sphere of influence and the effectiveness of the Taliban, al Quita, Jihadists, and other radical groups.

BHO replaced GWB and with intelligence provided from the Bush Administration, we got Ben Laden.

Then BHO started his own Foreign policy (exercised by HRC) and now we have

Russia evading the Ukraine.

Israel under constant attack.

Now we have rise of ISIS, ISIL, The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Quita , . . .

In just six short years, BHO has Undone what GWB had accomplished.
Rabid, you actually have a very good post.

ISIL changes it from Syria and Iraq to The Levant. The Levant according to the source of all knowledge [Wikipedia.]:

"The Levant today consists of the island of Aleppo Vilayet)."

So why did Obama switch to using ISIL? The most likely and most benign reason is that he would just a soon forget about Syria because in the past he has ignored it. A darker reason would be that he cares little about Israel and Jordan, our two best friends in the area. Turkey can take care of itself, I should think, and Cyprus doesn't have much to fear because of location and Turkish interests there.

This post was edited on 9/4 5:31 PM by TUMe
Originally posted by TUMe:
Rabid, you actually have a very good post.

ISIL changes it from Syria and Iraq to The Levant. The Levant according to the source of all knowledge [Wikipedia.]

"The Levant today consists of the island of Aleppo Vilayet)."

So why did Obama switch to using ISIL? The most likely and most benign reason is that he would just a soon forget about Syria because in the past he has ignored it. A darker reason would be that he care little about Israel and Jordan, our two best friends in the area. Turkey can take care of itself, I should think, and Cyprus doesn't have much to fear because of location and Turkish interests there.
Bingo! ISIS is a more accurate description of those terrorists than the confusing terminology used by the liberals. Perhaps that is the reason they use it now. I've noticed that some of the "mainstream" media still uses both terms, but I believe that the Obama administration originally used the term ISIS, but evidently got a memo to stop doing that. Its become a battle of words.

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