this from CBS's John Rothstein:
•Tulsa coach Frank Haith told CBS Sports this week that he’s expecting freshman point guard Sterling Taplin to be an immediate contributor. If Tulsa can get mileage out of Taplin, it could allow Haith to play both James Woodard (14.5 points per game last season) and Shaquille Harrison (13.1 points per game last season) off the ball. The Golden Hurricane went 23-11 last season and bring back everyone of significance.
•Tulsa coach Frank Haith told CBS Sports this week that he’s expecting freshman point guard Sterling Taplin to be an immediate contributor. If Tulsa can get mileage out of Taplin, it could allow Haith to play both James Woodard (14.5 points per game last season) and Shaquille Harrison (13.1 points per game last season) off the ball. The Golden Hurricane went 23-11 last season and bring back everyone of significance.