I'll keep mine fresh when you do.Hilarious. Nothing like keeping your material fresh and up to date.
I'll keep mine fresh when you do.Hilarious. Nothing like keeping your material fresh and up to date.
This is just wrong. As we all know, anyone could have been hired as coach when Self left and had success. Hell, John Phillips had success winning 2 NCAA tournament games which should have been 3 at a minimum.The Buzz year was not the disaster. Yes, that team should have won NCAA tournament games instead of the NIT. But, it was successful enough with a good enough returning cast to draw excellent replacement candidates. The disaster was overreacting to the loss of another coach and picking a guy that had no business being the coach of a successful program.
Buzz was a hot commodity among lower tier coaches and an up and comer, I’m sure he had other options. That’s the problem with putting yourself in the tier 4 head coach or big program assistant market - it’s a crapshoot. Remember Doug was supposed to be one of the best assistants and most likely to get a head coaching gig too.This is just wrong. As we all know, anyone could have been hired as coach when Self left and had success. Hell, John Phillips had success winning 2 NCAA tournament games which should have been 3 at a minimum.
Buzz was the wrong hire. He had no real credentials to be named the head coach here over Norm Roberts (or Billy Clyde).He had ZERO desire to be here. He recruited NO ONE. And his style was a 180 from all the players on campus who Self recruited. He got the job because he was tight with Michael Jordan.
This is just wrong. As we all know, anyone could have been hired as coach when Self left and had success. Hell, John Phillips had success winning 2 NCAA tournament games which should have been 3 at a minimum.
Buzz was the wrong hire. He had no real credentials to be named the head coach here over Norm Roberts (or Billy Clyde).He had ZERO desire to be here. He recruited NO ONE. And his style was a 180 from all the players on campus who Self recruited. He got the job because he was tight with Michael Jordan.
A statement with merit.Buzz was a mistake, but not one that should have had a long term impact.
The focus was too local. Chris Wallace was barely a D2 player and should have never been running the point for a D1 team. Then the Brazilian kids who never amounted to much. Teichmann looked like he had some potential but never got the coaching or developmental instruction at this level to move the needle. Same thing with Charles Ramsdell.One thing we all miss is the fact that a majority of TU fans felt JP was a great hire. And when he hired Pooh and Kwanza it looked like a great winning combination.
The first indication that all three of them could never recruit was the signing of Meier. I love them all but they were the worst recruiters in the history of modern TU basketball.
JP and staff ‘s recruiting was so bad, Bill Self would have had a losing record with JP’s last year players.