saturday practice report


I.T.S. Junior
Gold Member
Dec 4, 2003
No expert but here is my view. Offense is ahead plays every 7 to 10 sec. Evans has lost weight and is soaking up the coaching much improved, the other QBs made some nice plays but Dane is the guy for now. Running back group looks good Brewer is quick fast and confident, Langer is Langer nice player. Dickerson made a long run as did Flanders, Warren can play. Who is # 42 a big back. Maybe tight end will be in play both Wilson and Prince can catch. Didn't watch O-line enough to see who played. Maybe 200 plays 65% passing, saw some nice trick fun plays. Was fun to see so much action no wasted time the defense will be better for one reason they will be in shape. Petera Wilson looks to be at LBer looks natural to him if he is still #44. Receivers ran past most of the corners and safeties, hope the guys coming in can play need some help and speed. D-line played hard I like DE Smith he ran with a receiver on coverage and rushed the QB along with several linemen.
Almost forgot the best part the receiver group. What can I say about Lucas he is a star, Garrett beat the DBs deep and often, Atkinson didn't drop a ball made several nice plays IMO the most improved. I like Hobbs long tall fast may be best new guy, Carter and Louie made some plays. Who is # 38 nice possession receiver. Am sure I missed a lot, fast fun action.
Originally posted by okie51:
No expert but here is my view. Offense is ahead plays every 7 to 10 sec. Evans has lost weight and is soaking up the coaching much improved, the other QBs made some nice plays but Dane is the guy for now. Running back group looks good Brewer is quick fast and confident, Langer is Langer nice player. Dickerson made a long run as did Flanders, Warren can play. Who is # 42 a big back. Maybe tight end will be in play both Wilson and Prince can catch. Didn't watch O-line enough to see who played. Maybe 200 plays 65% passing, saw some nice trick fun plays. Was fun to see so much action no wasted time the defense will be better for one reason they will be in shape. Petera Wilson looks to be at LBer looks natural to him if he is still #44. Receivers ran past most of the corners and safeties, hope the guys coming in can play need some help and speed. D-line played hard I like DE Smith he ran with a receiver on coverage and rushed the QB along with several linemen.
Almost forgot the best part the receiver group. What can I say about Lucas he is a star, Garrett beat the DBs deep and often, Atkinson didn't drop a ball made several nice plays IMO the most improved. I like Hobbs long tall fast may be best new guy, Carter and Louie made some plays. Who is # 38 nice possession receiver. Am sure I missed a lot, fast fun action.
Thanks for the update. #38 and #42 are both walk ons. I agree about Jeremy Smith, I feel he should be the breakout guy on defense In a big way.
Originally posted by okie51:
No expert but here is my view. Offense is ahead plays every 7 to 10 sec. Evans has lost weight and is soaking up the coaching much improved, the other QBs made some nice plays but Dane is the guy for now. Running back group looks good Brewer is quick fast and confident, Langer is Langer nice player. Dickerson made a long run as did Flanders, Warren can play. Who is # 42 a big back. Maybe tight end will be in play both Wilson and Prince can catch. Didn't watch O-line enough to see who played. Maybe 200 plays 65% passing, saw some nice trick fun plays. Was fun to see so much action no wasted time the defense will be better for one reason they will be in shape. Petera Wilson looks to be at LBer looks natural to him if he is still #44. Receivers ran past most of the corners and safeties, hope the guys coming in can play need some help and speed. D-line played hard I like DE Smith he ran with a receiver on coverage and rushed the QB along with several linemen.
Almost forgot the best part the receiver group. What can I say about Lucas he is a star, Garrett beat the DBs deep and often, Atkinson didn't drop a ball made several nice plays IMO the most improved. I like Hobbs long tall fast may be best new guy, Carter and Louie made some plays. Who is # 38 nice possession receiver. Am sure I missed a lot, fast fun action.
Did you notice any Khari activity at the practice?
According to Hoover's article this AM, BY is pretty high on Jeremy Skith as well. Interesting take from Norwood and Young about the D. Neither of them watched any film on current players and instead watched Baylor D film to get the coaches on the same page. To summarize it doesn't really matter what any of the players could do in an old system that obviously did not work. They'll evaluate players with a clean slate of 11 open positions and that the 4-3 going in has several different variations that will be used. 3 have been practiced so far. D-line should be good. Alexander and Smith getting praise as well as Uwezaoke and then Burbaker and Luetjen will be back to anchor the middle. Even if the D could just move up to top 70 in the country in their stat categories that will probably translate to 4-5 more wins. I knew our D was bad but being sub > 100 in rush yds allowed, pass yds, total yds allowed, scoring, and yds/play makes it sound even worse including a total D rank of 113 out of 113 FBS schools. Pretty abysmal and sobering.

Key for this upcoming year and if Ctt or one of those other numbers people want to keep track, how many 3 and outs can our defense get immediately after scoring? This offense is going to burn the bulbs out of the scoreboard and 2 quick scores might just demoralize the other team enough and give our D some added confidence.m
Did not see any new player at LBer that stood out other then Petera but I was fascinated trying to keep up with the offense. Petera may help the Lber group and a group is what will be needed as the offense will score and be off the field, it will take four good players to have enough gas in the tank with an up and comer for good measure. Hope Khari was out there just didn't see him.
Although defense was horrible, a bad offense that keeps going 3 and out is going to make things worse. Both should be better considerably.
Son and I made it out Saturday. First thing the 9 y/o noticed was Dane has thinned out and lost the knee brace. I wasn't sure if it was because they were in shells or if he has lost it for good, but he does seem a step or two faster and a little more agile. Coaches stress "finishing" every play/drill/whatever. That was one word we heard called out all day....I like it. Praxtixe is as advertised. Fast paced, organized chaos. My son asked me to time some of the plays and from whistle to snap went 14, 9, 11, 13, 12, 8, 8, 12, and 10 seconds. Granted the entire offense was on the field so subbing for a WR that just went 30 yards down field was easy, but DAMN that was fast. CM's signals are just like Klein mentioned. Simple and fast. He called the whole practice. One thing I did notice was Norwood was much more involved in the defense lining up than BY. Outside some D only drills, I didn't see BY coaching up kids as much, but I may have missed it since my son was too busy asking about the LB squad and what they were doing. The Tampa 2 threw him for a loop when he saw Martin drop from his MLB to back with the safeties. That was fun to explain....
Posted from Rivals Mobile

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