Princeton takes Woody Wilson's name down.


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003
He kept us out of war (till after the election) but he didn't keep his name on the building.
He kept us out of war (till after the election) but he didn't keep his name on the building.
His views on race were severely lacking, as was the company he kept in terms of domestic politicians from the southern democratic party.... but he probably did more in terms of putting the US in a position of strength than any president before him. He also did more for the rights of workers than any president before him or since. He also fought congress to pass the women's suffrage amendment. Complex guy.

He's consistently ranked by most historians to be one of the greatest presidents of all time. I'm not sure whether he should have his name on a building or not. How many good works does it take to balance the bad deeds of one's life??? It seems it's apparently an extraordinary amount.
His views on race were severely lacking, as was the company he kept in terms of domestic politicians from the southern democratic party.... but he probably did more in terms of putting the US in a position of strength than any president before him. He also did more for the rights of workers than any president before him or since. He also fought congress to pass the women's suffrage amendment. Complex guy.

He's consistently ranked by most historians to be one of the greatest presidents of all time. I'm not sure whether he should have his name on a building or not. How many good works does it take to balance the bad deeds of one's life??? It seems it's apparently an extraordinary amount.
His wife and his Chief Advisor, ("Colonel" House) had a lot of influence after his severe stroke. He wanted a third term but the Party wouldn't hear of it. He would not have finished a third term, he died in 1924.
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His views on race were severely lacking, as was the company he kept in terms of domestic politicians from the southern democratic party.... but he probably did more in terms of putting the US in a position of strength than any president before him. He also did more for the rights of workers than any president before him or since. He also fought congress to pass the women's suffrage amendment. Complex guy.

He's consistently ranked by most historians to be one of the greatest presidents of all time. I'm not sure whether he should have his name on a building or not. How many good works does it take to balance the bad deeds of one's life??? It seems it's apparently an extraordinary amount.
If we go after presidents like him, it is doubtful we'd have many presidents from the first 150 years of our nation to revere and/or put their names on schools, statues, etc. Once again the Democratic party is taking things to extremes. There are those whose views are too extreme, and their actions too severe to ignore, but he is not one of them. Many presidents views on slavery were wrong, but to act on all of them is to ignore the things that were good about them. There is such a thing as excusing their views on slavery for the times they lived in. Excusing them is not condoning them.
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His wife and his Chief of Staff had a lot of influence after his severe stroke. He wanted a third term but the Party wouldn't hear of it.
True and true. He wasn't the first president to want a third term though. Grant sought the Republican nomination for a third term against Garfield at the 1880 Republican convention. Roosevelt was campaigning for a 3rd term in 1912 after having served 7.5 years after McKinley's assassination. FDR got 4 terms.
It seems it's apparently an extraordinary amount.
Depends on who you are talking about and who you are talking to. If you are talking to the crowd that wants to cancel the President who ended slavery and mustered an army of 100,000 veterans to crush the Klan, but wants you to vote for a man in November who voted to restore Robert E Lee’s citizenship and has a twenty year record of racist statements until he needed the black vote, Id say the bar is pretty high for everyone they don’t like today.
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One of the worst US leaders to ever live. Not sure what good changing the school name does though
It makes a bunch of white elitists feel good about their guilt, while they pretend theres no blood on their hands for not speaking out to stop the violence committed by their students.
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Well yes. Fascism came to the United States and it was named Woodrow Wilson
Thats funny.... I thought it was part of that invasionist, ‘boot in your ass’, starts-wars-for no-reason-and-doesn’t-even-win-them Bush administration.

Calling a guy who literally founded the League of Nations, predecessor to the UN, a fascist is lunacy.

BTW, almost every reputable historian disagrees with your sentiment.
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Thats funny.... I thought it was part of that invasionist, ‘boot in your ass’, starts-wars-for no-reason-and-doesn’t-even-win-them Bush administration.

Calling a guy who literally founded the League of Nations, predecessor to the UN, a fascist is lunacy.

BTW, almost every reputable historian disagrees with your sentiment.

I don't think you have a good understanding of the policies that Wilson put in place. But we've had this conversation before and there's no use rehashing it. My criticism is equally harsh of the America that elected him at the time though. Eugenics had significant support, and european fascists were happy to steal that from us as well.

Nice to see you've picked up the "but Bush" mantle from WATU though
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In the 50s we had the Mcarthy outing communists.

Now we are outing racists. Who makes that determinization? I thought we had a first ammendment allowing free speach and thought.

I saw where some one was fired for his racist comment "all lives matter".
Good old Woodrow.. he resegregated the military and the govt.. but he did bring movie night to the white house.. Giving "Birth of a Nation" two thumbs up as the first flick ever projected at the white house...

Worst Ever President.
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Good old Woodrow.. he resegregated the military and the govt.. but he did bring movie night to the white house.. Giving "Birth of a Nation" two thumbs up as the first flick ever projected at the white house...

Worst Ever President.
Because he is quoted in the movie praising the Klan for their protection of Southern whites.

The arrogant delusion of the uninformed self righteous on the left never ceases to amaze me. The man was repugnant and saying he did other great things, like letting our allies fight nearly all of WW1 alone, is up there up with the people in the 70s saying Pol Pot gets credit for developing better drinking water.
I don't think you have a good understanding of the policies that Wilson put in place. But we've had this conversation before and there's no use rehashing it. My criticism is equally harsh of the America that elected him at the time though. Eugenics had significant support, and european fascists were happy to steal that from us as well.

Nice to see you've picked up the "but Bush" mantle from WATU though
I have a good understanding of his policies. I think you’ve bought into some extremely simplified arguments brought by a small handful of modern conservatives to undermine a liberal president who had tremendous success in office. They attack issues that were just beginning to be at the fringe of relevancy at the time compared to extremely evident problems of the time like the struggle for workers rights, the rise of socialism, tariff reform, tax reform, banking reform, etc..

Also, when you start to actual read about the broad support that eugenics policies had in that era, you realize it wasn’t restricted to Wilsonian progressives and many of the historically proposed eugenics policies are still shared today with the modern Republican Party. (Especially in terms of immigration restrictions like mandatory literacy exams, etc...)
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I have a good understanding of his policies. I think you’ve bought into some extremely simplified arguments brought by a small handful of modern conservatives to undermine a liberal president who had tremendous success in office. They attack issues that were just beginning to be at the fringe of relevancy at the time compared to extremely evident problems of the time like the struggle for workers rights, the rise of socialism, tariff reform, tax reform, banking reform, etc..

Also, when you start to actual read about the broad support that eugenics policies had in that era, you realize it wasn’t restricted to Wilsonian progressives and many of the historically proposed eugenics policies are still shared today with the modern Republican Party. (Especially in terms of immigration restrictions like mandatory literacy exams, etc...)

I don’t know if you read my post but I actually said I don’t want to rehash your nonsense, and I also said I was criticizing America at large for eugenics support. This leads me to assume you didn’t read
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I have a good understanding of his policies. I think you’ve bought into some extremely simplified arguments brought by a small handful of modern conservatives to undermine a liberal president who had tremendous success in office. They attack issues that were just beginning to be at the fringe of relevancy at the time compared to extremely evident problems of the time like the struggle for workers rights, the rise of socialism, tariff reform, tax reform, banking reform, etc...
The man allowed the formation of a private organization that was publicly endorsed by the government which operated in 600 cities and had 250,000 to conduct warrantless no knock searches, vigilante justice raids that left thousands dead or hospitalized, break up anti-war demonstrations, break strikes, burn newspaper print presses or subvert their publication, and other Brownshirt activity. Children as young as 10 were recruited to spy on their parents. Others were recruited to seduce and blackmail the owners of strategic industrial assets. In one famous three day incident 75,000 people were arrested in New York of suspected spy activity, less than 400 actually convicted and nearly all for nothing more than failing to produce a draft registration card upon demand. More than 10,000 people were interned without representation or redress until after the war after their arrest by the APL for nothing more than familial ties to Germany. After the war, what was left of the leadership promptly shifted gears and advocated for selective deportation of those deemed racially or politically undesirable. The rest of the leadership, mostly in the South, Indiana and Ohio, left to join the Klan. He shut down newspapers and started a state run newspaper that the Smithsonian says is the best US example of a Pravda style state propaganda machine.

This was first semester stuff at TU when I was there. What do they teach you now? Maybe I don’t want to know. It really shocks me how little you know on some topics but claim sufficient knowledge to justify what you think is your opinion but is little more than programming spoon fed to you by others. Seriously, stop listening to people, believing their propaganda and go read legit peer reviewed impartial history. All that critical theory stuff has been censored for any mention of anything critical of the Democratic Party and little better than the Lost Cause school of confederate historians.
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I don’t know if you read my post but I actually said I don’t want to rehash your nonsense, and I also said I was criticizing America at large for eugenics support. This leads me to assume you didn’t read
I read it, but America or Wilson weren't fascist back then any more than Winston Churchill was fascist for supporting the same sorts of thing in Britain. What made fascists fascist wasn't strictly a support for eugenics.
No one said that
My criticism is equally harsh of the America that elected him at the time though. Eugenics had significant support, and european fascists were happy to steal that from us as well.
I just don't see how you can actually take see the fruits of the full labors of Wilson as President and represent them as fascist. Wilson's Roufteen Points read like an antithesis of the practices of the Fascist states that came later. (Germany, Italy, Spain, Argentina).

He called for Global Peace. Self Determination (Specifically for Russia in relation to Socialism). Reductions in Militarism / Armaments. Anti-Colonialism. All of those fascist states were extremely militaristic.

Wilson also had the support the labor union movement, which was movement that Mussolini said was against the fascist doctrine as it went against the ability of the state to regulate industry.

In many ways, I see Wilson as Geopolitically and Economically progressive / liberal and extremely Socially Conservative. In many ways he was a foil to Teddy Roosevelt who was Geopolitically hawkish and socially liberal. The only place they tended to meet was on business / economics but they're both commonly refereed to as Progressives, and I don't think many people would argue that Roosevelt was a fascist, even though he probably shared more ideas with the eventual fascists in terms of militarism, colonialism, and even Eugenics believe it or not.
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I just don't see how you can actually take see the fruits of the full labors of Wilson as President and represent them as fascist. Wilson's Roufteen Points read like an antithesis of the practices of the Fascist states that came later. (Germany, Italy, Spain, Argentina).

He called for Global Peace. Self Determination (Specifically for Russia in relation to Socialism). Reductions in Militarism / Armaments. Anti-Colonialism. All of those fascist states were extremely militaristic.

Wilson also had the support the labor union movement, which was movement that Mussolini said was against the fascist doctrine as it went against the ability of the state to regulate industry.

In many ways, I see Wilson as Geopolitically and Economically progressive / liberal and extremely Socially Conservative. In many ways he was a foil to Teddy Roosevelt who was Geopolitically hawkish and socially liberal. The only place they tended to meet was on business / economics but they're both commonly refereed to as Progressives, and I don't think many people would argue that Roosevelt was a fascist, even though he probably shared more ideas with the eventual fascists in terms of militarism, colonialism, and even Eugenics believe it or not.

You’re just arguing with yourself now
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Good old Woodrow.. he resegregated the military and the govt.. but he did bring movie night to the white house.. Giving "Birth of a Nation" two thumbs up as the first flick ever projected at the white house...

Worst Ever President.
Taft (R) and Roosevelt (R) enacted segregationist policies preceding Wilson (D), and the segregation policies continued under conservative presidents like Harding (R) and Coolidge (R), all of them had policies that promoted segregation in at least some part of the country. Though I would argue that Harding and Coolidge did a lot more to support (or at least to denounce) actions of racists than any of the others.
.lets get rid of all racists things, robert bird, fullgrite, lester mattox, george wallace, strim thurmond, al gore sr, rev wright, blm, black panthers, black colleges, affirmative action, malcome x, hip hop music, country music, no more south carolina or south dakota,
He kept us out of war (till after the election) but he didn't keep his name on the building.
Yet Woody Allen can adopt a girl, constantly sexually abuse/rape her when she’s a minor & then marry her when she’s of age. The leftists & democrat elites are such hypocrites in ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING THEY DO!
.lets get rid of all racists things, robert bird, fullgrite, lester mattox, george wallace, strim thurmond, al gore sr, rev wright, blm, black panthers, black colleges, affirmative action, malcome x, hip hop music, country music, no more south carolina or south dakota,
East Carolina
.lets get rid of all racists things, robert bird, fullgrite, lester mattox, george wallace, strim thurmond, al gore sr, rev wright, blm, black panthers, black colleges, affirmative action, malcome x, hip hop music, country music, no more south carolina or south dakota,
.lets get rid of all racists things, robert bird, fullgrite, lester mattox, george wallace, strim thurmond, al gore sr, rev wright, blm, black panthers, black colleges, affirmative action, malcome x, hip hop music, country music, no more south carolina or south dakota,
It’s “Racism of the Gaps” - a phrase coined by Uncle Devon aka Devon Tracey aka Atheism-is-unstoppable on YouTube. I am no atheist & no longer is he BUT EVERYONE IS USING THIS TERM NOW WITHOUT GIVING HIM CREDIT!

We are at a point where anytime there is a gap in graduation rates or pay or salary or iq whatever that isn’t easily explained, it’s just explained away by “racism.” This is what’s turned “everything” into being “racist.”
He’s so friggin right. I’ve always found it shocking how many white people are afraid to go out north or to 61st & Peoria or 47th & Braden. I go out to these areas ALL THE TIME!

The other part that’s crazy is I HAVE BLACK FRIENDS THAT ARE JUST AS HESITANT (to their credit they’re not scared like whites) TO GO TO THESE AREAS & these are SUCCESSFUL black men with jobs n all that meaning they aren’t hesitant bc of having known enemies in the “hood” as in gang bangin.
It's gonna take a lotta dynamite to remove 3 outa the 4 presidents on Mount Rushmore due to their outdated ideals.
Harding equals Teapot Dome. Died before he could be impeached.

In response to a now deleted post
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It's gonna take a lotta dynamite to remove 3 outa the 4 presidents on Mount Rushmore due to their outdated ideals.
It's gonna take a lotta dynamite to remove 3 outa the 4 presidents on Mount Rushmore due to their outdated ideals.
OR for at least 10 years. Yeah. I leave with some hilarious, but awesome Uncle Devon.

You’re welcome!

Interesting debates going on at Yale and Rice, both founded by, and named for, slave traders. The kids want to tear down the statues but keep the name of the school to maintain the prestige of their degrees. Apparently cancelling stops at your doorstep. They also want dedicated housing for POC. When does dedication become segregation? How can that be equal? Interesting questions indeed.
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Interesting debates going on at Yale and Rice, both founded by, and named for, slave traders. The kids want to tear down the statues but keep the name of the school to maintain the prestige of their degrees. Apparently cancelling stops at your doorstep. They also want dedicated housing for POC. When does dedication become segregation? How can that be equal? Interesting questions indeed.
It’s not interesting. It starts with reparations. Then they’re going to want more as they erase our history. It’s not all good & virtuous, that’s why we have history - so we can avoid repeating the same mistakes. This is why white liberals are the worst - they don’t realize that they want YOU DEAD!

Look at South Africa. They were recently added to the brick countries they started calling it bricksa, now everyone capable of building anything is fleeing.