Political Control Virus


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 16, 2008
Anybody notice that the days following Trumps departure, Dem states (Michigan, Illinois, New York, Cali) started to announce they were reopening despite no change in the Covid numbers and despite the fact Fauci and Biden saying we are in for a Dark Winter? What justification do they have now that they didn’t have before? Additionally, the day of Trumps departure, WHO finally revealed that the cycles for the Covid Test were too high (40) resulting in high numbers of false positives, which is what the MSM was pushing like the end of the world had arrived! If you open up the businesses and lower the rate of people who test positive for the virus, it seems like this is the perfect situation for the MSM to crown Biden the Covid hero soon! I give Credit to the conspiracy theorist/realist who predicted this would happen!
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