Party conventions

Still going to happen?
Good question. If I had to bet money, I’d say no for the Dems, and it’s a coin flip for the GOP. GOP has theirs a month later, and DJT does love getting out there in front of a crowd. The Dems will either delay it or have a e-convention would be my guess.
If democrats are so against the electorial college to elect a President, why do the use a similar system to choose their nominee?
Occasionally, you make some good points. They use a proportional system in most states, so not quite like the EC, but they do weight different states very differently in terms of delegates/voters in a kind of arbitrary way.
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Occasionally, you make some good points. They use a proportional system in most states, so not quite like the EC, but they do weight different states very differently in terms of delegates/voters in a kind of arbitrary way.
I think that's like the 3rd good point in like 9 years. If he had the werewithal to be far, far more selective... Although he doesn't post as much now, so there's that.(But it's probably becuz rippen is taking up all the oxygen.)
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I know republicans and democrats who are not content with the leadership or direction of their parties

Those of us in the middle agree more with each other than the extreems of our parties.

Maybe it time for a formatable third party for "we the people".
U are no where near the middle.
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How do you know? Talk to my friemds from both sides
How do I know? Let's see, by all the statements you've made on here. I don't need to talk to your friends from both sides. You've made it obvious with the massive amount of repetitive statements you've made on here, that u are a far right racist that has no ability to self analyze..(Voting for Obama dioes not free you from that, it just means you are blind to your actions and words.)
having a different opinion than you, doesnt make me wrong.
Many things make you wrong, but having a different opinion than me isn't one of them.

That is not the issue we were winging on about, though. But I will redirect you back to the original subject, seeing as how you lost track of it again. The issue we were talking about was that you cannot see, that you are no where near the center of the Republican party.
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Trump wants a party with his cult. Hopefully it’s a covid convention.
Trump wants a party with his cult. Hopefully it’s a covid convention.
sheeple following terrorist groups like BLM, and antifa.

I saw a segment on cnn today which focused on all the police on black deaths for the last few decades.

My question is where have the people who now call for change been, many of them have been in congress and have done nothing.
Where was the outrage for all the policemen that have been assassinated during the same time?
I think you’ll see a one day outdoor event in either Georgia or Florida for the GOP in a large stadium with spaced seating. There simply isn’t any way to logistically do more. It takes two years of city planning for a full convention and there are security orecautions that start a year in advance. But they could do a one day thing with routine super bowl type prep. Both states have the infrastructure, desire, and experience to pull it off.

The Dems will stay at home and wish they did the same.
I think you’ll see a one day outdoor event in either Georgia or Florida for the GOP in a large stadium with spaced seating. There simply isn’t any way to logistically do more. It takes two years of city planning for a full convention and there are security orecautions that start a year in advance. But they could do a one day thing with routine super bowl type prep. Both states have the infrastructure, desire, and experience to pull it off.

The Dems will stay at home and wish they did the same.
Occasionally, you make some good points. They use a proportional system in most states, so not quite like the EC, but they do weight different states very differently in terms of delegates/voters in a kind of arbitrary way.
Did the Dems do away with the super-delegates this time around? If I recall, in 2016 there were about 800 super delegates who could vote for the candidate of their choice at the convention and not be tied to the way a state voted in the primary. I seem to remember almost ALL of the super delegates pledged to vote for HRC even before Super Tuesday. For me this wasn't a problem especially considering it was Bernie they would be voting against. He wasn't a member of the Dem party until August 2015 and solely for the purpose of running for President. He knew he couldn't win without the party behind him and he would likely be taking votes from the Dem candidate if he ran as an independent. Still back fired. But why should Dem delegates vote for someone who is not a Dem?
Bernie was on the ballot. People voted for him. So the delagates are obligated.
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