No coincidence Leftists’ dreams are always crushed


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2002
reality can’t be denied.

“Let’s keep letting everyone into the USA from all over the world bc we can’t be racist & give them free healthcare.”

Now what do we do with Coronavirus - it’s racist to allow open borders like that because the minorities of the USA have weaker immune systems & are thus will be more negatively affected by allowing a continuous, unrelenting flow of illegal immigrants into the USA.

I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I know this makes no sense whatsoever.

Why do liberals call conservatives “racists?” It’s because it’s their best counter to an argument they can’t make due to failed logic. Their political beliefs don’t logically hold water so when confronted with this fact (re: any liberal argument there is - pick one) they make claims like “racist” or “misogynist” or “sexist” - whatever ad-homonym attack is fitting that they can come up with given the argument they’ve failed to make.

I just spent 5 min of my life watching a video of a small child (I won’t mention his race cause it’s irrelevant) cussing out police officers who were called to a Walmart due to theft (shoplifting) & though this young kid (8 or 9 years old?) didn’t have any stolen items in his bag, his accomplice did & all he did was livestream it & show everyone how his little 80lb selfish ass was willing to threaten police for stopping him in the store for no reason. Well, this kid didn’t act that way for no reason - that behavior was taught to him. He learned it from someone.

This is the type of behavior that liberals believe should be allowed, ignored & even encouraged.