News Anchor Brian Williams Lies about Helicopter Shoot Down

noble cane

I.T.S. University President
Feb 25, 2002
Interesting.... a Media power taken down by the internet and social media..

yet our FCC and govt wants to regulate those voices of dissent..


This post was edited on 2/5 8:43 AM by noble cane

I'm Brian Wiliams and I'm Lying.
Add this to my post #10,896 on the FoxNews thread where MSNBC's newsanchors had to endlessly appologize for lying. A lieberal lies, just more proof. They do the lying because they think they won't get found out and there's no way they will unless there is a FoxNews or some other less well known organization wants to look. More speech is better, but more lies and apoligies aren't.
Imagine the feeding frenzy if this would have been Fox News lead anchor.
Fox been caught in so many distortions and lies that no one even cares any more other than John Stewart who uses that stuff for comedy routines.
Walter Cronkite once lead off with the story that the wings on an F-111 colapsed during testing. It was totally true.

The only think was that the stress test was to see how much the wings could take. This test was to go until they colapsed.
It was later retracked in another newscast well into the show.
Originally posted by WATU2:
Fox been caught in so many distortions and lies that no one even cares any more other than John Stewart who uses that stuff for comedy routines.
it's George Bush's fault.....
Williams has now been taken off the air for 6 months. The question now is will he return? IMO its 50-50.

So who could replace him and keep the audience NBC now has? NBC is so devoid of talent that it would be difficult to find someone worthy. The second stringer radical apologists at MSNBC should be instantly discarded. The Today Show and most of the other news shows on NBC have shrunk to insignificance. So the talent just isn't there at this time.

Here's an idea. Go to FoxNews and offer a bunch of money to Megan Kelly. She's probably the best newsperson on the air at this time IMO. She's got the look, the brains and experience, oh and the moxey as well. She's a strong woman in a business that has been controlled by men for decades. That would show the feminists how forward thinking the folks at comcast are and would probably attract some newcomers on the right side of the issues as well.

BTW, Williams made $10M per year. Thats peanuts compared to what a lot of the information media on the radio and afternoon shows make. Dr Phil makes something like 50M and Rush makes about that much and has for years. Hey, how about Rush?
And when was the last time a Fox newscaster was suspended for lying on air? Unfortunately the errors Fox spews out does real damage.

And John Stewart's departure is only going to make it worse!
Originally posted by WATU2:
And when was the last time a Fox newscaster was suspended for lying on air? Unfortunately the errors Fox spews out does real damage.

And John Stewart's departure is only going to make it worse!
Can you clarify the times YOU THINK FoxNews should have suspended a newscaster for outright "lying"? When you throw out that term "lie", shouldn't there be some evidence behind that? Are you saying that FN condones lying, encourages lying and has a culture of it? Examples?

I don't think we are saying that NBCnews (not MSNBC) encourages lying, condones it or has a culture of it if.

This post was edited on 2/11 4:07 PM by rabidTU
Originally posted by rabidTU:
Originally posted by WATU2:
And when was the last time a Fox newscaster was suspended for lying on air? Unfortunately the errors Fox spews out does real damage.

And John Stewart's departure is only going to make it worse!
Can you clarify the times YOU THINK FoxNews should have suspended a newscaster for outright "lying"? When you throw out that term "lie", shouldn't there be some evidence behind that? Are you saying that FN condones lying, encourages lying and has a culture of it? Examples?

I don't think we are saying that NBCnews (not MSNBC) encourages lying, condones it or has a culture of it if.

This post was edited on 2/11 4:07 PM by rabidTU
well within the last 2 weeks they apologized on every show on their programming schedule to avoid being sued by the Parisian government for slander. But those probably weren't lies.
Are you suggesting a news anchor reading a story off a teleprompter which has inaccuracies and untruths is the same as an anchor making up stories and events which he claims to have witnessed?
Originally posted by lawpoke87:

Are you suggesting a news anchor reading a story off a teleprompter which has inaccuracies and untruths is the same as an anchor making up stories and events which he claims to have witnessed?
Not at all. Rabid asked for examples of Fox News encouraging a culture of lying. I gave one. I could probably come up with 10 more in about 5 minutes if I cared to.

I think Williams should probably lose his job over this, since the top qualification for his job is "be trustworthy," but I'm not morally offended by embellishing a personal anecdote. It is a time honored tradition on my mother's side of the family.

I am however, morally offended by an organization that paints itself as a news outlet regularly spouting half truths and outright lies in an attempt to further divide an already politically polarized country. So no, these two things are not the same. What Fox does is much, much worse. It actively harms discourse in this country. Williams attempting to make himself sound cooler than he is does not.

/inb4 rabid and atufan derp in with some "the rest of the media has liberal spin" drivel
Originally posted by 2PoorTUFans:

Originally posted by lawpoke87:

Are you suggesting a news anchor reading a story off a teleprompter which has inaccuracies and untruths is the same as an anchor making up stories and events which he claims to have witnessed?
Not at all. Rabid asked for examples of Fox News encouraging a culture of lying. I gave one. I could probably come up with 10 more in about 5 minutes if I cared to.

I think Williams should probably lose his job over this, since the top qualification for his job is "be trustworthy," but I'm not morally offended by embellishing a personal anecdote. It is a time honored tradition on my mother's side of the family.

I am however, morally offended by an organization that paints itself as a news outlet regularly spouting half truths and outright lies in an attempt to further divide an already politically polarized country. So no, these two things are not the same. What Fox does is much, much worse. It actively harms discourse in this country. Williams attempting to make himself sound cooler than he is does not.

/inb4 rabid and atufan derp in with some "the rest of the media has liberal spin" drivel
You aren't giving any examples of the FN lying and the rest is just an opinion that FN somehow hurts "discourse" IMO. That is just a judgement, an opinion backed up by little/no evidence. When I do that (give judgement), I always inject the "IMO" or something similar.

How does a differing opinion on a news program hurt discourse? Its always been my "opinion" that more discourse is better than less and some discourse is better than none. Don't you agree with that?

Where are the half truths and outright lies? If you can name them, then you can make your case. But if its just opinion not backed up, then you probably should state that as well. Would you mind giving that example again mentioned in another thread? Then we can break it down and have a discussion over it. Are there more that come to mind?

This board is about the good folks that run this site allowing us to give our opinions, talk about our concerns and allow a lot of political discussion. Its supported by the first amendment that also allows FN to give a differing opinion than NBC on the events of the day. IMO thats good.

Also, this is a hobby, not a life or death battle. Thank God we don't have some govt beaurocrat monitoring what we say on these MBs in the same way they are in other countries - I hope. Can you imagine what would happen in Iran, Russia or Syria if someone criticised the govt like we do?
How can NBC take such a hard stance with Brian Williams when they allowed Al Sharpton to skate by when he told his FBI informant fantasy story on air?
Originally posted by lawpoke87:

How can NBC take such a hard stance with Brian Williams when they allowed Al Sharpton to skate by when he told his FBI informant fantasy story on air?
Because it's Brian Williams' job to objectively report the news and Al Sharpton's job to editorialize the news. Does anyone actually take Al Sharpton seriously?

Oh and rabid, I don't feel like pressing unignore on your last post.
2PoorTUFans posted on 2/12/2015...

Originally posted by lawpoke87:

How can NBC take such a hard stance with Brian Williams when they allowed Al Sharpton to skate by when he told his FBI informant fantasy story on air?
Does anyone actually take Al Sharpton seriously?

Besides our President who meets with him regularly for input?
Originally posted by lawpoke87:

2PoorTUFans posted on 2/12/2015...

Originally posted by lawpoke87:

How can NBC take such a hard stance with Brian Williams when they allowed Al Sharpton to skate by when he told his FBI informant fantasy story on air?
Does anyone actually take Al Sharpton seriously?

Besides our President who meets with him regularly for input?
I'm not sure what you want from me here. Should I be saying that Al Sharpton should be fired, or should I be saying that Brian Williams should still be on the air?
I felt like the punishment was rather harsh considering what NBC had done in the past. It will take him a great deal of time to build up his credibility...and that is if NBC puts him back at the anchor desk.
HRC wrote in her book thak she came under enemy fire on a tramac. She lied.

She laughted it off and now she is "qualified" to run for President.

Originally posted by aTUfan:
HRC wrote in her book thak she came under enemy fire on a tramac. She lied.

She laughted it off and now she is "qualified" to run for President.

She is qualified to run for President because:
1. She was born in the United States
2. She has lived in the United States for at least 14 years
3. She is at least 35 years old.

At least he is now qualified to work for Fox.

Originally posted by lawpoke87:
I felt like the punishment was rather harsh considering what NBC had done in the past. It will take him a great deal of time to build up his credibility...and that is if NBC puts him back at the anchor desk.
Originally posted by WATU2:
At least he is now qualified to work for Fox.
He could run for President. Hillary was taking sniper fire when the little girl came out and handed her flowers.
Originally posted by WATU2:
At least he is now qualified to work for Fox.

Pardone, but could you be more specific. Have any FoxNews anchors lied about their heroics under fire as Williams admittedly did? If so, which one of those anchors? Where and when?
Originally posted by rabidTU:
Originally posted by WATU2:
At least he is now qualified to work for Fox.

Pardone, but could you be more specific. Have any FoxNews anchors lied about their heroics under fire as Williams admittedly did? If so, which one of those anchors? Where and when?
Geraldo Rivera. Iraq. 2003.

Bill O'Reilly. Iraq. 2006.
Originally posted by 2PoorTUFans:

Originally posted by rabidTU:

Originally posted by WATU2:
At least he is now qualified to work for Fox.

Pardone, but could you be more specific. Have any FoxNews anchors lied about their heroics under fire as Williams admittedly did? If so, which one of those anchors? Where and when?
Geraldo Rivera. Iraq. 2003.

Bill O'Reilly. Iraq. 2006.
Rivera is a lieberal who is more concerned with his own looks and career than the news. Don't let the door hit him on the way out.

As for O'Reilly, he said on that radio broadcast that he was fired on when covering a story in S America. So the liberals on the idiot Daily Kos never disproved that as far as I can tell. I'm sure they'd make more of it if they could. Nothing there.

Try harder.
Originally posted by rabidTU:
Originally posted by 2PoorTUFans:

Originally posted by rabidTU:

Originally posted by WATU2:
At least he is now qualified to work for Fox.

Pardone, but could you be more specific. Have any FoxNews anchors lied about their heroics under fire as Williams admittedly did? If so, which one of those anchors? Where and when?
Geraldo Rivera. Iraq. 2003.

Bill O'Reilly. Iraq. 2006.
Rivera is a lieberal who is more concerned with his own looks and career than the news. Don't let the door hit him on the way out.

As for O'Reilly, he said on that radio broadcast that he was fired on when covering a story in S America. So the liberals on the idiot Daily Kos never disproved that as far as I can tell. I'm sure they'd make more of it if they could. Nothing there.

Try harder.
I'd just like to point out that in the last 10 posts you have moved the goalposts from "yeah but which Fox News anchors were caught lying on air?" to "yeah but which Fox News anchors were caught lying on air about military exploits?" to "yeah but what other Fox News anchors were caught lying on air about military exploits, because I don't like those ones?"

At this point there would be more dignity in you admitting you were wrong than continuing this farce.
Originally posted by 2PoorTUFans:

Originally posted by rabidTU:

Originally posted by 2PoorTUFans:

Originally posted by rabidTU:

Originally posted by WATU2:
At least he is now qualified to work for Fox.

Pardone, but could you be more specific. Have any FoxNews anchors lied about their heroics under fire as Williams admittedly did? If so, which one of those anchors? Where and when?
Geraldo Rivera. Iraq. 2003.

Bill O'Reilly. Iraq. 2006.
Rivera is a lieberal who is more concerned with his own looks and career than the news. Don't let the door hit him on the way out.

As for O'Reilly, he said on that radio broadcast that he was fired on when covering a story in S America. So the liberals on the idiot Daily Kos never disproved that as far as I can tell. I'm sure they'd make more of it if they could. Nothing there.

Try harder.
I'd just like to point out that in the last 10 posts you have moved the goalposts from "yeah but which Fox News anchors were caught lying on air?" to "yeah but which Fox News anchors were caught lying on air about military exploits?" to "yeah but what other Fox News anchors were caught lying on air about military exploits, because I don't like those ones?"

At this point there would be more dignity in you admitting you were wrong than continuing this farce.
As far as Rivera is concerned, he's not an anchor and is just a contributor which means he is just window dressing for the lieberal POV. But as far as O'Reilly is concerned he said he was not directly in the military or combat except in S America. Thats not moving the goalposts.

But if the thread gets hijacked from the lies that B Williams said (over and over) and that somehow morphs into an attack at FoxNews, isn't that moving the goalposts? What was the orginal name of the thread? Check it out! The goalposts were already being moved. The thread is about Brian Williams and NBC, not FN. Try even harder.

This post was edited on 2/17 12:09 PM by rabidTU
CBS reporters attacking, NBC bureau chief at the time defending. Did CBS have an issue with the characterization at the time O'Reilly said he was reporting from a war zone? this all Mother Jones could find on this guy after digging through over 30 years of reporting? O'Reilly has supported Brian Williams btw.

I don't watch the guy of Fox News so I don't really have a dog in this fight. Just seems like semantics and a lot about nothing especially considering it occurred in the early 1980s.
Originally posted by WATU2:
Bill has his own problems with conflation.

Interesting comment that: Fox is the place people go who don't trust the news.

Hmmm. Have to think about that.

That comment is exactly right. A lot of people don't trust The NYT and NBC among others anymore and when they do a hit piece like this, it just reinforces that.

But the intent of your argument is that NBC, a place that has many admitted liars and apologists, should be watched, but FoxN should not. That is the problem NBC/NYT has and your love affair with the NYT shows it. Face the fact that FoxN is a more trusted news source than either the NYT or NBC. Why do average folks trust FoxN so much? Are they stupid like Jonathan Gruber thinks? A simple yes or no will do.
I suppose this is supposed to be relevent in some way, but there's noone to compare statements to Mr O'Reilly's. How were those statements selected? Who judged those statements? How much research went into whether they were true or not? Just looks like a lot about nothin. Don't know what the point is. And besides, BO has plenty of people on his program that disagree with him on a variety of issues and would tear into him on air if they thought he was factually wrong.

Waste of time.

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