Liar, Liar pants on fire.


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003
Blumenthal thought he was in Vietnam then later remembered he wasn't.
Hillary thought she was shot at, but it was just a little girl with flowers.

But Biden gets the award. He said he was shot at in Iraq. Then later recanted. But this week he again said he was shot at. He didn't lie, and he isn't senile. He just plagerized the statements of the other two.
Blumenthal thought he was in Vietnam then later remembered he wasn't.
Hillary thought she was shot at, but it was just a little girl with flowers.

But Biden gets the award. He said he was shot at in Iraq. Then later recanted. But this week he again said he was shot at. He didn't lie, and he isn't senile. He just plagerized the statements of the other two.
I’m counting the days it will take for the Dems to push the 25th Amendment.

Politifact allegedly leans a bit right, but I find them pretty middle of the road. In any case, they make no mention of Biden ever really recanting his story, but it is probably an exaggeration on his part to say he was "shot at". He has maintained that he was near where a rocket struck outside his building, and that a bullet may have hit his car that he was traveling in. Nobody has ever come out and disputed this openly.

I don't know if it happened or not, or if he was in real danger or not. But there's no real evidence it was a "lie" either. Perhaps an exaggeration, but he has traveled to active fighting zones multiple times, so it is plausible at face value. More plausible than Hillary's story, anyway.

But I don't think he's trying to claim undue combat experience so much as he's simply trying to relate to people that spend time in war zones in a kind of clumsy way, as is his style.

Politifact allegedly leans a bit right, but I find them pretty middle of the road. In any case, they make no mention of Biden ever really recanting his story, but it is probably an exaggeration on his part to say he was "shot at". He has maintained that he was near where a rocket struck outside his building, and that a bullet may have hit his car that he was traveling in. Nobody has ever come out and disputed this openly.

I don't know if it happened or not, or if he was in real danger or not. But there's no real evidence it was a "lie" either. Perhaps an exaggeration, but he has traveled to active fighting zones multiple times, so it is plausible at face value. More plausible than Hillary's story, anyway.

But I don't think he's trying to claim undue combat experience so much as he's simply trying to relate to people that spend time in war zones in a kind of clumsy way, as is his style.
Unsurprizingly, I can't find the video I watched nor can a get this article to load. I think we can each trust the other to be quoting what we saw or read.

I think that most people who were shot at or saw someone killed by hostile fire remember it clearly. Biden has a history of giving other peoples speeches as his own, so it is not beyond the realm of possibility.
Unsurprizingly, I can't find the video I watched nor can a get this article to load. I think we can each trust the other to be quoting what we saw or read.

I think that most people who were shot at or saw someone killed by hostile fire remember it clearly. Biden has a history of giving other peoples speeches as his own, so it is not beyond the realm of possibility.
Unsurprizingly, I can't find the video I watched nor can a get this article to load. I think we can each trust the other to be quoting what we saw or read.

I think that most people who were shot at or saw someone killed by hostile fire remember it clearly. Biden has a history of giving other peoples speeches as his own, so it is not beyond the realm of possibility.
That was literally 30 years ago. Bill Clinton was still a family man. Trump was banging pornstars while his third wife was pregnant like and we care more about Biden ripping a speech (that he probably didn’t write) and we care more about Biden saying he was in a war zone, which he was.
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That was literally 30 years ago. Bill Clinton was still a family man. Trump was banging pornstars while his third wife was pregnant like and we care more about Biden ripping a speech (that he probably didn’t write) and we care more about Biden saying he was in a war zone, which he was.
Damn, I forgot about the thirty year limit.
So dumb. So Trump talked to Tubberville trying to get him to file more bogus motions to halt the process rather than Lee. It doesn't make the point that Trump was still, at the time of the riot at the capitol, trying to obstruct the constitutional process further than he already had.
So dumb. So Trump talked to Tubberville trying to get him to file more bogus motions to halt the process rather than Lee. It doesn't make the point that Trump was still, at the time of the riot at the capitol, trying to obstruct the constitutional process further than he already had.
The problem is there is no legal Info to back that Statement up.
The problem is there is no legal Info to back that Statement up.
No, just messages from Trump's personal lawyer who was with him throughout the day asking Tuberville to obstruct the process... during a time when their were sworn officers of the law being injured, blinded, maimed, and killed on the Capitol steps.

Do you think these folks all decided to attack the Capitol on their own? Like you really think that Trump's messages for the weeks leading up to January, and on the 6th itself had NOTHING to do with what happened on that day?
No, just messages from Trump's personal lawyer who was with him throughout the day asking Tuberville to obstruct the process... during a time when their were sworn officers of the law being injured, blinded, maimed, and killed on the Capitol steps.

Do you think these folks all decided to attack the Capitol on their own? Like you really think that Trump's messages for the weeks leading up to January, and on the 6th itself had NOTHING to do with what happened on that day?
He went to Delusional High.
Let's see. The right storms the capitol, they are criminals
The left burns and loots and captures parts of cities, they are just looking for social justice.
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No, just messages from Trump's personal lawyer who was with him throughout the day asking Tuberville to obstruct the process... during a time when their were sworn officers of the law being injured, blinded, maimed, and killed on the Capitol steps.

Do you think these folks all decided to attack the Capitol on their own? Like you really think that Trump's messages for the weeks leading up to January, and on the 6th itself had NOTHING to do with what happened on that day?
Trump is on trial! Stick to the facts! If you go off and do some crazy :crap: I’m not responsible for your misbehavings no matter what my association is with you!
Facts are you don't like Trump. I don't like Trump. I don't like the the dems using congress for political purposes.

So do not mistake my dislike of the dem leadership, as a like for trump.

I think they have opened pandor's box; and made a mockery of the ro look out next time the rep control congress. Turn about is fair play.

I did like the way trump's tweets drove lefties and the media crazy.
Funny how Biden received the same educational draft deferments as Trump and then after getting married and graduating from private schools he was given a 1Y “only in a national emergency” deferment for asthma despite being a star football player and being employed as a lifeguard over the course of the previous six years. He ran for political office a few months later.

Yet we hear nothing of that from the media but Trump was a draft dodger.

Biden was in the bottom 15 percent of his law school class and was nearly expelled for cheating. Classmates at the time have gone public and said that wasn’t the only instance of academic dishonesty and fraud. It should surprise nobody that someone with that moral center with forty years of political experience says something to try to connect with listeners that is later proven false. Remember that when he addresses the nation.
Funny how Biden received the same educational draft deferments as Trump and then after getting married and graduating from private schools he was given a 1Y “only in a national emergency” deferment for asthma despite being a star football player and being employed as a lifeguard over the course of the previous six years. He ran for political office a few months later.

Yet we hear nothing of that from the media but Trump was a draft dodger.

Biden was in the bottom 15 percent of his law school class and was nearly expelled for cheating. Classmates at the time have gone public and said that wasn’t the only instance of academic dishonesty and fraud. It should surprise nobody that someone with that moral center with forty years of political experience says something to try to connect with listeners that is later proven false. Remember that when he addresses the nation.
How does one cheat in law school, especially at that time? It’s not like they had take home tests back then. You can’t plagiarize from memory on a timed legal writing exam. You also can’t look over someone’s shoulder.
How does one cheat in law school, especially at that time? It’s not like they had take home tests back then. You can’t plagiarize from memory on a timed legal writing exam. You also can’t look over someone’s shoulder.
He plagiarized his first year legal writing thesis. He admitted it when he ran for President thirty years ago and dropped out because of those allegations.

Some law school exams permit you to take in approved materials and other classmates accused him at the time of taking in unapproved materials in a separate unrelated and subsequent incident. One of the reasons exams in law school are typically structured the way you describe is because the stress and incentive is so great, controlling cheating would be impossible in other formats. But not all classes are exam only. Only some. First year legal writing being the most obvious. Second year moot court and law review tryouts being another example.
He plagiarized his first year legal writing thesis. He admitted it when he ran for President thirty years ago and dropped out because of those allegations.

Some law school exams permit you to take in approved materials and other classmates accused him at the time of taking in unapproved materials in a separate unrelated and subsequent incident. One of the reasons exams in law school are typically structured the way you describe is because the stress and incentive is so great, controlling cheating would be impossible in other formats. But not all classes are exam only. Only some. First year legal writing being the most obvious. Second year moot court and law review tryouts being another example.
I agree. That’s an egregious transgression. Though he did retake the course subsequently and eventually received positive feedback from two deans of his law school upon graduation. He still deserves to be chastised for his actions.

My question for you, is since when do you care about academic prowess as a measuring stick for presidential ability? Compared to the last 2 GOP Presidents, Obama’s academic qualifications were astronomically more impressive. That didn’t seem to impress you much. Law school isn’t easy. At least Biden got through it, despite struggling there. Trump and Bush both went to business school which we all know is a joke by comparison. Reagan didn’t have an advanced degree and was a C student as an undergrad.
I agree. That’s an egregious transgression. Though he did retake the course subsequently and eventually received positive feedback from two deans of his law school upon graduation. He still deserves to be chastised for his actions.

My question for you, is since when do you care about academic prowess as a measuring stick for presidential ability? Compared to the last 2 GOP Presidents, Obama’s academic qualifications were astronomically more impressive. That didn’t seem to impress you much. Law school isn’t easy. At least Biden got through it, despite struggling there. Trump and Bush both went to business school which we all know is a joke by comparison. Reagan didn’t have an advanced degree and was a C student as an undergrad.
Reagan grew up in the Midwest without the benefit of the upper crust private prep school that Obama attended. Who knows where Reagan or LBJ would have landed with the educational opportunities of the Bushes or Hillary Clinton. Both were focused on finding food to eat during the Depression. Nixon too, though he went on to Duke law school.

I’ve never criticized Obama’s intellectual training or academic ability to my recollection. I’ve challenged his judgment at times, like putting untrained campaigned aides in senior national security positions where they tripped over their own politics like Ben Rhodes, or criticized his lack of moral clarity such as expanding the war in Afghanistan or knowingly drone striking a juvenile American citizen overseas without cause. I do criticize that he has described himself as a constitutional law professor and has let others say the same in his presence. He was a lecturer. To my knowledge he was never employed as a tenured or non tenured professor and has no substantive academic scholarship after the student efforts on the Harvard Law Review.

One of our worst Presidents is our only STEM President and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. He does get high marks for being a decent person and minimizing the bribery he accepted after he left office.

Ford played football at Michigan and was a good student. He left office broke and really started the trend of taking obscene speaking fees in exchange for informal advice and influence. He was a good President with good judgment. His academic background had nothing to do with it. This country would have avoided a lot of problems and Reagan never would have been elected if people could have gotten over the Nixon pardon.

Wilson was an Ivy League academic and a bigot and amongst the worst of our Presidents.

There’s no correlation between academic training and leadership results in that office. It boils down to their ability to persuade in a variety of settings and a willingness to understand the complexities of decisions and the interrelation of various government functions that are impacted by Presidential decisions. Trump never got any of that. LBJ and Reagan, Washington, Lincoln, Grant and Eisenhower are amongst our best Presidents due to these qualities.
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Reagan grew up in the Midwest without the benefit of the upper crust private prep school that Obama attended. Who knows where Reagan or LBJ would have landed with the educational opportunities of the Bushes or Hillary Clinton. Both were focused on finding food to eat during the Depression. Nixon too, though he went on to Duke law school.

I’ve never criticized Obama’s intellectual training or academic ability to my recollection. I’ve challenged his judgment at times, like putting untrained campaigned aides in senior national security positions where they tripped over their own politics like Ben Rhodes, or criticized his lack of moral clarity such as expanding the war in Afghanistan or knowingly drone striking a juvenile American citizen overseas without cause. I do criticize that he has described himself as a constitutional law professor and has let others say the same in his presence. He was a lecturer. To my knowledge he was never employed as a tenured or non tenured professor and has no substantive academic scholarship after the student efforts on the Harvard Law Review.

One of our worst Presidents is our only STEM President and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. He does get high marks for being a decent person and minimizing the bribery he accepted after he left office.

Ford played football at Michigan and was a good student. He left office broke and really started the trend of taking obscene speaking fees in exchange for informal advice and influence. He was a good President with good judgment. His academic background had nothing to do with it. This country would have avoided a lot of problems and Reagan never would have been elected if people could have gotten over the Nixon pardon.

Wilson was an Ivy League academic and a bigot and amongst the worst of our Presidents.

There’s no correlation between academic training and leadership results in that office. It boils down to their ability to persuade in a variety of settings and a willingness to understand the complexities of decisions and the interrelation of various government functions that are impacted by Presidential decisions. Trump never got any of that. LBJ and Reagan, Washington, Lincoln, Grant and Eisenhower are amongst our best Presidents due to these qualities.
Compared to his peers of the age, (Roosevelt, McKinley, Coolidge, etc...) Wilson was a much better president and he was for a long time remembered as one of our nation’s best.

Also, growing up in the depression doesn’t excuse you from being a bad student. My grandparents not only grew up in the depression but also lived through the dust bowl era in Kansas and both were better students than Reagan. The only thing that saved Reaganwas that he was relatively handsome as a young person and became an actor. It wasn’t any skill that he had. He wasn’t even a good actor lol.
He eventually benefited from his dullard conservatism and the red scare macarthyism that spread through Hollywood.

Ironically, Reagan was the only former leader of a labor union who was also responsible for betraying his union fellows by helping blacklist them, andeventually by weakening unions All together. I guess that GE money that he made must have been nice...
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I agree. That’s an egregious transgression. Though he did retake the course subsequently and eventually received positive feedback from two deans of his law school upon graduation. He still deserves to be chastised for his actions.

My question for you, is since when do you care about academic prowess as a measuring stick for presidential ability? Compared to the last 2 GOP Presidents, Obama’s academic qualifications were astronomically more impressive. That didn’t seem to impress you much. Law school isn’t easy. At least Biden got through it, despite struggling there. Trump and Bush both went to business school which we all know is a joke by comparison. Reagan didn’t have an advanced degree and was a C student as an undergrad.
Woah! I don't care about a person's law school grades (excluding the AG and Supreme Court), but lying and cheating, and stealling someone else's intellectual property and pretending it is original to you was serious enough to cause him to drop out of a run for the president.
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Reagan grew up in the Midwest without the benefit of the upper crust private prep school that Obama attended. Who knows where Reagan or LBJ would have landed with the educational opportunities of the Bushes or Hillary Clinton. Both were focused on finding food to eat during the Depression. Nixon too, though he went on to Duke law school.

I’ve never criticized Obama’s intellectual training or academic ability to my recollection. I’ve challenged his judgment at times, like putting untrained campaigned aides in senior national security positions where they tripped over their own politics like Ben Rhodes, or criticized his lack of moral clarity such as expanding the war in Afghanistan or knowingly drone striking a juvenile American citizen overseas without cause. I do criticize that he has described himself as a constitutional law professor and has let others say the same in his presence. He was a lecturer. To my knowledge he was never employed as a tenured or non tenured professor and has no substantive academic scholarship after the student efforts on the Harvard Law Review.

One of our worst Presidents is our only STEM President and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. He does get high marks for being a decent person and minimizing the bribery he accepted after he left office.

Ford played football at Michigan and was a good student. He left office broke and really started the trend of taking obscene speaking fees in exchange for informal advice and influence. He was a good President with good judgment. His academic background had nothing to do with it. This country would have avoided a lot of problems and Reagan never would have been elected if people could have gotten over the Nixon pardon.

Wilson was an Ivy League academic and a bigot and amongst the worst of our Presidents.

There’s no correlation between academic training and leadership results in that office. It boils down to their ability to persuade in a variety of settings and a willingness to understand the complexities of decisions and the interrelation of various government functions that are impacted by Presidential decisions. Trump never got any of that. LBJ and Reagan, Washington, Lincoln, Grant and Eisenhower are amongst our best Presidents due to these qualities.
Are you talking about Carter and his nuclear background? Or Hoover, who was actually a proper engineer before politics? I guess either works....
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Are you talking about Carter and his nuclear background? Or Hoover, who was actually a proper engineer before politics? I guess either works....
Carter. Hoover was a geology major and probably would have failed out of Stanford if hadn’t been their first ever class. He learned engineering in the field. But yeah, both work.
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Woah! I don't care about a person's law school grades (excluding the AG and Supreme Court), but lying and cheating, and stealling someone else's intellectual property and pretending it is original to you was serious enough to cause him to drop out of a run for the president.
It was combined with his speech during that campaign that was pointed out to have lifted lines. (again, I'm guessing he didn't write the speech).

His law school defense of his character was probably reactionary to his situation (he was probably panicking) but he maintained in 1965 when pleading his case that he had used an excerpt from a law review with intent to critic it. I'm not really buying that, and I agree that it was egregious, but something that happened 50 years ago in a class that he repeated due to the question of his cheating shouldn't preclude him from being president if his achievements since then have outweighed that. Now, you might argue that his achievements since then HAVE NOT, exceeded that transgression and I might agree with you. But in comparison to Trump and Trump's maleficence prior to and during his tenure in office, it's not a real comparison in terms of impropriety. It might have been the choice between a rotten apple and a big stinking pile of diarreah. I'll pick up the rotten apple before I will the feces.
Carter. Hoover was a geology major and probably would have failed out of Stanford if hadn’t been their first ever class. He learned engineering in the field. But yeah, both work.
I thought you were talking about Hoover. Labeling Carter as one of the worst ever is a bit much. That distinction typically goes to a few of the pre-Civil War Presidents (Harrison, Tyler, Filmore, Pierce, Buchanan) and a couple that followed Lincoln (Johsnon, Grant) as well as Harding and Hoover.

By comparison, Wilson is typically ranked in the top quartile of presidents. Carter is typically ranked in the 3rd quartile with guys like Nixon, Coolidge, Ford, Bush 2.0, Hayes, etc...

Also, one might argue that Washington, as a trained surveyor could be considered our first, and most influential STEM president. Jefferson might be considered one as well considering he practiced surveying and architecture.
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Carter was a failure mostly because he came to Washington as an outsider and failed terribly to accomplish anything of substance on the domestic policy front.

With the exception of the War of 1812 I struggle to think of a president who was more inept and indecisive with our military.

His first act in office was to pardon everyone who fled the country to evade their National military service responsibilities during time of war or seek a career path eligible for exemption.

His individual failures, if divided into separate posts, would make this thread the longest single thread on the site.

I realize you weren’t alive then and you depend upon people to tell you what to believe about him. Most of what you have read about him was written by people who worked for him, owe him, have common enemies, or were writing during a time just after his presidency when by comparison his tenure looked pretty rosy.

He’s had a great PR team. That’s how he went from 16th in early polling to the Presidency. He was a decent hard working man. That’s what people remember. He came along at a time when we had lost a war and people were disgusted with Nixon. They remembered and longed for FDR and the New Deal era. They forget the tough parts that dont fit that narrative. He came dangerously close to being arrested for treason a couple of times during the Cold War post presidency. His apologies for North Korea in exchange for millions of dollars in charitable donations undermines his carefully cultivated image as a human rights defender. He humiliated this country with his self righteous bungling in Iran. I could go on and on.

But you can toss the political football on what was good or bad substantively and debate endless the merits of any presidential action. What really matters is how things are done and who does them and how the political capital of successes is spend to seed future greater wins. Carter was a disaster there.

Here’s a fair and balanced look at his failures. Written at the time by left leaning observers that makes my point.

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Want to buy a house under Carter. How does 16 percent interest sound? You could get a baloon loan. More reasonable at first, but when it inflated you couldn't afford it and couldn't sell it.
Like wild inflation?

Carter was and is a nice man. Hard working and involved in his post presidential retirement. He should not have been the President. Unemployment was high and big layoffs common.
Want to buy a house under Carter. How does 16 percent interest sound? You could get a baloon loan. More reasonable at first, but when it inflated you couldn't afford it and couldn't sell it.
Like wild inflation?

Carter was and is a nice man. Hard working and involved in his post presidential retirement. He should not have been the President. Unemployment was high and big layoffs common.
How much of that was specifically his fault and how much of it was put in motion before him or by forces that he did not have control over (OPEC, the Iranian Revolution for example).

Ironically, Carter’s fiscal policies upon taking office were more conservative than the liberal wing of the DNC in the 70’s and today. He passed a (for the time) sizeable tax cut, and tried to focus on reducing the deficit... two key issues for modern conservatives. The problem was that OPEC’s market manipulations caused a huge increase in inflation as goods became more expensive to transport.

Carter didn’t have much say in how revolution might spring up in Iran either, which is something that weighed on his presidency. His biggest actual problem is that he didn’t have a good relationship with congress, and a Democratic Congress often failed to adopt or purposefully thwarted his legislative proposals. If you want to find a flaw, that was it.

comparing him to some of the worst presidents in history is ludicrous. He certainly didn’t personally fix many financial or geopolitical problems, but he also didn’t personally cause many if any at all (which other presidents certainly have)
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How much of that was specifically his fault and how much of it was put in motion before him or by forces that he did not have control over (OPEC, the Iranian Revolution for example).

Ironically, Carter’s fiscal policies upon taking office were more conservative than the liberal wing of the DNC in the 70’s and today. He passed a (for the time) sizeable tax cut, and tried to focus on reducing the deficit... two key issues for modern conservatives. The problem was that OPEC’s market manipulations caused a huge increase in inflation as goods became more expensive to transport.

Carter didn’t have much say in how revolution might spring up in Iran either, which is something that weighed on his presidency. His biggest actual problem is that he didn’t have a good relationship with congress, and a Democratic Congress often failed to adopt or purposefully thwarted his legislative proposals. If you want to find a flaw, that was it.
Caused by or exacerbated by his decisions, doesn't really matter. He was not suited for the job. His decisions caused massive inflation and did nothing to alleviate the situation.

There seems to be a lot of excuses out of you when anybody criticizes a Democratic President. Some Democratic Presidents can be justly criticized, and Carter fits into that category.
You know little about Iran or how US foreign policy operates in the region. Strongly suggest you stop assuming what you read is true and seek sources and colleagues with experience, not just pundits working for political commentators and party hacks.

Carter refused to make covert payments to local and regional religious leaders in Iran that controlled the government there. Payments the US made for years as we extracted oil. One of the reasons they overthrew the Shah was because he started taking a bigger share and they wanted even more for themselves. Carter got high and mighty on human rights grounds and said covertly he wouldn’t pay. He thought naively cutting off payments would spark democratic change. They put pressure on the government, unions, and students, who took hostages. Reagan said, yeah we will start paying again if I’m elected. They were on a plane before the inaugural was over.
I don’t really think Carter was one of the “worst“ presidents ever. But I do think he was middling and out of place, not really knowing how to harness the levers of power. I expect history books 100 years from now won’t label him a colossal failure so much as, “also, there was this Carter guy in between Ford and Reagan.” He might well be remembered more for his philanthropy and being a phenomenal human being more than for being President.
Caused by or exacerbated by his decisions, doesn't really matter. He was not suited for the job. His decisions caused massive inflation and did nothing to alleviate the situation.

There seems to be a lot of excuses out of you when anybody criticizes a Democratic President. Some Democratic Presidents can be justly criticized, and Carter fits into that category.
I don't mind criticizing Dem presidents. Truman is one of my least favorite presidents besides the uber-horrible ones (A. Johnson, Grant) because of how he handled Nuclear Weapons proliferation post-WWII. I'm not a fan of LBJ's foreign policies at all and think he was a skeezy peice of :crap:e that would have never been elected if Kennedy had lived. I just don't believe that Carter was as bad as Republicans who worship Reagan like to make him out to be. Carter was handed quite a few problems within his own party and geopolitically which ended up biting him in the rear at home. He wasn't fit to take them on. I would put him on equal ranking as Ford.... not good, but not terrible either.
You know little about Iran or how US foreign policy operates in the region. Strongly suggest you stop assuming what you read is true and seek sources and colleagues with experience, not just pundits working for political commentators and party hacks.

Carter refused to make covert payments to local and regional religious leaders in Iran that controlled the government there. Payments the US made for years as we extracted oil. One of the reasons they overthrew the Shah was because he started taking a bigger share and they wanted even more for themselves. Carter got high and mighty on human rights grounds and said covertly he wouldn’t pay. He thought naively cutting off payments would spark democratic change. They put pressure on the government, unions, and students, who took hostages. Reagan said, yeah we will start paying again if I’m elected. They were on a plane before the inaugural was over.
Yeah, that's where we got the Iran Contra affair that Reagan should have been impeached for. Your wonderboy negotiates with terrorists. Congratulations. Reagan and Truman are the two most overrated presidents ever. Reagan was trash and he got lucky that Carter's Fed pick, Paul Volker, had the right plan to stop the inflation. People rarely remember that Carter was the guy that originally nominated the person who is widely considered to be responsible for the end of the hyper inflation cycle. It was painful for the American people because it meant needing a recession, but he's the guy who got us to "Morning in America" by 1984.

Whilst Carter was handed a bunch of geopolitical problems, Reagan had a much easier road to follow. The Soviet Union was going bankrupt due to the nature of their spending. (To compete with the US, I know, but those escalation policies started under Carter).
All Presidents negotiate with terrorists. It’s how you deal with them that matters. Carter got an F. At least until he was out of office and making deals with North Korea for Clinton while pocketing millions soothed his mind. If we had to fix blame on why North Korea has nuclear weapons, id start with Carter.
I don't mind criticizing Dem presidents. Truman is one of my least favorite presidents besides the uber-horrible ones (A. Johnson, Grant) because of how he handled Nuclear Weapons proliferation post-WWII. I'm not a fan of LBJ's foreign policies at all and think he was a skeezy peice of :crap:e that would have never been elected if Kennedy had lived. I just don't believe that Carter was as bad as Republicans who worship Reagan like to make him out to be. Carter was handed quite a few problems within his own party and geopolitically which ended up biting him in the rear at home. He wasn't fit to take them on. I would put him on equal ranking as Ford.... not good, but not terrible either.
What’s your beef with Grant? Destroying the Klan? Ending slavery?
What’s your beef with Grant? Destroying the Klan? Ending slavery?
Being a drunk and having quite literally the most corrupt administration in history.

Also, he didn’t end slavery, nor did he destroy the Klan. Furthermore, his military handling of the events on the plains was a fiasco.

His administration was so bad that it resulted in a near deadlock in the 1876 election with Hays which resulted in the end of reconstruction due to the Republicans not having enough popular support.
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Being a drunk and having quite literally the most corrupt administration in history.

Also, he didn’t end slavery, nor did he destroy the Klan. Furthermore, his military handling of the events on the plains was a fiasco.

His administration was so bad that it resulted in a near deadlock in the 1876 election with Hays which resulted in the end of reconstruction due to the Republicans not having enough popular support.
It is hard to compare eras but another Republican was pretty corrupt and you left him out. Warren G. Harding. He made some money on Teapot Dome, up your way and died before they could impeach him.
It is hard to compare eras but another Republican was pretty corrupt and you left him out. Warren G. Harding. He made some money on Teapot Dome, up your way and died before they could impeach him.
There’s a reason there isn’t a monument to Harding but Grant has a statue on the mall guarding the steps of the Capitol. One of our best and most under rated Presidents.

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