Keystone xl pipeline


I.T.S. Athletic Director
Apr 18, 2011
la la land
Anti-Keystone billionaire Tom Steyer promises to fight back by spending up to $100 million on the 2014 congressional races, essentially to help Democrats.
If you are trully against the pipeline, the please park your car, dont use public buses, don't fly, dont buy anything packaged in plastic, . . .
Holding up the Keystone pipeline is a ridiculous inaction for a variety of reasons. But the most nonsensical is the argument that it needs more "study".

So they can't come to a decision concerning the construction of a pipeline (we have thousands of them already in place), since it might (remotely) bring about environmental armageddon, but its OK to construct windmills and solar "farms" that the people of Massachusetts and California won't allow because its not pleasing to the eye.
The problem has been the states: Nebraska, Iowa, they do not want the line of heavy crude and benzine running above ground through their farms.

It is not Obama this, and Obama that.

It is the farmers.

It is a heavy crude that is hard to refine and is thick heavy oil/sand that needs separated, expensive and Benzine has to be used, very toxic.
Originally posted by slacker48:
The problem has been the states: Nebraska, Iowa, they do not want the line of heavy crude and benzine running above ground through their farms.

It is not Obama this, and Obama that.

It is the farmers.

It is a heavy crude that is hard to refine and is thick heavy oil/sand that needs separated, expensive and Benzine has to be used, very toxic.
I assume you mean benzene. It does need to be extracted but it need not be benzene. This heavy of a crude is hard to refine and that's why it needs to get to the Gulf where the larger refineries will be able to make the investment to do it. Some of it is being transported by rail now. That's much more dangerous than by pipeline and hugely inefficient.

That crude will be refined. If we don't the Chinese will. Watch anything from China and you see the pollution there is horrible. Would you rather see China do it than us? That crude is extremely high in sulfur, which forms acidic emissions which can add to the acidity of oceans.

Canada is a dependable friend. Buy crude from Canada not from less dependable and potentially unfriendly Middle East sources.
I wonder if his mind would change if he knew that the solids separated from the Canadian crude contain large amounts of the rare earth elements used to make iPhones, iPads and other modern conveniences?

This post was edited on 5/28 7:57 AM by noble cane
Using a transportation system as an argument to not develope a resource or enhance a business really makes no sense in my view. We can't close all the existing pipelines in the country can we? And locally, that same argument could be used to close the Arkansas- Verd. navigation system. Every railline and highway that transports any good the environmentalists don't approve could be cancelled using the same argument. A pipeline is just a pipeline. So far, the existing transportation system of goods has not brought down civilized society. Once again, most of the developing nations of the world would die for our environmental pipeline "problem".

wind and solar are nice alternates. But we cant get there without
Oil, natural
gas and nukes

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