It will be here before you know it....


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003
Trump versus Biden in 2024 and an asteroid with our name on it.
Assuming it's a split ticket in DC with the Republicans holding only the Senate and perhaps SCOTUS, the US could stagnate for another four years as both sides block each other. That will put the US in a much less competitive position worldwide both economically and as an example to other countries of how a successful democracy works. One ray of hope is that with Biden has extensive senatorial experience and is white, perhaps he find a few common areas to work on with the Republican Senate such as a Covid relief package and an infrastructure bill. We can expect, however, that the Senate will not
1) vote on any nominations to the federal courts
2) approve any treaties, especially if they have to do with the environment
3) any increase in federal taxes

Biden would largely be left with governing by executive order, mostly to reverse some of Trumps current and future lame duck pernicious ones.

As for Trump's legal issues, the penalties for most of the state level ones appear to have financial penalties and it's really hard to see him actually going to jail. If he can find a way to absolve himself of Federal prosecution (pardoning himself and dragging it to SCOTUS), then he's back to where he used to....looking for money. He's done well in the presidency and has his base, so some speculate that he will set up his own cable channel and charge his base $10/mo to watch the continuation of his reality show about his grievances and how horrible Democrats are.

None of this bodes well for healing the US and developing a consistent, common US strategy to deal with our international or environmental issues.
Assuming it's a split ticket in DC with the Republicans holding only the Senate and perhaps SCOTUS, the US could stagnate for another four years as both sides block each other.

Music to my ears WATU
Looks like a biden win. im cashing in all my investments and stuffing the money into my matress befoe the dems find out what I have.
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Before looking for a reason to hide cash in a mattress, consider: If Biden wins, it repeat will a pattern of Republican presidents handing off crappy messes for a Democratic administration to clean up. Clinton handed off a budget surplus to Bush. Bush handed off the country's worst financial crisis in 70 years, a mountain of debt and an unnecessary war in Iraq, Obama handed off a growing economy, low unemployment, and strong relations with our allies. Trump will hand off an out of control pandemic with a world leading death toll, the most divided country in anyone's living memory, poor relations with former allies, and an even bigger mountain of debt.
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