Is China just stupid?

Global warming is currently making the sea rise, not going to make the sea rise, it already be happening.
Global warming is currently making the sea rise, not going to make the sea rise, it already be happening.

Thanks for that major correction. I should have said that the sea has risen, is rising, and will continue to rise. It has not risen enough that the atoll that China claims is underwater but it will continue rising and rise faster enough that they Chinese base and airfield will be under water and their efforts will be wasted.

I might also point out that at one time Florida was several times wider than it is now and that people walked across the Bering Straight and populated this hemisphere. Another time the glaciers were big enough to cut Lake Superior and the other Great Lakes.

The Oceans are always rising or falling. In addition, subsidence causes coastal areas to fall as tectonic plates move about. The world along with the flora and fauna evolve and it never stops. Congress can't pass a law to make pi 3.00000 nor can evolution, which liberals love to show support of and which I believe in, be made to stop. Man in his vanity thinks we are the reason the Earth is here and that we are destroying it.
Really. A full fledged denier? It's hubris to think that man could affect climate?

Consider that mankind has repeatedly demonstrated is that it is capable of destroying that which was considered unlimited. We've lost species, wiped out the oceans of buffalo, collapsed fish stocks, reduced clean water, decimated forests, and polluted the oceans. The Pacific trash gyre has grown to the point that it is now about twice the size of Texas. That science is pointing out that pumping billions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere is affecting climate seems more like common sense than pride.
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I don't deny anything. Can you tell me that warming is 100% occurring only because of man? Usually, with most issues it is hard to say there is one and only one cause.

From the beginning the predictions have been outlandish. Read what they said in in the 1970's that life would be like in 2000. How many points of no return have we passed? You are right about fresh water. That is a much greater danger than warming. How long can you go without water? That includes soda and beer.

We have covered this before. Whether it's climate, food, clean water, trash in the Ocean, can the earth take 7 billion people? Maybe. 10 Billion? 20 billion? The UN keeps moving those milestones forward. How did all of those fish get wiped out? People ate them. They are good for you, eat more fish.

Change is normal. But one thing people cannot understand is the world could and may go on without Homo sapiens sapiens. The second sapiens means this current edition. Yes, we are jerks. We wiped out buffalo [but they are coming back] and would have wiped out whales if it wasn't for petroleum. But guess what saber tooth tigers, wooly mammoths, mastodons, T. Rex, have disappeared. There have been snowball earths and hotter earths and mass extinctions. I'm not denying anything. It could happen again. How are we coming with a rocket system to knock out a big asteroid?

Do you really think evolution led to the Kardashians and Kanye West, Trump and Hillary and that is the end product of this planet?

By the way, they found some bacteria the other day that are immune to the last best antibiotic. They evolve too. Deny that.
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There are some fascinating books that discuss the major changes that have occurred over time on earth. Both natural cycles and mankind have had an influence.

Amazon product ASIN 0143117009
Really. A full fledged denier?.

I love the way you spit that out there... Reminds me of those closed minded rednecks that called people "n*****-lovers" because they dared to speak up for civil rights.

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