Iran attacks Saudi oil facility.

The title is incorrect. It should be changed to Houthis attack Saudi. Iran did not directly attack Saudi. If Iran were to directly attack Saudi, I conjecture the results would be much different. This is exactly what the War mongers and oil investors want!
I don’t believe for a second that Iran didn’t back the attack. Using proxies shouldn’t relieve the Iranians from responsibility imo.
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I don’t believe for a second that Iran didn’t back the attack. Using proxies shouldn’t relieve the Iranians from responsibility imo.
Ah now we are talking apples and oranges. This is a convoluted mess. Should Iran not hold accountable Saudi and its African Proxies responsible for atrocities committed in Yemen?
Now we are talking kiwis and bananas. Whatevah. Yes it is a convoluted mess. That doesn't affect that statements honesty one bit. The Houthis are just pawns in this game. So are the actors Saudia is using. All the 'actors' have false motives whether they realize it or not. China & Russia's peripheral involvement comes into it as well. Who thinks Iran & the Saudi's give one shat about their proxies, other than to do their bidding. The proxies may have convinced themselves they fight for themselves as well as Iran &/or the Saudia's, but that's just the malarkey the real actors have convinced their proxies is true. That statement just points out the honest truth, and doesn't just lay the blame on the bullet. It's not apples and oranges. We are both actors and pawns in this game too.
Now we are talking kiwis and bananas. Whatevah. Yes it is a convoluted mess. That doesn't affect that statements honesty one bit. The Houthis are just pawns in this game. So are the actors Saudia is using. All the 'actors' have false motives whether they realize it or not. China & Russia's peripheral involvement comes into it as well. Who thinks Iran & the Saudi's give one shat about their proxies, other than to do their bidding. The proxies may have convinced themselves they fight for themselves as well as Iran &/or the Saudia's, but that's just the malarkey the real actors have convinced their proxies is true. That statement just points out the honest truth, and doesn't just lay the blame on the bullet. It's not apples and oranges. We are both actors and pawns in this game too.
Nice talking points but I refer you back to how this whole thing started? If you understand that than your answer will be completely different.
Sometimes I half suspect that Saudi is conducting attacks like this on itself to improve oil prices. The Iran boogeyman is just too easy an actor to pin it on, and the only people that actually benefit is Saudi.
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If we all 'understood' we would 'see' the reality, blah, blah, blah. Windshield wipers on your goggles to clear all the spittle. Right in the middle of it, with no clear view of reality.
If we all 'understood' we would 'see' the reality, blah, blah, blah. Windshield wipers on your goggles to clear all the spittle. Right in the middle of it, with no clear view of reality.
Dude, let’s keep it real! 😂 I doubt you could even find Iran on a map. While you were at home eating bon Bons sitting on your couch, I was busy helping fight endless wars in the Middle East! And oh by the way one of my languages is Farsi! We don’t have to agree on every issue on here but the only person with no clear vision of reality concerning Iran or Middle Eastern issues would be you! You can’t learn from sitting on your couch watching Fox News and CNN

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