Was it me or did it look like it removed the old tennis courts to make room? Sucks for guys in the Pike house as they now can't use binoculars to look into the Tri Delt windows :)
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by TU_BLA:
Was it me or did it look like it removed the old tennis courts to make room? Sucks for guys in the Pike house as they now can't use binoculars to look into the Tri Delt windows :)
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I can neither confirm nor deny those allegations, Senator.
If TU does indeed build what the artist rendered, it will be nicer than many IPF's you see on P5 campuses.

The classy design will undoudtedly blend in with TU's campus architecture.

Unlike the IPF below, TU's will never be mistaken for the Physical Services Plant.


Now TU needs to purchase the necessary land on the east side of Harvard and build a parking garage disgused as an IPF.



This post was edited on 3/13 3:35 AM by texcane1982
Don't know how I feel about getting rid of Harwell.
Originally posted by Gold*:
Don't know how I feel about getting rid of Harwell.
It looks like it will only take out half (maybe 2/3s) of Harwell especially if they take out the tennis courts.
However theyve said previously that any IPF would be open to non athletics activities, which means that the field space taken out by building it essentially would be put indoors.
Ya I don't like removing Harwell. It's the only place people actually use regularly for activities besides the little intramural field on the other side of campus. I thought about this earlier, it would be handy if they could use the area taken by the parking lot next to Mabee gym. They might have to figure something out for the security parking, but most of the frat guys could be moved to the Harvard lot.

This post was edited on 3/13 9:59 AM by astonmartin708
take out the parking across from Don Ren Center and build a parking garage with a sky bridge going over 11th
Originally posted by astonmartin708:
Ya I don't like removing Harwell. It's the only place people actually use regularly for activities besides the little intramural field on the other side of campus. I thought about this earlier, it would be handy if they could use the area taken by the parking lot next to Mabee gym. They might have to figure something out for the security parking, but most of the frat guys could be moved to the Harvard lot.

This post was edited on 3/13 9:59 AM by astonmartin708
Aesthetically that woul dhave probably looked better. It would have made it a nice little "athletic complex" right there.

But if we are talking about tearing stuff down, they should knock down the eye sore that is Kendall and slide the back end of the IPF into that space. In that scenario that would still take out the tennis courts but would leave like 90-95% of Harwell instead of 60-75%.
Originally posted by texcane1982:
If TU does indeed build what the artist rendered, it will be nicer than many IPF's you see on P5 campuses.

The classy design will undoudtedly blend in with TU's campus architecture.

Unlike the IPF below, TU's will never be mistaken for the Physical Services Plant.


Now TU needs to purchase the necessary land on the east side of Harvard and build a parking garage disgused as an IPF.



This post was edited on 3/13 3:35 AM by texcane1982
Texcane, if you are referring to the setback east of Harvard, I'm pretty sure they (TU) already own that land and wouldn't have to purchase anything other than a couple of properties still standing. And why they don't open that up for parking on game days is still a big mystery. Most of the folks who go to the games have to navigate the neighborhoods and street park because there's nowhere else. Opening that setback would mean less foot traffic in those neighborhoods and less hassle for the residents. But of course that would make way, way too much sense.
Secret to parking....park in the university owned apartments along Delaware. I do it every game, jump over to college to I-244 and we're out of the mess in 2 minutes. The walk is really nice. Now that doesn't fly for basketball but I have my own personalized space for that...well, not really personalized but I am the only one who ever parks there during basketball games.

I heard that the IPF removes the current Tennis Courts AND the old Harwell building. If the IPF is at least half-covered in Tennessee ledgestone then it is going to be absolutely amazing and not look like an old warehouse (see ORU's IPF...inside is pretty nice, outside looks like the Admiral Industrial Park).
Judging by the drawing it appears to be air conditioned. Is that correct?
I'm sure it has a full HAVC treatment. Wouldn't make sense if it didn't. I'd rather practice outside in 105 than indoors at 100.

This post was edited on 3/13 4:04 PM by TU_BLA
The land east of Harvard is a buffer zone between TU and the neighborhood.

It is currently zoned as such.

Unless TU rezones the land for parking and then paves the land, it cannot be used for tailgating.

Tailgating there would violate the city code about parking on the grass.

Students on grass okay... Cars on grass, not so much!!!
Originally posted by TU Sepp:

The land east of Harvard is a buffer zone between TU and the neighborhood.

It is currently zoned as such.

Unless TU rezones the land for parking and then paves the land, it cannot be used for tailgating.

Tailgating there would violate the city code about parking on the grass.

Students on grass okay... Cars on grass, not so much!!!
I have the solution to that. Have it rezoned. Problem solved. TU owns the land and should be allowed to do what they wish with that land. And it would actually enhance the neighborhood if it was landscaped nicely. That would look better than just an open grassed over field with a rope around it IMO. BTW, didn't they open that up the last time OSU played here? Seems like they did.
City is getting more picky about code violations.

It seems the "No Parking During Events" are now deemed to be not specific enough.

Someone got a ticket and went to court contesting it. He said that he was not informed that there was an event at TU that night. The judge ruled in his favor.

The city is now in the process of wanting to change all signs to just "No Parking" or No Parking This side".

This will greatly inconvenience the neighborhood which is already "tight" on parking.

Look for any violation by TU to be reported to the police department and the mayor's action line complete with photos.

The area city councilor will be supporting the neighborhood as he wants to be re-elected.

This next football season will be a little tense with parking in the neighborhood!

That judge just opened up a can of worms that had been contained for 50+ years with signage.
Originally posted by TU_Landman:

Originally posted by astonmartin708:
Ya I don't like removing Harwell. It's the only place people actually use regularly for activities besides the little intramural field on the other side of campus. I thought about this earlier, it would be handy if they could use the area taken by the parking lot next to Mabee gym. They might have to figure something out for the security parking, but most of the frat guys could be moved to the Harvard lot.

This post was edited on 3/13 9:59 AM by astonmartin708
...But if we are talking about tearing stuff down, they should knock down the eye sore that is Kendall and slide the back end of the IPF into that space...

The architectural Gods hath said rid the world of anything built in the seventies!
I am the word sayeth the Lord.
Here is the problem with zoning "setbacks" IMO. A setback is not a residential area and it is not a business nor in this instance, a "school". It is basically dead space noone is using - it is just land sitting there in midtown Tulsa. If it had some use of some kind that benefitted the area in general like a park or picnic area or as a parking lot for the university it sits next to, that would be OK. But a field noone lives on, works on or uses is the problem. Zoning it as wasteland is not a good reason to maintain the zone imo. Using it for parking during events is not harming someone any more than a parking lot at a nearby QT that is used 24-7 is. A city law or ruling needs to make sense. IMO this doesn't. As far as the election ramifications are concerned, don't students and TU emplyees occasionally vote?
Originally posted by lawpoke87:
What's the current zoning classification on that land?
I have no idea. It can't be residential since noone lives on it (except that one single house). Its not a business. Not a school. It serves no purpose as far as I can see.

The one house that is on the land may make the entire setback area residential to the city, but that owner doesn't own all the rest of the land which is basically a roped off wheatfield. Maybe some hobo erects a pup tent occasionally or something. I just don't see how a school like TU couldn't challenge that. I bet if this was near OU, the city would burn every effort to eliminate the setback "zone" as it exists. .
There might be a few that vote in Blake Ewings district.

TU was required to purchase the houses in the buffer zone as they became available. It was part of the trade-off for the Don/Rey gaining approval to be built on the corner lot and not further within the TU campus. I went to some meetings, plus our neighborhood association had representatives from both the City and TU come to speak to us concerning what the City and TU would be responsible for doing.

TU did themselves no favor by sending Mr. Norman to come address our meetings. He was consistently being caught telling half truths and just plain lies on different occasions. As a result our neighborhood has trouble trusting anything TU says. As there are some TU grads in our neighborhood we were disappointed in how Mr. Norman represented our university,
Sounds like this may not be a zoning or setback issue but that TU may have agreed to place some use restrictions on that land in exchange for concessions during the building of the DonRey. I'm curious now. If anybody has the legal description or an address of that land I would be happy to do a little digging and get is a definitive answer.
I have a neighbor that works for Tulsa County that probably tell me how to get that address or legal description. I just went next door and she's already in bed. I'll find out tomorrow morning and post it here.
That property does not lie within my neighborhood association boundaries.

I would have no problem giving TU a variance for their home football games for tailgating purposes.

However, I would require TU to landscape the property to make it as less invasive as possible during tailgating.
Originally posted by TU Sepp:

That property does not lie within my neighborhood association boundaries.

I would have no problem giving TU a variance for their home football games for tailgating purposes.

However, I would require TU to landscape the property to make it as less invasive as possible during tailgating.
Once again, who's talking about tailgating there? We just need parking so people don't have to park in neighborhoods and businesses for gamedays.
This govt legal (property) mentality has always bothered me to a certain degree. Does TU intrude on the neighborhood or does the neighborhood intrude on TU? I think a lot of the law should give the benefit to whoever owns the land - not the lot next to said land, but that which is owned. Of course there has to be some limits, but again the landowner should be mostly in charge of his/her/their land. In this case, whatever TU does with that land has to be for the good of the community in general. That should be the overriding factor IMO. If its good for Tulsa, its either directly or indirectly good for the neighborhood. We aren't talking about constructing an oil tar pit or rattle snake farm here, its just a friggin parking lot for crying out loud. Again, if this was on OSU or OU owned property it would have been done years ago. The city has the final sayso, but TU also contributes millions of dollars to the city, advertises the name of the city (free) every game day and is one of the leading employers in said city. And as a reward, TU can't construct a parking lot on their own land? Thanks Tulsa!


That is all I know about setback rulings, but my question is - what would be the difference between having a field of grass along the east side of Harvard Ave and a paved parking lot there that is landscaped and used for event parking on a parttime basis? And who should control that land - that TU already owns and was forced to buy?

The only difference I can see is that the land would actually be in use and the chains and roped areas would occasionally vanish when there are events. Oh and the neighborhoods would be less traveled by strangers.

This post was edited on 3/14 12:23 PM by rabidTU
Grew up on 12th, a block south of Skelly. On game day, made money parking cars in our driveway and yard. I'm sure some still do this?
TU 1978...

People can only make money parking cars in their driveways.

Parking on the grass was outlawed years ago.

Home owners that do that will be ticketed for each car parked on the grass.

If it were legal, I could make about $200 per game @ $15 per car!!!

Concerning the grassy area east of Harvard, TU owned a lot of those houses already and rented them out to students before all the improvements. During all the construction time they tore down the houses and used the land for storage for equipment, building materials, and landscaping.

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