Income redistribution -- after tax measures

Our tax code is a mess. You know there's a problem when effective tax rates for the rich are often lower than the middle class.

Color me shocked that an author who is on the Administration's payroll defends the President.
too many personal expenses are written off as business.
loopholes designed by congress. reps and dems.
Those personal expense write offs are visible problems, but there are much worse ones of a larger magnitude. Politically Republicans, especially the TP, consider fixing any loop holes as tax increases, so those are off limits. Paul Ryan's budget will exacerbate the problem and reverse the shrinking budget deficit.

When a tiny % at the top pays a much lower effective tax than the average Joe, something is wrong. But that tiny % at the top has the dough to protect themselves by making sure that we have the best government money can buy.

Until we get the big and secret dough out of elections, we will find that (as SCOTUS put it) "money is speech" and the loud voices drown out the rest of us.
A recent report showed that large number of members of Congress became MILLIONAIRES, after, they got to congress. More dems than reps. They didn't get that money from poor people.

also Nancy pelosi owns a manufacturing co. that is exempt from Minimum Wage and Unions!
This post was edited on 11/18 10:22 PM by aTUfan
The lack of guilt that a socialist feels about taking someone else's money under threat of imprisonment and handing it to someone else in order to curry favors or votes is only understandable once you accept the fact that socialists do not act in this manner out of charity but rather out of their own lust for power and belief that they are smarter than everyone else.
Originally posted by noble cane:

The lack of guilt that a socialist feels about taking someone else's money under threat of imprisonment and handing it to someone else in order to curry favors or votes is only understandable once you accept the fact that socialists do not act in this manner out of charity but rather out of their own lust for power and belief that they are smarter than everyone else.