Inauguration Questions


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 16, 2008
I saw Kamala get sworn in again and it made me wonder why she hasn’t resigned with only days left until the inauguration. 🤔 if you go onto, you can type in inauguration. There are two separate expenditures. Look at those expenditures very closely. One of my National Guard buddies who is in DC just got a challenge coin from Miller. Are you guys ready for the inauguration?
No, i am not. Considering there are about a thousand Pro-Trump McVeighs running around out there right now, I think it is going to be dark days for this country. Many are going to die and it is exactly what Trump wants. Last week is exactly what he wanted. People die for him and his enemies beg him to have his terrorists back off.
No, i am not. Considering there are about a thousand Pro-Trump McVeighs running around out there right now, I think it is going to be dark days for this country. Many are going to die and it is exactly what Trump wants. Last week is exactly what he wanted. People die for him and his enemies beg him to have his terrorists back off.
I saw Kamala get sworn in again and it made me wonder why she hasn’t resigned with only days left until the inauguration. 🤔 if you go onto, you can type in inauguration. There are two separate expenditures. Look at those expenditures very closely. One of my National Guard buddies who is in DC just got a challenge coin from Miller. Are you guys ready for the inauguration?
Waiting for your buddy to go to jail. Wouldn't mind if Miller did too. Are you referring to Stephen Miller, cause that's the one I'm referring to. Him giving challenge coin goes towards jail time for Miller, invoking a second riot.
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Waiting for your buddy to go to jail. Wouldn't mind if Miller did too. Are you referring to Steven Miller, cause that's the one I'm referring to. Him giving challenge coin goes towards jail time for Miller, invoking a second riot.
My buddy is a soldier 🤷🏽‍♂️ There to protect the capital
LOL. Was that supposed to be a rebuttal? He can make videos? I saw videos of him saying he has proof of fraud, but nothing shows up in court. He will have Mexico pay for the wall. He has proof Obama was not born in the US. On and on with the lies. Sorry if him sitting there saying that doesnt move me much. I did laugh though. So, thanks for that, pretty rare lately.
Im an independent. I didn’t vote for him or Biden but not sure what else someone can say to prevent further escalation.
My buddy is a soldier 🤷🏽‍♂️ There to protect the capital
A challenge coin from Miller says otherwise. Sounds as if Miller is trying to get him to be part of the insurrection. Just because he is in the military doesn't mean his motivations are good. There is a piece of the military who the rioters are trying/have corraled to their side. I hope authorities are watching boards like this. Means you might be answering questions later on. You realize people at the top are going to be rooted out by Biden's administration. All the Trumpites are going to be out of a job.
Im an independent. I didn’t vote for him or Biden but not sure what else someone can say to prevent further escalation.
That there was no election stealing. That I was lying because no one has ever told me no or have I ever lost at anything. I just fire people that disagree with me.
Im an independent. I didn’t vote for him or Biden but not sure what else someone can say to prevent further escalation.
The military will quell further escalation. Already is, and will be a massive presence of the National Guard. Your buddies are not big enough in number to cause problems, and will face the BOI if they make any attempts. At best they will be dishonorably thrown out of the military.
There's a better chance of Cody Green making an NFL roster than the chance of it being true that Shon did not vote for DT.

I'm not sure why anyone has to pretend on this either. I don't think less of any of my friends or family that voted for him. They had their reasons.
I am not afraid to say I voted for Trump 4 years ago. Also, I am in the minority these days when I say I was wrong and an idiot.
I wanted change from the status quo. Tired of career politicians. All should serve 4 maybe 8 years and then back into public life to live with the laws they made or didnt make.
The military will quell further escalation. Already is, and will be a massive presence of the National Guard. Your buddies are not big enough in number to cause problems, and will face the BOI if they make any attempts. At best they will be dishonorably thrown out of the military.
It’s laughable that you insinuate my buddies would ever be a part of anything that goes against a smooth transition of power. I asked a simple question which no one has answered yet. Keep your personal attacks to yourself
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There's a better chance of Cody Green making an NFL roster than the chance of it being true that Shon did not vote for DT.

I'm not sure why anyone has to pretend on this either. I don't think less of any of my friends or family that voted for him. They had their reasons.
😂 You can easily verify that! I have Never voted.
It’s laughable that you insinuate my buddies would ever be a part of anything that goes against a smooth transition of power. I asked a simple question which no one has answered yet. Keep your personal attacks to yourself
You implied it, when you said they got a challenge coin. If they wouldn't EVER be a part of anything, then I doubt Miller would send them challenge coins. Miller wouldn't send them out to those who hadn't exhibited opinions showing them as someone who might be influenced. If he sent them out willy nilly to anybody, then he is definitely at risk of prosecution.
You implied it, when you said they got a challenge coin. If they wouldn't EVER be a part of anything, then I doubt Miller would send them challenge coins. Miller wouldn't send them out to those who hadn't exhibited opinions showing them as someone who might be influenced. If he sent them out willy nilly to anybody, then he is definitely at risk of prosecution.
They got challenge coins for doing their job well. Your lack of military knowledge reflects. How you interpret that as anything different is beyond me
They got challenge coins for doing their job well. Your lack of military knowledge reflects. How you interpret that as anything different is beyond me
Because I know the repulsion that is Steven Miller. I also know Miller is bright enough to issue a challenge coin, knowing how certain military would interpret it. Regardless of what the surface 'normal' meaning is, it will be interpreted that way if a soldier is bent that way. It only takes the smallest hint. And you know that, that's why you dropped it into this post.
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Because I know the repulsion that is Steven Miller. I also know Miller is bright enough to issue a challenge coin, knowing how certain military would interpret it. Regardless of what the surface 'normal' meaning is, it will be interpreted that way if a soldier is bent that way. It only takes the smallest hint. And you know that, that's why you dropped it into this post.
While you were munching on cheese puffs, laying on your couch, I was actually out serving to protect units like the ones Miller commanded. Your attack on him is an attack on our brave military men and women. It is sick that you think you have the right to judge someone based on what you heard. Your knowledge of gov and Mil is ZERO. I would never let someone talk crap about you that I know didn’t know or have direct contact with you and I won’t stand for you talking crap about a True American Patriot whose done and sacrificed more for this country than you ever have!
😂 You can easily verify that! I have Never voted.

You should probably start thinking about getting off any form of media. I'm embarrassed you ever took a hit to the head for The University of Tulsa. You seriously want to make me vomit. Maybe you took too many hits to the head.
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You should probably start thinking about getting off any form of media. I'm embarrassed you ever took a hit to the head for The University of Tulsa. You seriously want to make me vomit. Maybe you took too many hits to the head.
Hey Eric, for a Minute I thought you stopped stalking me. I’m glad you are still on my team buddy! 😂
While you were munching on cheese puffs, laying on your couch, I was actually out serving to protect units like the ones Miller commanded. Your attack on him is an attack on our brave military men and women. It is sick that you think you have the right to judge someone based on what you heard. Your knowledge of gov and Mil is ZERO. I would never let someone talk crap about you that I know didn’t know or have direct contact with you and I won’t stand for you talking crap about a True American Patriot whose done and sacrificed more for this country than you ever have!
What a loon you are. I stated that I was referring to Stephen Miller, and that I was assuming you were too. If you said you were referring to Christopher Miller I would not have said anything. You so full of it. Read someone's posts and don't skim if you are going to go at them.
I guess Shonny ain't on a first name basis with Miller. Can't even remember his given name.
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Hey Eric, for a Minute I thought you stopped stalking me. I’m glad you are still on my team buddy! 😂

I would give you kudos for the reply, but I’m on the :crap:ter right now and I think you are straight retardrd. Oh well. Have a nice day in Europe. Allegedly.
I saw Kamala get sworn in again and it made me wonder why she hasn’t resigned with only days left until the inauguration. 🤔 if you go onto, you can type in inauguration. There are two separate expenditures. Look at those expenditures very closely. One of my National Guard buddies who is in DC just got a challenge coin from Miller. Are you guys ready for the inauguration?
Kamala Harris officially resigned from the Senate today, just FYI. Guess you'll have to find a new meaningless factoid to generate your innuendos.
Kamala Harris officially resigned from the Senate today, just FYI. Guess you'll have to find a new meaningless factoid to generate your innuendos.

But did she resign from the Secret Senate?
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All day she was referred to as the first woman vp, first black vp, first xxx vp. I thought we elected people because of their policies and qualifications, not because they will be the first.

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