Ilhan Omar seems to be arguing for a completely socialist government.

It’s laughable that the same system that she hates has allowed her to speak freely, marry her brother, and become a key leader in this new American Civil War. Let her keep running her mouth. The more she speaks out the more she reveals who and what she is really about.
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She was elected by a majority Somali population who in large part feel disenfranchised by racism and their communities have allow the weaponization of religion to create radicals like her. Even if it’s not her, it will be someone who shares her views.
It’s laughable that the same system that she hates has allowed her to speak freely, marry her brother, and become a key leader in this new American Civil War. Let her keep running her mouth. The more she speaks out the more she reveals who and what she is really about.
I doubt she is reelected. But it will take a Democratic challenger in the primary, she won't lose to a Republican in her district.
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She was elected by a majority Somali population who in large part feel disenfranchised by racism and their communities have allow the weaponization of religion to create radicals like her. Even if it’s not her, it will be someone who shares her views.
My apologies I edited a little while after posting that, so I removed it, and reposted with the edits. I can't believe that it will be as liberal of a candidate. Yes, some of her views will be held, but I have to believe a lot of the views against the US system won't be held by her successor. I may be wrong, but I have to believe her electorate will be averse to those views that would change our system so drastically if they were passed into law.
My apologies I edited a little while after posting that, so I removed it, and reposted with the edits. I can't believe that it will be as liberal of a candidate. Yes, some of her views will be held, but I have to believe a lot of the views against the US system won't be held by her successor. I may be wrong, but I have to believe her electorate will be averse to those views that would change our system so drastically if they were passed into law.

In our current climate, i have a hard time believing any minority incumbant or challenger would be defeated. No matter their views.
In our current climate, i have a hard time believing any minority incumbant or challenger would be defeated. No matter their views.
There are a couple of interesting races featuring long term well-known GOP incumbents in traditionally very red states that I think might turn our political system on its head come November. Lindsey Graham is facing Jaime Harrison, who has a strong organization behind him, and is using Graham's own political hypocrisy against him, especially his hypocrisy on Trump. I believe the latest poll is within the MOE and Harrison is ahead in a couple of other polls.

The other is Kentucky where McConnell is facing off against someone who he can't attack as unPatriotic or un-American. He'll get skewered for that. Amy McGrath is a former Marine Corps fighter pilot who flew 89 combat missions in Afghanistan. She retired as a Lt. Colonel. She is a more moderate Democrat (and has been criticized as too moderate by some Dems. because of her fiscal views).

I fully expect Senate seats in CO and AZ to flip. There is a good possibility that John Cornyn loses in TX as well and I expect NC to have a Dem Senator as well. I think the AL Senate seat is a toss up. How popular is Tuberville in AL vs the job that Doug Jones has done (and he has been more conservative in his stances in the Senate than probably what most Dems would like to see)? That primary is one of the only ones in which a Trump endorsed candidate won.

I think Abby Broyles is going to make Inhofe actually campaign and debate her in OK. She has a lot of momentum and her fundraising is on par with Inhofe's despite not accepting PAC money. I think in the end, OK will be OK though and miss out on retiring Snowball Jim.
There are a couple of interesting races featuring long term well-known GOP incumbents in traditionally very red states that I think might turn our political system on its head come November. Lindsey Graham is facing Jaime Harrison, who has a strong organization behind him, and is using Graham's own political hypocrisy against him, especially his hypocrisy on Trump. I believe the latest poll is within the MOE and Harrison is ahead in a couple of other polls.

The other is Kentucky where McConnell is facing off against someone who he can't attack as unPatriotic or un-American. He'll get skewered for that. Amy McGrath is a former Marine Corps fighter pilot who flew 89 combat missions in Afghanistan. She retired as a Lt. Colonel. She is a more moderate Democrat (and has been criticized as too moderate by some Dems. because of her fiscal views).

I fully expect Senate seats in CO and AZ to flip. There is a good possibility that John Cornyn loses in TX as well and I expect NC to have a Dem Senator as well. I think the AL Senate seat is a toss up. How popular is Tuberville in AL vs the job that Doug Jones has done (and he has been more conservative in his stances in the Senate than probably what most Dems would like to see)? That primary is one of the only ones in which a Trump endorsed candidate won.

I think Abby Broyles is going to make Inhofe actually campaign and debate her in OK. She has a lot of momentum and her fundraising is on par with Inhofe's despite not accepting PAC money. I think in the end, OK will be OK though and miss out on retiring Snowball Jim.
I think it's pretty damn hilarious that a failed football coach is going to be promoted as person who should oversee the finances as well as the foreign and domestic policy of our country. Like, Tuberville isn't even the 2nd best coach living in the state in terms of success at his job, much less the most fit person for the position of state senator.

I think the Pubs manage to wrestle control of the Senate by a single seat. I'm interested in the race in Michigan, and seeing Susan Collins de-throned in Maine.
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I think it's pretty damn hilarious that a failed football coach is going to be promoted as person who should oversee the finances as well as the foreign and domestic policy of our country. Like, Tuberville isn't even the 2nd best coach living in the state in terms of success at his job, much less the most fit person for the position of state senator.

I think the Pubs manage to wrestle control of the Senate by a single seat. I'm interested in the race in Michigan, and seeing Susan Collins de-throned in Maine.
I guess you didn’t vote for Cory Booker.
There are a couple of interesting races featuring long term well-known GOP incumbents in traditionally very red states that I think might turn our political system on its head come November. Lindsey Graham is facing Jaime Harrison, who has a strong organization behind him, and is using Graham's own political hypocrisy against him, especially his hypocrisy on Trump. I believe the latest poll is within the MOE and Harrison is ahead in a couple of other polls.

The other is Kentucky where McConnell is facing off against someone who he can't attack as unPatriotic or un-American. He'll get skewered for that. Amy McGrath is a former Marine Corps fighter pilot who flew 89 combat missions in Afghanistan. She retired as a Lt. Colonel. She is a more moderate Democrat (and has been criticized as too moderate by some Dems. because of her fiscal views).

I fully expect Senate seats in CO and AZ to flip. There is a good possibility that John Cornyn loses in TX as well and I expect NC to have a Dem Senator as well. I think the AL Senate seat is a toss up. How popular is Tuberville in AL vs the job that Doug Jones has done (and he has been more conservative in his stances in the Senate than probably what most Dems would like to see)? That primary is one of the only ones in which a Trump endorsed candidate won.

I think Abby Broyles is going to make Inhofe actually campaign and debate her in OK. She has a lot of momentum and her fundraising is on par with Inhofe's despite not accepting PAC money. I think in the end, OK will be OK though and miss out on retiring Snowball Jim.
The KY race is a good example of too much money in politics. McGrath’s Soros money has at least one paid staffer in each county.
The KY race is a good example of too much money in politics. McGrath’s Soros money has at least one paid staffer in each county.
I was pulling for the other Dem from Louisiville in the primary BUT I don't think he had the best chance of winning against McConnell. He would have pulled a ton of vote from Louisville and Lexington and then struggled against McConnell in the other 90% of the state because he was black. McGrath will be able to compete with McConnell in rural areas because she has a military background and the current sentiment in KY is trending slightly blue after they elected a Dem as governor. She won't make inroads with die hard Trumpers but there are enough people who have seen the absolutely horrible crap Trump has pulled along with the unethical actions of McConnell and his wife taking PPP money designed for small businesses not multi-million dollar corps, that the more moderate GOP and independents will give McGrath a chance.
I was pulling for the other Dem from Louisiville in the primary BUT I don't think he had the best chance of winning against McConnell. He would have pulled a ton of vote from Louisville and Lexington and then struggled against McConnell in the other 90% of the state because he was black. McGrath will be able to compete with McConnell in rural areas because she has a military background and the current sentiment in KY is trending slightly blue after they elected a Dem as governor. She won't make inroads with die hard Trumpers but there are enough people who have seen the absolutely horrible crap Trump has pulled along with the unethical actions of McConnell and his wife taking PPP money designed for small businesses not multi-million dollar corps, that the more moderate GOP and independents will give McGrath a chance.
I’ve been registering Republican voters door to door in KY off and on since 1984. Bevin lost because he was an ahole and McConnell despises him, not anything Beshears did on the campaign trail changed that election. It was over before it started.
I guess you didn’t vote for Cory Booker.
You mean the guy that was a Rhodes Scholar, Yale Law Grad, Municipal Councilor, and Mayor of a City of ~300K.

You're comparing a guy that has 3 Degrees and was a Rhodes Scholar to a guy that has a B.A. in P.E. from Southern Arkansas. It's not exactly a clash of titans.
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You mean the guy that was a Rhodes Scholar, Yale Law Grad, Municipal Councilor, and Mayor of a City of ~300K.

You're comparing a guy that has 3 Degrees and was a Rhodes Scholar to a guy that has a B.A. in P.E. from Southern Arkansas. It's not exactly a clash of titans.
I’m saying you’ll find some great leaders near the football field. Tom Osborne and Dave Rader among them. I thought Tuberville was a terrible coach and a worse person, but he knows how to manipulate media, raise money, cultivate blind loyal support, and doesn’t care who he has to hurt to prove he’s in charge. Qualities equally valuable in the Senate or the sideline. Don’t be surprised if he wins and impresses a lot of people. Sonny Bono did.
I’m saying you’ll find some great leaders near the football field. Tom Osborne and Dave Rader among them. I thought Tuberville was a terrible coach and a worse person, but he knows how to manipulate media, raise money, cultivate blind loyal support, and doesn’t care who he has to hurt to prove he’s in charge. Qualities equally valuable in the Senate or the sideline. Don’t be surprised if he wins and impresses a lot of people. Sonny Bono did.
That's the exact problem with this country. It values style over substance. It makes it the swampiest swamp of all swamps.
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That's the exact problem with this country. It values style over substance. It makes it the swampiest swamp of all swamps.
Sounds like a good argument for as Libertarian a government as possible. If these elected leaders are so swampy, we should want to limit their power over our lives as much as we can, right?
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You mean the guy that was a Rhodes Scholar, Yale Law Grad, Municipal Councilor, and Mayor of a City of ~300K.

You're comparing a guy that has 3 Degrees and was a Rhodes Scholar to a guy that has a B.A. in P.E. from Southern Arkansas. It's not exactly a clash of titans.
Degrees for days but still an idiot!
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That's the exact problem with this country. It values style over substance. It makes it the swampiest swamp of all swamps.
But we all know you’d vote for Todd Graham if he came back and ran for Inhofe’s seat.
It’s laughable that the same system that she hates has allowed her to speak freely, marry her brother, and become a key leader in this new American Civil War. Let her keep running her mouth. The more she speaks out the more she reveals who and what she is really about.
She’s about to lose, anyway. Then she’s going to jail.
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In our current climate, i have a hard time believing any minority incumbant or challenger would be defeated. No matter their views.
Good point. It’s like that Ami Horowitz video in NYC where everyone is willing to sign the “petition” to take down George Washington’s statues because he owned slaves but when it comes to statues of Muhammad they won’t sign it because they don’t know what to say / don’t want to touch that. It’s a joke. Muhammad not only owned slaves (& also a false prophet) but he also is responsible for all the people who currently own slaves still to this day in 2020. Such hypocrites, but that’s typical for democrats.
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Degrees for days but still an idiot!
Booker? Hardly. Problem with Booker is the primary voters have shifted so far left he can't even get a chance to talk at the debates. He's way more moderate than anyone gives him credit for. The Dem debates were a travesty this year as they squelched good candidates and their ideas to cater to Bernie, Biden, & Warren. I came in thinking Booker was my candidate but after listening and reading about some others, I shifted to Andrew Yang. People can dis on the UBI thing all they want but he seemed to understand the need to shift the economy because of tech advancements which were quickly putting people out of manufacturing jobs which we have relied on for decades. He understood that in such an advanced way over the other candidates that they other candidates started adopting at least a portion of what he was saying. Biden has included a part of it in his campaign now. I like Booker because he's a doer more than a talker and there's always a story about some things he did when he was mayor in Newark that have always stuck with me as an example of the type of dynamic leadership we always need...individuals who will get their hands dirty and do the little things if that's what is called for.

BTW, Bernie was never my choice for the Dem nomination. Not 4 years ago. Not this year. He's off his rocker in many ways. He could gain a lot more traction in the party if he would stick to focusing on health care and making it truly universal. It's been a Dem party platform since 1992.
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No arguments from me on most of what you wrote. My issue with Booker is that he is now trying to be someone he isn’t. You are correct when you say he is more moderate but he has changed his tone to far left on far too many issues lately to appease the mob and he now comes across as being fake to me. After his performance at the fake impeachment, I washed my hands of him!
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Booker? Hardly. Problem with Booker is the primary voters have shifted so far left he can't even get a chance to talk at the debates. He's way more moderate than anyone gives him credit for. The Dem debates were a travesty this year as they squelched good candidates and their ideas to cater to Bernie, Biden, & Warren. I came in thinking Booker was my candidate but after listening and reading about some others, I shifted to Andrew Yang. People can dis on the UBI thing all they want but he seemed to understand the need to shift the economy because of tech advancements which were quickly putting people out of manufacturing jobs which we have relied on for decades. He understood that in such an advanced way over the other candidates that they other candidates started adopting at least a portion of what he was saying. Biden has included a part of it in his campaign now. I like Booker because he's a doer more than a talker and there's always a story about some things he did when he was mayor in Newark that have always stuck with me as an example of the type of dynamic leadership we always need...individuals who will get their hands dirty and do the little things if that's what is called for.

BTW, Bernie was never my choice for the Dem nomination. Not 4 years ago. Not this year. He's off his rocker in many ways. He could gain a lot more traction in the party if he would stick to focusing on health care and making it truly universal. It's been a Dem party platform since 1992.
Rubbish myth again. Bill Clinton wanted government regulation of the entire medical marketplace. He wanted a universal mandate for all employers to cover all workers. He did not want, and knew he could not achieve, because a majority of his own party opposed it, universal healthcare provided by the federal government. His plan disintegrated because the person in charge of it, his wife, was probably the least politically capable person in Washington to see it succeed. Not only was she personally caustic, but the office she occupied, wasn’t really any “office” and had no political muscle or ability to move entrenched Washington organizational dynamics. It was a fantasy world proposal and Daniel Patrick Moynihan called it that on the floor of the Senate. Universal healthcare, as sponsored by the Democrats, was, at the times it was politically expedient, led by Ted Kennedy. But at that time, the cost was viewed as astronomical in the middle of the Cold War and his own party leadership had no interest in launching him to the Presidency with it, because he didn’t have the political ability to be President without it. So they kneecapped him and crapcanned the plan. That’s why you don’t have universal healthcare.

The true innovators were Nixon’s domestic policy council, who in response to Nixon’s loss of two siblings, wanted Medicaid buy in options for catastrophic coverage, shared cost structures between employers and employees with employer access to government subsidies to control their costs, and state regulatory reforms that included price caps and federal government guarantees. Not a massive DC based bureaucracy and expecting every small business over night to absorb healthcare coverage costs with no employee contribution like the Clinton plan. And Kennedy killed that plan, because he wanted universal coverage so he could be President in 1976.

Perhaps the worst part of the Clinton plan was that it revealed them to be naive fools who were Washington outsiders and unable to marshal DC support because he was elected as a compromise candidate with a plurality and viewed as a hick in need of a competent tailor. They vowed to really learn how Washington works and use the Presidency to leverage it for personal gain, since this episode taught them that DC doesn’t really care about helping people and their own party doesn’t really even care about helping their own sitting President. And they succeeded at that. And when Hillary came along again, the American people saw right through it, thank God.
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No arguments from me on most of what you wrote. My issue with Booker is that he is now trying to be someone he isn’t. You are correct when you say he is more moderate but he has changed his tone to far left on far too many issues lately to appease the mob and he now comes across as being fake to me. After his performance at the fake impeachment, I washed my hands of him!
You do know it was a very real impeachment for very real charges right?
Lol you do realize I have worked in Government for 15 plus years? Go sell that load of crap to someone on the outside looking in!
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Actually, it was a real impeachment that never was going to result in a conviction and everyone knew it.

Please refer to the Lone Ranger telling Tonto to go into town and get information. Who doesn't know that Tonto is going to come away with little to show for it but bruises. If Pelosi really thought there was a chance she would have had Jerry Nader tied up in the basement.
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You don’t know how much that scares me.
You are being manipulated like a puppet on a string with only the information we choose to provide you with as your sword to fight a battle you truly don’t understand. You like so many others are educated but ignorant of the truth and easily manipulated. I am on the field of play while you watch and comment from the stands! I hone my debating skills with you bc you are a worthy opponent but make no mistake, you are playing checkers while I play chess.
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You are being manipulated like a puppet on a string with only the information we choose to provide you with as your sword to fight a battle you truly don’t understand. You like so many others are educated but ignorant of the truth and easily manipulated. I am on the field of play while you watch and comment from the stands! I hone my debating skills with you bc you are a worthy opponent but make no mistake, you are playing checkers while I play chess.
You two are a perfect match. You are pulling Aston's string on a post with 33 views plus a few more to come.
We truly are! I recognized long ago that greatness starts on the practice field. Aston is the best training partner I could ever ask for because he truly believes what he says! You cannot unite the masses under one common cause without understanding and being able to effectively communicate with the opposition.
Actually, it was a real impeachment that never was going to result in a conviction and everyone knew it.

Please refer to the Lone Ranger telling Tonto to go into town and get information. Who doesn't know that Tonto is going to come away with little to show for it but bruises. If Pelosi really thought there was a chance she would have had Jerry Nader tied up in the basement.

The thought of Nancy Pelosi having Jerry Nadler tied up in a basement conjures up images of a really bad movie plot and no amount of alcohol can wash away the mental image of Nancy Pelosi dancing to "farewell to horses"