If you won a contest


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Sep 28, 2006
And got to add one thing (within reason financially) to our gameday experience at the home opener, what would you choose?
North end zone retro crap o tron


Robot version of Bruce so he can do games forever

A decent bar across the street

More comfortable seats with more leg room

Moon base

More piss troughs
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Defense made me laugh.

I think my #1 is a new stadium announcer.

#2 would be putting the band where more than a few people can hear them. Put them in the endzone and move "family fun" to the farthest south or north sections of the west side.

#3, total concession overhaul but I don't know what kind of money that would be. My first 2 are pretty much free so I think I should be able to do both and then some. :)
I want huge halfpipes on the U so there's always skateboarding/BMX demos on gameday. After the demos are done, let the guys ride around campus doing tricks whereever they please so security has someone to chase. That's always good entertainment.

And lose the cover bands that play the U, unless it's a Ramones cover band. No one needs to hear Brown-Eyed Girl for the squajillionth time.
The gameday experience varies depending on what side you sit on. The east side sucks. Bathrooms are terrible, the concessions lines over there are horrible. West side...stay away from bathrooms in the stands and go use the ones by the apts. They need to stop using the volunteers in concessions as it should never take 20 minutes to grab a hot dog and bottle of gatorade and then trying to add how much $4 and $3 equals and then subtract that from a $20. It's brutal. Honestly, we don't even buy anything from the traditional stands anymore...we get everything from the mobile vendors...kettle corn, Siegl's, BBQ...whatever.

I do a much bigger video screen on the south endzone and add a smaller replay board to the top of the Case Center. Then I slip a few bills into the pocket of the AAC scheduler to make sure we don't have any games before 6pm in September because that will eliminate fans on the east side from sticking around the entire game as the heat and sun just bakes that side.
They need to stop using the volunteers in concessions as it should never take 20 minutes to grab a hot dog and bottle of gatorade and then trying to add how much $4 and $3 equals and then subtract that from a $20. It's brutal. .

That one is $3, and this one is $4, and... well..
Let's call it $8, or $7, yea, $7.
(Hand them a $20)
OK, out of $20
That will be... one second... $7-$8, no $7 minus $20 will be $17? Let me see...
(grabs calculator)
OK, so that's $7, wait, no you gave me $20. Hold on.
OK, so that's $20 minus $8, wait, no, it was $7 right? Sorry.
OK, we got $20 and $7, so that is $13.
(Puts calculator down and puts hands in cash drawer)
So, that will be $10 and $3 ummm, $3 and $5 (grabs two fives and puts them back) and um, $10 (get's two fives back out).
So your change is $17, $18, wait.... sorry....
$13, or $7. So $8, $9, $10, $17?, wait um.... well... your change will be $13, thank you.
The concessions are bad. Why does it take so long to buy a water?

A faster elevator in the suites would be nice. That thing is like waiting for the bus. Except with free tacos.
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The gameday experience varies depending on what side you sit on. The east side sucks. Bathrooms are terrible, the concessions lines over there are horrible. West side...stay away from bathrooms in the stands and go use the ones by the apts. They need to stop using the volunteers in concessions as it should never take 20 minutes to grab a hot dog and bottle of gatorade and then trying to add how much $4 and $3 equals and then subtract that from a $20. It's brutal. Honestly, we don't even buy anything from the traditional stands anymore...we get everything from the mobile vendors...kettle corn, Siegl's, BBQ...whatever.

I do a much bigger video screen on the south endzone and add a smaller replay board to the top of the Case Center. Then I slip a few bills into the pocket of the AAC scheduler to make sure we don't have any games before 6pm in September because that will eliminate fans on the east side from sticking around the entire game as the heat and sun just bakes that side.
I'd like to hear the announcer steal the John Lennon Line, "could the people on the east side clap along. And you folks on the west side just rattle your jewelry!"

In all honesty, beer sales would be #'s 1-5 for me... Preferably Marshall's since he's an Alumni.

Other than that, I was usually up in the box doing stuff so I don't know what you peasants could complain about. Let them eat cake!
I was going to say something about a "Pie Throw at Keith Burns" event next year at our home game with San Jose St, but I checked and he's back coaching High School. Too bad, I'd have loved to see our offense next year run roughshod over his defense.
Sometimes... Half the time their down. Most people bring cash because of it. And then @Weatherdemon response happens.

As a Software Developer and fan of math I am always tempted to hop over to their side and handle the register for them.

They don't seem to be down very much at basketball games. Don't know what it would take to bring them in service similarly at football games...
I was going to say something about a "Pie Throw at Keith Burns" event next year at our home game with San Jose St, but I checked and he's back coaching High School. Too bad, I'd have loved to see our offense next year run roughshod over his defense.

Wow what a failed career to go from high school all the way to head coach at a D1 school, and then back to high school...
Wow what a failed career to go from high school all the way to head coach at a D1 school, and then back to high school...
You forgot the stint as the Special Teams coordinator for the Oakland flame out in college as a head coach and get a job in the pros.
They don't seem to be down very much at basketball games. Don't know what it would take to bring them in service similarly at football games...
Reynolds Center was wired for it. The new ones on the west side of the stadium work "most" of the time just fine. It only seems to be the one's in the original Skelly structure that struggle and I'm sure it's the wiring which had to be retrofitted. Hell, TU has such a good WiFi presence on campus, they'd be better off using iPads and SQUARES in the concessions. I know when I use SQUARE for my kid's soccer team, each transaction takes about 30-45 seconds to finish. With that in mind, they really need to upgrade all their stations to mobile pay applications as well (i.e. Apple Pay). Heck, TU needs some of those brilliant computer science kids to develop a mobile concessions order app which you can pay directly on and go to ONE designated concession stand to pick up your order.
You lost me here. Seriously though, have a Marshall's party deck that overlooks the field. Hire me to book the entertainment. Who wouldn't want to party with mini-KISS, a donkey, and a Woj impersonator?

A party deck would be awesome. Knowing TU they'd probably require a $10k+ donation to GHC in order to enter the area and then it'd be the lame deck.
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You lost me here. Seriously though, have a Marshall's party deck that overlooks the field. Hire me to book the entertainment. Who wouldn't want to party with mini-KISS, a donkey, and a Woj impersonator?

Party Deck!
Best idea yet. Well second to the defense offered up @Gold*
I think FC Dallas has a Bud Light party deck (or maybe it's the Drillers) and for the life of me, how do they not have a different local band just killing it for every home game??? I'd have FC Dallas season tix if I knew Dog Company or The Broadsiders was gonna play some Oi! at every game.

Blue Hair Chant !!!1
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Drillers have the Coors Light Party Deck down the 1st base line and then the Picnic Zone in left. BTW, the picnic zone is a great vantage point to watch the Roughnecks from.
There aren't bands because people are still watching a live sporting event from said party deck. Not a band. (Otherwise, just have the party out on Chapman Commons!) ;)

And if we're going to offer adult beverages, it needs to be the entire stadium.
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I don't know if they could but it would be neat to get Marshalls to sponsor it and be the lone vendor. I would open it up to the public though so he could get his brand out to visiting fans.

Marshall's can do that when Oklahoma joins the 20th century and outlaws piss beer.
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The beer vendor in front of the Case Center at half time sells $3 Modelo tall boys. I don't know how you are going to beat that or why you would need a bar across the street. Beer sales through half time should happen in the non-family zones.
I think FC Dallas has a Bud Light party deck (or maybe it's the Drillers) and for the life of me, how do they not have a different local band just killing it for every home game??? I'd have FC Dallas season tix if I knew Dog Company or The Broadsiders was gonna play some Oi! at every game.

Blue Hair Chant !!!1
You need to go to a game in Columbus. Every time I have been, its been four or five dudes playing Black Flag, Minor Threat, Bhole surfers in the bandshell underneath the South Terrace as you approach from the main parking lot. Frankie Hajduk, as part of his paid job with the team as brand ambassador, is usually there giving away scarves if you can shotgun a beer before him. Its pretty much the opposite of TU game day.
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You need to go to a game in Columbus. Every time I have been, its been four or five dudes playing Black Flag, Minor Threat, Bhole surfers in the bandshell underneath the South Terrace as you approach from the main parking lot. Frankie Hajduk, as part of his paid job with the team as brand ambassador, is usually there giving away scarves if you can shotgun a beer before him. Its pretty much the opposite of TU game day.

Aw man, I'd party with Frankie any day! I tried to get the new age Roughnecks to hire us for pre-game festivities. They emailed me back with an application to fill out. The Shame don't do paperwork.
A major redo of Men's(& yes the Ladies) crappers-although I've never been in the, ah, ladies' facility-it may be nice but I doubt it).
A sports bar within walking distance would be a godsend. Not to be a snob, but I would much prefer a local brew in a nice TU themed bar over a tall boy in the parking lot.
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To me the best improvement would be a screen in the north end zone. I usually sit in the south end zone and it is frustrating that I have to stand with my back to the screen and turn around every time to see a reply or to watch the play at the other end of the field. I think it would look sweet on the roof of the Case Center. Even a smaller screen where they used to have the rent-a-tron before the stadium remodel would be nice.

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