I’m sure I was the only one who saw this coming...


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2002

Thanks, Demtards.

When you release people from prison who have histories of burglary, child sex crimes, rape & drug charges you can’t say that just because they’re in jail/prison on a nonviolent charge means we can release them in interest of protecting their health due to the current situation.

This is what the Liberals/Demtards want. They want to lock you up in your home for your protection, tell police to only respond to gunshots for your protection, tell you you can’t buy firearms for your protection and simultaneously release these people from prison for their protection. This is the hypocrisy of which they are ALL inherently guilty - just like you now have the WaPo & CNN reporting that the KungFlu came from a laboratory but a month ago chastised Sen Cotton for suggesting it could have come from a lab or could be a bioweapon. They’re not apologizing to Sen Cotton for that, by the way. That’s how narcissistic & hypocritical these people are.

By the way, Don Jr was 100% correct with his burn saying CNN should change their name to Xi NN - it’s so obvious they (& the rest of the Dems) run interference in favor of China.

Anyone who doesn’t support the President at this point is, indeed, deranged.

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