Hyped for this Season. GET ON BOARD!


I.T.S. Position Coach
Aug 19, 2005
I think this is the most hyped I have ever been for a basketball season since 2002-2003 in the last good year of John Philips. How can you not be with virtually everyone coming back?

If you aren't buying season tickets or attending at least ten games this year and live in Tulsa, you are hopeless. I don't give a rats about your kid excuse. Bring 'em.

If you live in OKC or some equal distance to it, aren't attending at least five, you are hopeless. I don't give a rats about your kid excuse. Bring 'em.

I am going to try to fly in from Denver for at least 3-5, whether those be home or away.

We play in a really good conference now and are senior laden.

Get on board or you are dead to me.
I like the enthusiasm. Just make sure to keep that same attitude if one or two games don't go the way we planned (which seems to happen to this team quite a bit)
Goldfan, thanks for the encouragement...and yes, I renewed my season tickets at the end of last year (and the 20 years prior to that as well).
These kids have always gotten off to a slow start, but finished strong. Hopefully the start will show the experience of Seniors this year.
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They had a hard schedule last year and that may have helped them later in the year. I think they are ready to cash I on the experience. The variable is early season officiating and what rules they are selectively enforcing for the first few games.
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They had a hard schedule last year and that may have helped them later in the year. I think they are ready to cash I on the experience. The variable is early season officiating and what rules they are selectively enforcing for the first few games.

I just hope we don't find a way to lose to every team in Oklahoma again.
Rogers State would be the worst.
D2 loss was complicated. We weren't playing well, coach was gone, and the team had just taken finals. There are no excuses but there was a lot of weirdness.
The ORU loss was inexcusable. The team played tentative and with ZERO intensity. You could see it on their faces and with their body language. That loss hurt our actual RPI in a big way. The D2 loss was an eye-test detriment only as that game didn't actually count in our RPI calculation. Losing to a D2 school is never a good thing, exhibition or otherwise.

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