Here we go again


I.T.S. Athletic Director
Apr 18, 2011
la la land
In the 50s jews were black listed, so many changed their name to hide.
Mccarthy black listed communist.

And now Republicans are being black listed for their political views.
In the 50s jews were black listed, so many changed their name to hide.
Mccarthy black listed communist.

And now Republicans are being black listed for their political views.
They’re being removed from a private service because they’re using their platform to blatantly misinform the American people to the detriment of our society.

The first amendment says we can’t arrest them for what they say... it does not say that we have to listen to them or allow them to speak anywhere they want in any manner they want. I can’t go into a church during a service and start yelling about how Satan is the one true Savior and expect them not to kick me out.
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Unfortunately your argument has been used numerous times throughout history with similar rational to silence opposition political speech. Rarely has it turned out well.
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That’s a false equivalency. All of these people aligned with the right want to die on this hill. You are demanding that you have an a priori right to do whatever you want on someone’s private property. Change the facts from data to real estate and you’d start talking about effing Kelo again. But give us our hate speech and lizard conspiracies. It’s my God given right to call Tom Hanks a pederast on this site I don’t own!

Private censorship on privately owned platforms is not violative of the first amendment. It’s legal. Get over it.

If you promise to take the time to read it, I will find the interviews with the Qanon web site guy. He expresses the exact same opinions that I’m hearing complaints about this week. He got into programming because he believed in absolute freedom of speech and that there shouldn’t be moderation.. The Qanon experience changed his mind.

Do you support limits on the crap Rippin says? That’s ultimately what we are talking about here.
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Unfortunately your argument has been used numerous times throughout history with similar rational to silence opposition political speech. Rarely has it turned out well.
You know what also doesn’t turn out well? Allowing autocratic politicians to try and overthrow the government as well as the will of the majority of the people with paramilitary thugs.
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I support free speech with few limitations. Again, history has shown us the danger of groups silencing speech. Both sides spread false information which leads to violence at times. Remember Ferguson burning over a false narrative spread over social media.

We all should denounce violence. Not just the violence by groups we disagree with. Speech should be protected. The reality is speech today is spread over certain platforms. Far too many are blinded by partisanship to see the danger of censorship. It’s sad
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I support free speech with few limitations. Again, history has shown us the danger of groups silencing speech. Both sides spread false information which leads to violence at times. Remember Ferguson burning over a false narrative spread over social media.

We all should denounce violence. Not just the violence by groups we disagree with. Speech should be protected. The reality is speech today is spread over certain platforms. Far too many are blinded by partisanship to see the danger of censorship. It’s sad
You know that it goes both ways right? The government or its emissaries shouldn’t be allowed to force any private company to publish or narrate certain desired speech o the behalf of government officials. That’s what they do/did in China, Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, etc...

Censorship has just as much to do with a publisher’s right to NOT publish certain ideas they think distasteful.

Just think of Twitter as a Christian Bakery and Trump as a Gay Wedding cake. You didn’t have any problem defending the censorship then.
Unfortunately your argument has been used numerous times throughout history with similar rational to silence opposition political speech. Rarely has it turned out well.
Just for fun, I challenge you to join Parler and start posting some benign but tepidly positive things about Obama. See how long it takes them to kick you off. This isn’t a one-sided thing, and it’s bogus to pretend it is. And I don’t think either one is in the wrong either. If I have a website, I don’t have to tolerate users I don’t like to listen to.
Just for fun, I challenge you to join Parler and start posting some benign but tepidly positive things about Obama. See how long it takes them to kick you off. This isn’t a one-sided thing, and it’s bogus to pretend it is. And I don’t think either one is in the wrong either. If I have a website, I don’t have to tolerate users I don’t like to listen to.

I have no desire to join or even visit Parlor :). This isn’t about tweets. It’s about what has become the predominant platform to share and search for speech censoring the same. They lost me when they censored a news story widely published by the likes of the WSJ as did posters who supported such actions. Silencing tweets is fairly benign. Unfortunately, the censorship runs much deeper. I don’t really care if it’s being done by private media platforms or public colleges. It’s wrong and downright dangerous and both sides should show restraint from such actions. Free speech has seldom been in the wrong historically.
Its a symptom not a problem.

The problem is we have too many young men, regardless of color or circumstance, who have feelings of hopelessness and lack of opportunity for very diverse reasons.

The US government spends billions abroad to keep counties like Libya, Egypt, Indonesia and elsewhere stable because of the number of young men with access to weapons surging with testosterone from causing problems because they feel like they’ve got nothing to lose.

Whether it’s the west side of Chicago or Monkey’s Eyebrow, KY, we’ve got a lot of guys, 16 to 35, the second baby boom, with a lot of spare time and not as much opportunity as they think they deserve. Some just back from a war. Many with feeling of nothing left to lose.

Grandma will fight it out on the Facebook and act kooky and maybe that’s a good place for it. She’s not going over the barricades until a kid knocks them down. Then she will walk through. Whether it’s Portland or Charlottesville or the Capitol, that’s been true. The well publicized reports of the Molotov cocktails being carried into the Capitol was a single person. It was actually a man in his 70’s. But that gets left out of the story. He had them if he needed them. But he didn’t throw them. Had a kid on his side thrown one, or a kid from the other side thrown one at him, he would have started up.

Kooky or hateful speech on the internet that 1 or 2 percent of the country reads isn’t a threat. It’s when kids get out of control.

It was true in 1968 when we had buses bumper to bumper then three barricades then two companies of paratroopers then Secret Service with armored vehicles machine guns and missiles around the White House to hold off mobs of thousands and its true today.

It’s time to face the fact that we have some Third World scale problems with our youth. Trump helped some with part of this demographic, especially college educated black men. We gotta do more. I’m skeptical Biden sees it.
Its a symptom not a problem.

The problem is we have too many young men, regardless of color or circumstance, who have feelings of hopelessness and lack of opportunity for very diverse reasons.

The US government spends billions abroad to keep counties like Libya, Egypt, Indonesia and elsewhere stable because of the number of young men with access to weapons surging with testosterone from causing problems because they feel like they’ve got nothing to lose.

Whether it’s the west side of Chicago or Monkey’s Eyebrow, KY, we’ve got a lot of guys, 16 to 35, the second baby boom, with a lot of spare time and not as much opportunity as they think they deserve. Some just back from a war. Many with feeling of nothing left to lose.

Grandma will fight it out on the Facebook and act kooky and maybe that’s a good place for it. She’s not going over the barricades until a kid knocks them down. Then she will walk through. Whether it’s Portland or Charlottesville or the Capitol, that’s been true. The well publicized reports of the Molotov cocktails being carried into the Capitol was a single person. It was actually a man in his 70’s. But that gets left out of the story. He had them if he needed them. But he didn’t throw them. Had a kid on his side thrown one, or a kid from the other side thrown one at him, he would have started up.

Kooky or hateful speech on the internet that 1 or 2 percent of the country reads isn’t a threat. It’s when kids get out of control.

It was true in 1968 when we had buses bumper to bumper then three barricades then two companies of paratroopers then Secret Service with armored vehicles machine guns and missiles around the White House to hold off mobs of thousands and its true today.

It’s time to face the fact that we have some Third World scale problems with our youth. Trump helped some with part of this demographic, especially college educated black men. We gotta do more. I’m skeptical Biden sees it.
The problem isn’t with 16-35 year olds. I’m at the top of that age range and most of the people out at these maga rallies are older than I am. I would generally attribute it to the 35-55 genX age range that were brought up on the Reagan era fantasies and have had decades of exposure to Fox News and conservative talk radio. Sure there are a good number of youngseters in the crowds as well, but I tend to see them around seas of middle aged men and women who had a bunch of rough times during their prime earning years (9/11, 2008 crash, etc....)
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The problem isn’t with 16-35 year olds. I’m at the top of that age range and most of the people out at these maga rallies are older than I am. I would generally attribute it to the 35-55 genX age range that were brought up on the Reagan era fantasies and have had decades of exposure to Fox News and conservative talk radio. Sure there are a good number of youngseters in the crowds as well, but I tend to see them around seas of middle aged men and women who had a bunch of rough times during their prime earning years (9/11, 2008 crash, etc....)
I appreciate your willingness to exempt yourself. But there aren’t any 50 year old guys with pot bellies dressed in black with lasers and ieds and axes attacking the Portland courthouse at night. And nobody in their sixties pushed those barriers down. And few if any are wearing Boogaloo shirts and toting ARs. The movement may be older but the violence starts and ends with the testosterone.
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The problem isn’t with 16-35 year olds. I’m at the top of that age range and most of the people out at these maga rallies are older than I am. I would generally attribute it to the 35-55 genX age range that were brought up on the Reagan era fantasies and have had decades of exposure to Fox News and conservative talk radio. Sure there are a good number of youngseters in the crowds as well, but I tend to see them around seas of middle aged men and women who had a bunch of rough times during their prime earning years (9/11, 2008 crash, etc....)
35-70 I know lots of guys in their late 60's and have uncles and cousins in their late 60"s, that aren't in the crowds, but they admire and cheer on those who are. They share their political beliefs. It's people who are disillusioned because things didn't go as they planned financially, but it's also people disillusioned because they attribute those failings to the fact that they are becoming a minority.

They can't stand that we are paying foreign aid to other countries,(of any sort) allowing illegal immigrants to take from 'our' country, allowing minority's to overtake the white majority, etc, etc. The conspiracy theorists make this stuff up, and believe what they created in their own heads, despite the facts out there that dispute them. And these 35-70 loons out their, want to believe exactly what the conspiracy theorists have created in their head. just as much as the conspiracy theorists wanted to believe it when they 'researched' and wrote that story.
I appreciate your willingness to exempt yourself. But there aren’t any 50 year old guys with pot bellies dressed in black with lasers and ieds and axes attacking the Portland courthouse at night. And nobody in their sixties pushed those barriers down. And few if any are wearing Boogaloo shirts and toting ARs. The movement may be older but the violence starts and ends with the testosterone.
Id say that guy that is in Pelosi's office is in his sixties, or at the minimum in his late fifties. I'm more inclined to guess him in his sixties. Maybe the liberal side(Antifa) skews younger, but the right skews older.
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Id say that guy that is in Pelosi's office is in his sixties, or at the minimum in his late fifties. I'm more inclined to guess him in his sixties. Maybe the liberal side(Antifa) skews younger, but the right skews older.
Yeah. But I’m talking about the guys going hand to hand with the cops. Not the dudes calling the plays or wandering in later. You don’t get the latter without the former.
The violence in any society almost always comes from military aged males. Channel their testosterone and aggression in to something good and productive and they are assets. Leave them idle and they become serious problems.
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Yeah. But I’m talking about the guys going hand to hand with the cops. Not the dudes calling the plays or wandering in later. You don’t get the latter without the former.
I somewhat agree with what you are saying, but you don't want to get into it with guys similar to the guy in the office. I know lots of bikers in their late sixties that can scrap with the best of them. They might get tired quicker, but they can do some damage up front. I bet that guy didn't get in that office, without having to push and shove a little bit on the way in.
The violence in any society almost always comes from military aged males. Channel their testosterone and aggression in to something good and productive and they are assets. Leave them idle and they become serious problems.

I know this is completely off the original topic, but this reminds me of when people got upset at Obama for saying something like “they need jobs” about terrorists in Syria or some place. People were dunking all over that, but I was like “that’s actually kinda right” lol
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I somewhat agree with what you are saying, but you don't want to get into it with guys similar to the guy in the office. I know lots of bikers in their late sixties that can scrap with the best of them. They might get tired quicker, but they can do some damage up front. I bet that guy didn't get in that office, without having to push and shove a little bit on the way in.
Very true. You don’t get to be a playcaller like him unless you’ve scraped and have credibility amongst the bulk of your young violent unstable types.

Anybody who has ever been a bouncer or worked security at a sporting event will tell you the most dangerous guy they ever dealt with individually was some coked up and pissed off 63 year old adolescent with some hand to hand training four decades ago and a life time of core strength from going to the gym and carrying around 20 extra pounds on the gut for years. But nobody works a venue where you see 5 guys in their sixties started swinging like maybe in a Tiki Hut in Destin Florida on some random people. Or ever got hurt from going 3 on 12 with guys in their 60s at an AC/DC concert.

But those guys start stuff on their own or lead it. There isn’t a big group of 60 year old Trump biker types getting together to go into the barricades or I would be very very surprised to see that. It’s the kids who don’t appreciate what they are doing that truly start stuff. Fatty might suggest it and egg it on. But it’s the group think of the military age males that causes group violence when they perceive they can act with impunity.
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I know this is completely off the original topic, but this reminds me of when people got upset at Obama for saying something like “they need jobs” about terrorists in Syria or some place. People were dunking all over that, but I was like “that’s actuality kinda right” lol
He was exactly right. If de-escalation was the only goal. The trouble is there was a larger game going on and he knew it. He just needed to buy time by advocating for aid to go in and to cover his political left by suggesting that first before fighting. Until Rhodes got in there, Obama was very very well advised and many steps ahead.
Yeah. But I’m talking about the guys going hand to hand with the cops. Not the dudes calling the plays or wandering in later. You don’t get the latter without the former.
There were quite a few older gentlemen in that crowd fighting with the cops.... evidence two men dying of circulatory system emergencies during the event.
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I have no desire to join or even visit Parlor :). This isn’t about tweets. It’s about what has become the predominant platform to share and search for speech censoring the same. They lost me when they censored a news story widely published by the likes of the WSJ as did posters who supported such actions. Silencing tweets is fairly benign. Unfortunately, the censorship runs much deeper. I don’t really care if it’s being done
by private media platforms or public colleges. It’s wrong and downright dangerous and both sides should show restraint from such actions. Free speech has seldom been in the wrong historically.

I have to call BS. The story you are referring to was an op-Ed that the news wing of WSJ called out as false. Twitter was well within their rights to stop it. It was crap. You are choosing your facts. Shame on you.

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