Here’s something showing just how crazy tiblards really are

I don't have to shut you down, you do it every time you post. My only desire is you stop posting, so we don't have to read this drivel. That won't happen until you are committed to a local institution.
I don't have to shut you down, you do it every time you post. My only desire is you stop posting, so we don't have to read this drivel. That won't happen until you are committed to a local institution.
Good one. If you actually hit me with something that’s based on facts & can prove that you’re right based on said facts, I will stop posting forever. On everything, I swear I will never post again if you dare to come with some real facts & use them to prove you’re right DEBATE STYLE! You won’t do it, I know you won’t. You may be wondering how I know that but it’s quite simple - I know you’re actually smart (even with you’re tiny amygdala) therefore you know you’d lose hard. It’s OK. Try if you want BUT we both know how it’d end. Ultimately, everyone one here knows how it’d end.
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Still no facts. For such a smart guy, ad homonyms & jokes aren’t the way to show your ability to shut down someone you clearly think is an idiot.

Pay attention when you take the time to watch this ~50 second video.

“We have not yet begun to fight AND WE WILL NOT GIVE UP THIS SHIP!”

I see now where Rippin wound up. Guess they let him keep his phone in the same way they let Dotard Trump keep his. And with the same results.
This is liberal utopia: nobody wirking, free money for everyone, free medical for everyone, wall street full of pot holes, fewer poluting car, airplanes, the government dictating our daily life.
Somehow, we’re about a month away from that being true (fingers crossed this stops). No joke, the nCOV is a real threat & it is a bioweapon. Whether it was released on purpose or accident is up for debate but the timing is beyond suspect. In fact, the timing is beyond coincidental. Regardless, it’s a bioweapon. Even the MSM is reporting that now (after smearing Sen Tom Cotton for saying it was over 6 weeks ago).
Dems now want an investigation into trumps handeling of the crisis. I hope this witch hunt is not on the taxpayers dime since it it is only political. Like all the rest.
He put that to rest quite well with that video he showed at his presser yesterday. They’ll still try to investigate him multiple times even after that video proved the media is full of it, though. These bleeding heart liberals need to wake up & realize they are not protected even if there is a Dem in the White House - they will be the first to go. Project Veritas (God Bless James O’Keefe) already proved to us that the Bernie supporters plan on putting a firing squad on anyone that disagrees with them had he won - now he’s dropped out & those Bernie bros are more angry than ever.
You feel the urge to get in the middle of just bout every subject that might include race, and make racist statements about it. It's kind of like that homophobia thing. You must feel really inadequate.
Madison Harris. Dr Beth Potter. I could keep going. Check my new post.