Here’s something showing just how crazy tiblards really are


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2002

Yet, the mainstream media won’t be covering this. Even if the woman that died ends up being black & the dude who saved innocent people from being killed was white (a narrative they’d normally jump all over) THEY STILL WILL NOT COVER THIS! How crazy is that?! Can you imagine if the story line was “white man opens fire on black people at random, wife/mother springs into action?” It’d be national headlines (similar to that deranged idiot that Brewster represented for free). The “Good Friday Shooter,” they called him. I can’t believe I forgot that kid’s name but still.

Whether it should be national mainstream headlines isn’t even the point - the point is if you vote for anyone with a D next to their name on the ballot, YOU ARE VOTING TO VOLUNTARILY GIVE UP YOJR RIGHTS FOR WHICH MY FAMILY MEMBERS (& PROBABLY YOURS) HAVE DIED FACE DOWN IN THE MUCK FIGHTING TO DEFEND!!

Yet, the mainstream media won’t be covering this. Even if the woman that died ends up being black & the dude who saved innocent people from being killed was white (a narrative they’d normally jump all over) THEY STILL WILL NOT COVER THIS! How crazy is that?! Can you imagine if the story line was “white man opens fire on black people at random, wife/mother springs into action?” It’d be national headlines (similar to that deranged idiot that Brewster represented for free). The “Good Friday Shooter,” they called him. I can’t believe I forgot that kid’s name but still.

Whether it should be national mainstream headlines isn’t even the point - the point is if you vote for anyone with a D next to their name on the ballot, YOU ARE VOTING TO VOLUNTARILY GIVE UP YOJR RIGHTS FOR WHICH MY FAMILY MEMBERS (& PROBABLY YOURS) HAVE DIED FACE DOWN IN THE MUCK FIGHTING TO DEFEND!!
You feel the urge to get in the middle of just bout every subject that might include race, and make racist statements about it. It's kind of like that homophobia thing. You must feel really inadequate.
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You feel the urge to get in the middle of just bout every subject that might include race, and make racist statements about it. It's kind of like that homophobia thing. You must feel really inadequate.
Lol what? Lmao hold on ... I can’t stop laughing.
Neither can the rest of the board.
Please look up the most persecuted religion in the world for me. Don’t worry, I know the answer & I assure you, I’ll wait.

Now tell me which group of people is more persecuted in the USA than straight, white, God-Fearing males.
I’m in it to win it, not in it to spin it. I tell the uncomfortable truths from which you, all liberals & mainstream media run.
If you don’t see the truth then another uncomfortable truth is that you Mommy gave birth to a Commie.
Actually, I take that back because it’s worse than that. You & the rest of the liberals have given in to this group think collective narrative that somehow we are all supposed to watch what only the left hand is doing. I know that probably makes no sense to you bc of your small amygdala but I’m finding trouble conveying it in a more simple manner. There is no such thing as gun control - the owner of the gun controls the gun. There is only people control. Figure it out on your own, I guess. Hell, Lord help me I’ll never stop fighting to expose the idiots on the Left but if you can’t be saved it’s because you refused to be saved.

Seriously, though:
Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me that it wouldn’t be a different story if a deranged white man opened fire at random & a black woman with a license to carry cane in & saved the day. Tell me that wouldn’t be headline news.
Neither can the rest of the board.
Here’s another one for you: why the frick is China telling the rest of the world that we shouldn’t have our second amendment & that it’s bad that we own firearms? Why is it that our news media from every mainstream local channel/outlet to the actual national media channels/outlets are constantly caught saying the EXACT SAME THING VERBATIM?! Are we supposed to somehow believe that they actually all came up with the same thing verbatim by the thousands?
As a conservative who calls the issues as I see them, I consider GMoney a moderate.
He’s a communist. He probably doesn’t realize it, I’ll give him that but he’s a communist.
Tell me that it wouldn’t be a different story if a deranged white man opened fire at random & a black woman with a license to carry cane in & saved the day. Tell me that wouldn’t be headline news.
I support our rights to carry a cane. Most of my family has a license to carry cane's.
Spoken like a real pussy.
When I said carry a cane, was making fun of you, and at the same time expressing that most of my family has a license to carry a gun, and I support that right. And I'm not a pussy, I'm soft! Have better things to do on my Birthday than answer your million posts, but I'll do it anyway.
When I said carry a cane, was making fun of you, and at the same time expressing that most of my family has a license to carry a gun, and I support that right. And I'm not a pussy, I'm soft! Have better things to do on my Birthday than answer your million posts, but I'll do it anyway.
Happy birthday. I guess the cane carrying joke went over my large amygdala. It does suck your birthday hit during this lockdown & that you’re without your parents so I genuinely do hope you’re getting to spend it with some loved ones. If not, I’ll show you some love on here but I draw the line at rubbing one out for you lol
If you’re into the jerk of the circle that’s on you but I draw the line there lol nah for real tho happy birthday I do hope you’re enjoying it to the fullest extent especially given all circumstances.
When I said carry a cane, was making fun of you, and at the same time expressing that most of my family has a license to carry a gun, and I support that right. And I'm not a pussy, I'm soft! Have better things to do on my Birthday than answer your million posts, but I'll do it anyway.
By the way, I was born with a license to carry this cane I just can’t move it outside of my legs lol. Governor Stitt signed into law my license to carry other weapons. Lol
Tell me that it wouldn’t be a different story if a deranged white man opened fire at random & a black woman with a license to carry cane in & saved the day. Tell me that wouldn’t be headline news.
been watching CNN, MSNBC, late night shows, the view.
They all find it easy to criticize our current efforts, but none have provided any realistic solutions.
They’re now upset that companies like MyPillow & New Balance are manufacturing masks so badly needed (since Obama used up the federal stockpile & never replenished it) without the defense production act being invoked. Not to mention, it’s been proven now that all N95 masks we receive from China have likely been purposely contaminated by the Chinese before they even hit the US-bound boats/planes.

It is quite the conundrum in which those mainstream outlets find themselves - not wanting to air Trump’s daily COVID briefings bc it’s driving his approval ratings to record highs but also suffering the massive loss of viewership by not airing it lol...

Seriously, we could cut all these leftists out of our country entirely - send them to an island or better yet China & we’d be way better off as a country.
Why are they mad at Mike Liddell the mypillow guy? Because when he spoke at Trump’s briefing he mentioned that we should all use this time to read the Bible & reconnect with God. Can you imagine if a group of conservatives showed this kind of hate toward Muslims or Jews? By the way, it’s a total charade that the Left pretends to care about anti-semitism because the vast majority of anti-Semitic attacks are being randomly committed by black people (mostly young black men & women).
been watching CNN, MSNBC, late night shows, the view.
They all find it easy to criticize our current efforts, but none have provided any realistic solutions.
These guys like Aston & GW & URedskin quickly go quiet when confronted with facts. They can’t say anything to backup what they say. They think the sexualization of our children is somehow OK. They think coup attempt after coup attempt is acceptable. They think outrageous rates of violent crime among minority groups should be accepted as the norm. They have no idea about what they’re talking/typing & believe that virtue is more valuable than actual harm. Well, one day real harm will be visited upon them by a real criminal & guess what? They still won’t change their stance because they’ve been brainwashed.
George Washington is dead.
That is a fact but it is not relevant. Especially not to your type. Why do you do this? You continue to embarrass yourself with stupid posts or random facts that have no relevance. Well, I know why. You’re smart enough to, at least, know you’d get owned in an actual debate of the facts.
George Washington is dead.

Lol it’s actually quite funny how scared you are of having a real, factual debate. Now you know that neither you nor URedskin nor Aston could ever win. You know it. They know it. Everyone knows it. When this lockdown is lifted, I beg of you - go march in the streets to give up more of our rights.
These guys like Aston & GW(George Washington) & URedskin quickly go quiet when confronted with facts.(conspiracy theories).... You’re smart enough to, at least, know you’d get owned in an actual debate of the facts.
Most of your posts are so wack that nobody posts after them. The people who do, might post one or two serious posts and then watch you go off for 3 days. Some people respond with humor because you are so easy to laugh at. If everybody knows it, signifies you, then I'll give that to you. You don't have a clue what facts are. Conspiracy theories aren't facts. We can't argue with conspiracy theories, and that's a fact. Sorry I didn't spell out the jokes for you. I always forget that you are learning disabled. And oh yeah, I am that smart.
Most of your posts are so wack that nobody posts after them. The people who do, might post one or two serious posts and then watch you go off for 3 days. Some people respond with humor because you are so easy to laugh at. If everybody knows it, signifies you, then I'll give that to you. You don't have a clue what facts are. Conspiracy theories aren't facts. We can't argue with conspiracy theories, and that's a fact. Sorry I didn't spell out the jokes for you. I always forget that you are learning disabled. And oh yeah, I am that smart.
Still waiting for a single fact based argument...

I never said you weren’t smart, by the way. You just aren’t smart enough to comeback with a factual rebuttal. That’s why you go the joke route.
Which means you probably trust China. Lol that’s a joke in & of itself but you probably do, seriously. I have sources on the ground in China & the facts are not what is portrayed to any of us in the media - ESPECIALLY considering the media outlets you probably watch/read!
So this country hasn’t turned its back on God? Christians aren’t being persecuted?

Actually, forget all that. Do you believe we should trust China? Especially when it comes to this Chinese Virus which has brought our economy (& country) to its knees?
I trust china about as far as I could throw you.
Good one. IF you could get close enough to me to throw me (you couldn’t), you probably could throw me.

Do you see the fallacy in what you just said? Look at the facts. This country is gearing up for war. Why have I had an easier time getting in touch (after 3.5 weeks) with my people in China than with my people who are active duty?
This may be news to you, by the way, but I know who you are & your GW may be an abbreviation for George Washington but I also happen to know GW is your initials. I know your name. I wouldn’t reveal it I’m just saying. Making jokes about George Washington instead of stating facts holds no water when telling someone they’re wrong.
Good one. IF you could get close enough to me to throw me (you couldn’t), you probably could throw me.

Do you see the fallacy in what you just said? Look at the facts. This country is gearing up for war. Why have I had an easier time getting in touch (after 3.5 weeks) with my people in China than with my people who are active duty?
It is good you don’t trust China. You shouldn’t trust me, either. A smart person wouldn’t. However, a smart person would come with facts when trying to give a rebuttal instead of jokes.
So this country hasn’t turned its back on God? Christians aren’t being persecuted?

Actually, forget all that. Do you believe we should trust China? Especially when it comes to this Chinese Virus which has brought our economy (& country) to its knees?
'Conspiracy, is such a lonely word.
Everyone is so untrue.' Billy Joel
'Conspiracy, is such a lonely word.
Everyone is so untrue.' Billy Joel
Conspiracy? This is what the Chinese-infiltrated government & school system has gotten us! It goes back further than you could imagine.
Oh no lol I thought that fat beezy had some type of Kim Kardashian’s onesie’s on... my bad y’all
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Just to be clear - I don’t enjoy that crap! It’s sickening! People in this country are stupid because they have been turned stupid by all these moving targets from China to Mexico to Venezuela to the Marxist school system (influenced heavily by China at the university level) & it’s time we put a stop to it. We can have no more of it! They just arrested a Harvard professor for selling out to the Chinese & this prof was a white guy or Jewish - whatever he was American citizen his ethnicity doesn’t matter other than he’s American citizen!
Conspiracy? This is what the Chinese-infiltrated government & school system has gotten us! It goes back further than you could imagine.
Oh no lol I thought that fat beezy had some type of Kim Kardashian’s onesie’s on... my bad y’all
Ha, hah, ha! Funny stuff!

Just to be clear - I don’t enjoy that crap!
Defensive much.
Ha, hah, ha! Funny stuff!

Defensive much.
Still no facts. For such a smart guy, ad homonyms & jokes aren’t the way to show your ability to shut down someone you clearly think is an idiot.

Pay attention when you take the time to watch this ~50 second video.