Fire Kevin Wilson

our program is in worse shape now, than it was pre Kragthorpe when they were considering down grading to D2
No it isn't thrower of dung against the wall. It is not Burns bad, it is not at the levels it was at then. Everybody quit using superlatives when they are not warranted. Any low point in the program is not as bad as the worst. Quit the woe is me act. Everybody needs to quit speaking from their emotional side except aTUfan. The side everybody else should be accessing is their rational side.
I don’t agree with that statement. Our talent level is better now but young. Not saying a change isn’t warranted but we are not Burns level.
And this is why I still have hope. The right coach (Kragthorpe) took the mess that Burns left behind and had us in a bowl game the first year with a conference championship two years after that.

The right coach can fix this mess too, it just doesn’t look like we picked the right guy this time. I just hope we don’t wait too long to retry.
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We are not anywhere near Burns level. Now is the product on the field ass? Yes. Is coaching ass? Yes. BUT the program/athletic department overall is in a much better place than it was during the burns era. That doesn’t mean it’s good, but we’re not rock bottom like we were then.

Do not misconstrue what I’m saying as things are good… because they aren’t.
No it isn't thrower of dung against the wall. It is not Burns bad, it is not at the levels it was at then. Everybody quit using superlatives when they are not warranted. Any low point in the program is not as bad as the worst. Quit the woe is me act. Everybody needs to quit speaking from their emotional side except aTUfan. The side everybody else should be accessing is their rational side.
Burns I believe had the honor of being essentially name enemy of The Oklahoma Coaches Association and wasn't allowed in a good number of schools to do any recruiting. The states coaches like Wilson, and it's allowed him to bring in some of the states best high school talent.

It's not Burns bad, but it damn sure needs to improve in a hurry. Ditching the DC would be a good start; not sure how we can be that bad....
Lest I remind you N Texas was probably the 3rd toughest team on our schedule. The only team on our schedule that as tough as N Texas or tougher is Army. Then it gets way easier. We could pick up three wins in a row after Army.(Temple, UTSA, UAB) Then we'd be one win away from a bowl. E Carolina & USF are not that great. And FAU is about at the level of Temple, UTSA, UAB. A bowl is not by any means out of the question. Especially if the team improves.
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I was worried about our offense when the season started, but not because of the skill positions. I was worried about the defensive line too, but it appears those worries were not needed. If our OL comes out better by the time we play Temple, thru 6 games of experience then our offense should pick itself up against Temple. That'll be about the time that some of the Freshman stop playing like freshmen.
Lest I remind you N Texas was probably the 3rd toughest team on our schedule. The only team on our schedule that as tough as N Texas or tougher is Army. Then it gets way easier. We could pick up three wins in a row after Army.(Temple, UTSA, UAB) Then we'd be one win away from a bowl. E Carolina & USF are not that great. And FAU is about at the level of Temple, UTSA, UAB. A bowl is not by any means out of the question. Especially if the team improves.
so are you of the mindset he should get another year and you think getting older will solve the problems? Honestly asking
so are you of the mindset he should get another year and you think getting older will solve the problems? Honestly asking
Not really, but he will be given at least another year. We only have a real chance of getting 6 wins because the league is really crappy. I think getting older might solve some of the problems. I think between Francis & Carpenter, we have a decent QB on the roster. I think he needs the young OL to grow up, and bring in a fuller roster of OL next year, with a few better transfers(not easy in today's environment w/out nil)

I think he needs to let our very young DB's grow up, and ditch several of them in the offseason. It really pisses me off that the DC we had left us in the learch, going to Indiana at the last minute. I think if Wilson thinks he can get a better DC then he should do so, but not just fire the one we've got to get one that is the same or worse. We really have a decent DL, which is an amazing recruiting job. I hope nobody goes after DB Green next year.

I think we won't have a decent coaching pool to pick from if we can Wilson after year 2, and I think we should use next year to gauge whether this year was caused by a young team, as much or more than Wilson's coaching ability. I think we should seriously be having this conversation after game 7 next year. I think that the reaction after this game is not serious and is a knee jerk reaction.
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I have said before any team on our schedule but 1 could beat us and we probably can beat every team on our schedule but possibly 1. The key is to have a good game plan, not make mistakes and have good in game adjustments. I still believe that. Unfortunately our offensive game plans have not yielded the success we need and our O-line is young and not providing us with consistent good running lines or pass protection. The special teams coverage and protection has sucked. The defense has had decent games plans, except OSU (chose to sell out against run vs. pass) but our in game defensive adjustments were not good against ASU, LTU or NTU. Special teams coach needs to be removed and give the job to another assistant. The D-coordinator should be replaced at the end of the season. Wilson should turn the play calling over to Spurrier (I suspect Wilson is calling the plays). You can’t do both jobs. If you want to be the HC be the HC not the OC.
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But your heart will go on. .
Whether they are right or not, I think he should continue to call the jerks D-Bag Clowns. I think it has kitsch for him to ignore the teams performance and throw insults regardless of reality.
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