Federal Judge: Barr lied.... again


I.T.S. Senior
Mar 19, 2021
Perhaps the attorneys here can shed some light on how serious it is to be called out by a federal judge for lying about the Mueller report and not prosecuting Trump. Also poses an interesting problem for the DOJ. Does Garland ignore Barr's dishonesty or pursue it. Biden said he would stay out of it.

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Not sure what Garland does here but if he were an FBI agent there would obviously be no repercussions :)
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Garland isn’t doing anything that keeps him off the Supreme Court.
Perhaps the attorneys here can shed some light on how serious to be called out by a federal judge for lying about the Mueller report and not prosecuting Trump. Also poses an interesting problem for the DOJ. Does Garland ignore Barr's dishonesty or pursue it. Biden said he would stay out of it.

😂 that judge can opine on whatever he wants but at the end of the day, there is ZERO factual evidence that exist to prosecute 45 for anything Mueller related. This is an information operation campaign designed to discourage supporters of 45. Notice the info is released right after 45 dropped his social media site, the AZ recount, and the ousting of Cheney for her comments against 45. When you listen to 46’s comments today, he stated “There's a "mini-revolution going on in the Republican Party." "I think the Republicans are further away from trying to figure out who they are and what they stand for than I thought they would be at this point." Thats political speak for “I really had hoped McConnell would have eliminated 45 from the Republican equation as I agreed to with him but he hasn’t and now I’m scared to death that he might successfully eliminate the remaining RINO’s at midterm and take back the house. 😂
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Shiff lied, Pelosi lied, hrc lied, bho lied, Biden lied, schumer lied, the dossier was a lie, member lied, blm is a lie, covid relief bill is a lie, the infrastructure bill is a lie, no voter fraud is a lie, voter disenfranchisement is a lie, fbi and doj agents lied, Diane Feinstein adanced a lie,
We can all talk about it at Biden's national 4th of July Party.
Shiff lied, Pelosi lied, hrc lied, bho lied, Biden lied, schumer lied, the dossier was a lie, member lied, blm is a lie, covid relief bill is a lie, the infrastructure bill is a lie, no voter fraud is a lie, voter disenfranchisement is a lie, fbi and doj agents lied, Diane Feinstein adanced a lie,
Yeah, but what's the breaking news?? It would only be breaking news if they didn't!!
I’d be more apt to watch the news if they were actually break dancing while breaking the news.

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