Fakes being outed

Its amazing how many articles our lieberal friends post here that are basically Marxist or Fascist/anti- semitic in nature. It may turn out to be a good thing for mainstream america because it "outs" them for what they (writers of those articles) are. Most of the time, you just have to read the source of the material (the guardian/occupy democrats for instance).

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Conservatives don't care about actual facts, so a make believe analyst with the CIA is right down their alley. Too bad this nut was outed, he really drove up Fox News ratings with his clarity and expert information.
Makes one wonder about the value of water boarding US servicemen in survival training. Supposedly for some that training also meant water boarding could not be torture.
I'd rather use truth serum (which I believe is still outlawed by the Geneva Convention) than waterboarding, but if there were a possible ISIS plot to kill Obama and his family, I bet he'd OK waterboarding - just this once!

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