Fact Checking Wednesday Night's Debates

The total time to speak, not the number of people is the appropriate measure. A better comparison would be the 2008 Republican debates. Even then the numbers of outright lies vs. errors is likely higher this year.

It's likely the Republicans hope that enough time will pass between these primary debates and the general election that the electorate will forget what the candidates said in these 'debates'.
The total time to speak, not the number of people is the appropriate measure.

To a point....I would argue that two nominees of the parties have a full staff and professional debate prep before the Presidential debates. To expect any of these yahoos to be as prepared as Obama or Romney during their debates is foolhardy.

It's likely the Republicans hope that enough time will pass between these primary debates and the general election that the electorate will forget what the candidates said in these 'debates'.

I'm convinced that a majority of the electorate votes on style over substance anyway.
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Scary to think what a fact check of a Hillary press conference would look like
I'm convinced that a majority of the electorate votes on style over substance anyway.

i.e. bho
Even Fox had enough.

Fox News Tells Carly Fiorina To Her Face: ‘No Actual Footage Exists’ Of Fetus Videos (VIDEO)
Carly Fiorina is sticking to her guns that a horrible video of Planned Parenthood harvesting fetuses exists, even though Fox News tells her straight to her face during her interview with Chris Wallace on Sunday that “there is no actual footage.”

Chris Wallace:

“Do you acknowledge what every fact checker has found…that it was only described on the video…there is no actual footage that you just mentioned?”

Carly Fiorina:

“No, I don’t accept it at all. I’ve seen the footage and I find it amazing that all these supposed fact checkers claim it doesn’t exist. I will continue to dare anyone that wants to defund Planned Parenthood, to watch the videos.”

This is just getting ridiculous.

Carly Fiorina, in an attempt to win over voters in the latest Republican debate, used stage theatre and complete utter hyperbole by claiming there was an “actual video” showing a “fully formed fetus on the table with its heart beating, its legs kicking…while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.” She then went on to say that this was a matter that reflected on “the character of this nation.”
The video does have a fully formed fetus(child) with a beating heart kicking on a table as the woman tells that story. It just doesn't show the actual child she was describing. I guess when babies are being chopped up the most important thing is to make sure the woman isn't talking about a different dismembered baby.
From the fact check article about Rubio:

"Furthermore, many experts say that U.S. leadership on climate is important in convincing other nations to also cut their carbon pollution."

This is not a fact, it is an argument for the other side. Yes, I guess "many experts" say that, but it is not a fact that it will happen. It is a hope [reasonable or unreasonable by your opinion.] But fact checking is supposed to detect falsehoods and not list other opinions that are neither proven or disproven.
The GOP is not down with facts. They abandoned those long ago.
Rachel madow and Sean hanity are reporting a car race between a Republican driven car and a Democrat driven car.

The cars finish; the Rep car is ahead of the dem car.

SH reports that the Rep car was first and the Dem car was second.
RM reports that the Dem car was second and the Rep car was next to last.( all very truthful)
I don't really care much about the racist claim either way, and I haven't been one to get too up in arms about Planned Parenthood yet, but the statements in that piece about its roots being in eugenics and "selective breeding" are horrifying.

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