Election Fraud Evidence Dominion


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 16, 2008
Jfk/Nixon. Years later voting machines were found in Lake Michigan in Chicago that would have changed the outcome.

Gore/bush. Hanging Chad's

Now faulty voting machines, bad faith counting, ballots just appear, more votes than bho, validating mail in ballots,
Sees retractions/corrections from Newsmax and Fox, but still believes Trump and loyalist John Ratcliffe. Still makes complaints about others not doing research. Like Trump ever saying anything is any evidence of truth.
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Sees retractions/corrections from Newsmax and Fox, but still believes Trump and loyalist John Ratcliffe. Still makes complaints about others not doing research. Like Trump ever saying anything is any evidence of truth.
Trusting Ratcliffe is the equivalent of trusting myself.
I trust corrections made to avoid legal problems.
We are saying the same thing. Revisit what was said. If there was foreign involvement, that would mean it wasn’t the fault of these machines.
According to the info released about by the Intelligence Community via interviews from DNI and POTUS, that is not accurate.
If you aren't contradicting the general gist of this article and many others like it, then you need to specify what you are contradicting. There is no clarity in revisiting what was said so far in your posts.
Acknowledged. I’m only quoting to you what was said to the MSM by our leaders. Once the official report is released, I’m quite sure it will be clear.
Acknowledged. I’m only quoting to you what was said to the MSM by our leaders. Once the official report is released, I’m quite sure it will be clear.
Yeah that's the gist of about everything Ratcliffe has said. Something essentially saying, 'I will release a very granular explanation of all the facts I keep obtusely referencing as fact. I will prove this great conspiracy theory that I have presently given no facts or explanations on, as of today.' It's just a bunch of BS, just like all your predictions, of which none have proven remotely true. I'll take the corrections as way more proof than will be revealed whenever. The only thing that will be proven was stated succinctly in the following post. \/
It gets sad at the end of a con. There are always a few of the conned who cling and keep the faith until the bitter end because to admit to yourself that you’ve been duped at this point would just be humiliating. The lie must continue for the sake of their own self esteem, so the more obvious it is that things are over the more absurd and unhinged the claims will get.
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Yeah that's the gist of about everything Ratcliffe has said. Something essentially saying, 'I will release a very granular explanation of all the facts I keep obtusely referencing as fact. I will prove this great conspiracy theory that I have presently given no facts or explanations on, as of today.' It's just a bunch of BS, just like all your predictions, of which none have proven remotely true. I'll take the corrections as way more proof than will be revealed whenever. The only thing that will be proven was stated succinctly in the following post. \/

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