Double ejection


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Sep 28, 2006
I think this conversation warrants its own thread. Heres some videos with Hurley after the game from one of UCONNs beat writers.

They mentioned this during the Raptors/Celtics game this evening. I can’t imagine why anyone watching an NBA game would care though. Maybe because it’s UConn?
funny during the game, I thought Hurley was being a d##k but it was totally on the referees.

I still could not believe the continual O fouls on Igbanu which were ridiculous.
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funny during the game, I thought Hurley was being a d##k but it was totally on the referees.

I still could not believe the continual O fouls on Igbanu which were ridiculous.
The first one was the moving screen. They've been really nit picky about those this year as a point of emphasis trying to get the screener to remain in position instead of the "roll" action sliding and pushing the defender even further out of the way. The 2nd one where he was backing the defender down was atrocious.
The first one was the moving screen. They've been really nit picky about those this year as a point of emphasis trying to get the screener to remain in position instead of the "roll" action sliding and pushing the defender even further out of the way. The 2nd one where he was backing the defender down was atrocious.
The second one is where he was handing the ball to Taplin and the defender went through his arm. Absolutely terrible call. Not screening at all.
I used to have a list of officials that told where they called every game and how long they had been officials and NCAA tournament games officiated. Their pictures were there too. I think the Kentucky incident caused them to remove the web site. Before the ejection I mentioned how these guys looked like rookies and three or four times the guy closest to the out call threw up his hands and asked for help, The 5 second delay on the foul whistle on us was one of the worst. They should be removed from D-1.
The first one was the moving screen. They've been really nit picky about those this year as a point of emphasis trying to get the screener to remain in position instead of the "roll" action sliding and pushing the defender even further out of the way. The 2nd one where he was backing the defender down was atrocious.
The second one is where he was handing the ball to Taplin and the defender went through his arm. Absolutely terrible call. Not screening at all.
That call is part of the point of emphasis on that screen move and has been called frequently in the games I’ve watched this year across the board. What is happening is the pick person/passer is handing the ball off and turning his hips to create a little space. By the rule it’s the correct call and with the point of emphasis they are calling it even tighter this year.

Basketball has some quirky foundations for officials. Technically players cannot be a passer and a screener at the same time so the refs have to decide at what point that the players role switches and when the foul occurred. If he is passing and moving then the foul occurs. Same with being a rebounder and a shooter. That one is harder because of the athleticism for guys to hang in the air, grab a rebound, and then shoot the ball without coming down. The ref needs to make a judgement at what point the player switches from rebounder to shooter and when the foul occurred in relationship to that.

I had more issues with the refs not calling a lot of contact in the lane when our guys were trying to drive to the hoop last night, especially Taplin and Joiner. They got bodied every time and it definitely affected them. What they need to start emphasizing is the trail hand. Watch the 2nd drive by Scott where Adams cuts him off. Analyst kept praising Adams for moving his feet right the 2nd time. While Adams keeps the right hand off and in the air, the left hand is like a DB trying to cover on a tight curl route. Just enough bump and contact to slow Scott’s freedom of movement and push him off his original line. It almost never gets called because officials are so focused on the lead hand or feet.
I used to have a list of officials that told where they called every game and how long they had been officials and NCAA tournament games officiated. Their pictures were there too. I think the Kentucky incident caused them to remove the web site. Before the ejection I mentioned how these guys looked like rookies and three or four times the guy closest to the out call threw up his hands and asked for help, The 5 second delay on the foul whistle on us was one of the worst. They should be removed from D-1.
I found it interesting that the double coach ejections were one of the most discussed topics in the sports world today. ESPN and CBS Sports both spent time on it and how the refs seemingly overreacted. Cronin has a diatribe during a press conference today about how thin skinned the refs are these days. And he says nothing will change because they are essentially independent contractors.

Someone said Cronin had never been ejected before this weekend’s game against UCONN....? I find that hard to believe seeing as he is a very angry Elf.
I found it interesting that the double coach ejections were one of the most discussed topics in the sports world today. ESPN and CBS Sports both spent time on it and how the refs seemingly overreacted. Cronin has a diatribe during a press conference today about how thin skinned the refs are these days. And he says nothing will change because they are essentially independent contractors.

Someone said Cronin had never been ejected before this weekend’s game against UCONN....? I find that hard to believe seeing as he is a very angry Elf.

Cronin said there were times he has tried to get one by cussing and everything else and didn’t then his last T was for saying ,”what” after the ref explained the call. Who knows but, his comments were interesting and on target nonetheless.
I found it interesting that the double coach ejections were one of the most discussed topics in the sports world today. ESPN and CBS Sports both spent time on it and how the refs seemingly overreacted. Cronin has a diatribe during a press conference today about how thin skinned the refs are these days. And he says nothing will change because they are essentially independent contractors.

Someone said Cronin had never been ejected before this weekend’s game against UCONN....? I find that hard to believe seeing as he is a very angry Elf.

Cronin said there were times he has tried to get one by cussing and everything else and didn’t then his last T was for saying ,”what” after the ref explained the call. Who knows but, his comments were interesting and on target nonetheless.
I saw that. I think there are some coaches who refs just know are asses and they let it slide short of saying something about the ref’s wife or mother
A double warning and 2 double T's all in a span of 4 to 5 minutes....
And what’s weird about this is there really wasn’t that much to get too ramped up about. There wasn’t any real egregious, flagrant misconduct on either side at the time to cause the whole thing.
So we know all the players involved.
Haith and Hurley are jawing at each other...
Think black ref gives them a warning...
Jawing continues...
Short black ref comes over and issues a double T...
Jawing continues...
Haith and Hurley meet with short ref, shake hands, continues talking with short ref...
Everything appears to be under control...
Thin black ref then comes from nowhere and issues another double T...
Haith and Hurley are now gone...
White ref meanwhile is just standing around with one thumb in his mouth and the other thumb stuck up his rear end, patiently waiting for the the student section to yell "SWITCH"...
Feel free to add anything that I may have missed...
So we know all the players involved.
Haith and Hurley are jawing at each other...
Think black ref gives them a warning...
Jawing continues...
Short black ref comes over and issues a double T...
Jawing continues...
Haith and Hurley meet with short ref, shake hands, continues talking with short ref...
Everything appears to be under control...
Thin black ref then comes from nowhere and issues another double T...
Haith and Hurley are now gone...
White ref meanwhile is just standing around with one thumb in his mouth and the other thumb stuck up his rear end, patiently waiting for the the student section to yell "SWITCH"...
Feel free to add anything that I may have missed...

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