Does he have no shame

Billy Packard

I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 15, 2006
In the latest blatantly political move by the obama administration, they are now delaying the sign up period for 2015 enrollment process of the ACA by ONE month so people signing up will not see the amazing premium increases, plans that don't include the doctors and hospitals insurees had before their current policies were cancelled.

Instead of seeing firsthand the disaster of obamacare, the enrollment period was moved from beginning on October 15 to November 15, a week after the 2014 mid term elections. This coming from a president that has lied, stonewalled, covered up and done anything he can to keep the truth from the american public. Obamacare is not what he promised and it's estimated by the CBO and many, many others (including the administration itself now) that over 100 million additional people will lose their coverage when the DELAYED mandate for employer-based insurance comes in effect in 2015. We will all see first hand how it will effect us our family and friends, as well as small and large businesses and the economy. All, just to give obama and his socialists control of over 20% of our economy and have the IRS administer it. How crazy is this. Do any of you think if Bush had done this, that the liberal media, the justice dept, and others wouldn't be calling for impeachment over this and his other scandals in which he bypassed the constitution.

Let's see:

Fast and Furious - lie
Benghazi - lie
IRS targeting of conservative groups - lie
Spying on journalists - lie
Spying on americans, foreign citizens and governments - lie

Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, etc.

It would take me all day to point out how many lies he has told. Benghazi alone has him telling lies to the UN General Assembly 6 times in his speech that the attack on our embassey was caused by a video. He let people die to keep us from knowing that he was illegally sending guns from Libya to the Syrian rebels and has tried to shut up the CIA agents there to keep from telling what really happened. Are 4 american lives worth it Mr. Obama? Susan Rice spewing the lies 3 days after on Sunday talk shows that it was the video. Obama and Hillary making an ad to be shown on Pakastani TV that it was the video.

Then the lies about the IRS. It was some rogue agents in Cincinnati, then some supervisors in DC, then it's shown that he knew all along and his administration orchestrated all of it to help him win reelection

Then the NSA spying and he and his admin lied over and over and said "We do not spy on americans and foreign citizens and governments. How stupid is he? Really.

I could go on and on, but I have the feeling that all of you NOW know you were sold a bill of goods and lies and I would feel totally embarrassed to admit I voted for and supported such a lier. We've seen him throw his pastor, his mother, his friends and everyone else under the bus to try and protect his lies. And most of all, he's thrown the american people under that same bus. If a guy would lie about all these things we know now, how many others do you think there are? He has been exposed for the fraud he is and even his own democratic party is leaving him in droves. It's really hilarious to see people like Sen Landrieu of LA after she was bribed by obama to vote for obamacare now trying her hardest to get it changed so she can steer clear of it. There are dozens of similar dems doing just this.

So what does he have left? More lies and unilateral political actions like the "nuclear option" and "delaying of obamacare enrollment" And giving billions away to President Karzai and grovelling to him and begging him to "allow" us to keep troops in Afganhistan and PAY his country billions of dollars. We americans that have lost our insurance and will lose it and have to pay much, much more for things we don't need. We could use that money.

And his likely cave-in to Iran and being so gullible to believe they will quit making nuclear weapons if we ease economic santions against them. Israel, France, Germany and anyone with a smart leader knows Iran always lies, stalls, etc, just like obama, to get what they want. Now I guess I understand why he likes his muslim friends so much. He's just like Iran's leaders.

Back to the article:

Post Politics
Obamacare 2015 open enrollment to be delayed one month, to after 2014 election

By Aaron Blake and Juliet Eilperin
November 22 at 9:56 amComments

The Department of Health and Human Services is set to announce that it is changing the 2015 open enrollment period for the new federal health-care exchanges, according to an HHS official, the latest on-the-fly change for the embattled Affordable Care Act.

While the 2015 enrollment period had been set to begin Oct. 15, 2014 and end Dec. 7, it will now begin Nov. 15, 2014, and end Jan. 15, 2015.

The new change will, notably, push the open enrollment period until after the 2014 election, which will be held Nov. 4 -- a circumstance that has Republicans crying foul.

The news was first reported by Bloomberg.

The change is aimed at giving insurance companies who offer plans on the exchanges more time to review 2014 enrollments and set rates for the 2015 enrollment period, according to the official, who was granted anonymity to discuss a change that has yet to be finalized and made public.

It would also give customers an extra week to review their options, extending the open-enrollment period by one week to two full months.

Republicans were quick to pounce on the change, accusing the administration of a blatantly political effort to delay bad news that might result from the next round of open enrollment until after the election.

The delay means Americans might not hear about potential rate increases until after the election, rather than in the weeks before.

"Clearly, President Obama does not want voters to see increased prices, more cancellations and decreased options under Obamacare before they go to the ballot box," House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said in a statement. "If Obamacare is so great, why are Democrats so scared of voters knowing its consequences?"

Obamacare has been beset with problems since the exchanges and the Web site launched Oct. 1. The Obama administration previously changed course by saying it would allow people to keep their current insurance ? a promise it and President Obama had made repeatedly ? after many Americans who bought insurance on their own saw their plans canceled for not meeting the new law's requirements.
Obviously the Obamagovt didn't think this "reform act" through. It just makes them look even dumber. But the problem is that their main appeal is to the voters that are not very well informed - their constituency.

It is funny to see the neighborhood "know it all" bullies in DC so dumbfounded. They arrogantly thought they had all the answers to our problems and that it was a win-win for them politically and philosophically - the arrogance of power - as the saying goes. Fact is that they aren't any smarter or any more well intentioned than the average Okie in Bugtussel or Big Cabin.
Looks like the exchanges are working much better, you can surf the site pretty well now, and it will only get better as we go forward. I don't see anything derailing the ACA, lots of false starts and adjustments, but within months, millions will have health care coverage that couldn't afford it before the act, yet without the help of any congressional Republicans. Good news kids.
Working better according to whom?

The ones that have gotten their cancellations and were promised they could keep their insurance and now have either high deductables (catastrphic ins) or higher premiums are feeling the pain. And the lefties think thats OK. Its only 15,000,000 people or so - at least for now. Wait for the employer mandate to kick in. Don't the lieberals have any decency for their fellow citizens? Or is that just reserved for all the illegals?