Did Hillary make a racist remark?


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003

In this age when anything can offend someone, did Hillary make a racist and perhaps sexist remark?

"I have experience with men off of the reservation"

The term clearly reflects the idea of Native Americans who from time to time revolted against their being placed on a reservation and went looking to attack Troops of the 7th Cavalry or burn a town. It's pretty clear where the phrase came from. The men point is harder to make, but men are a minority. And, of course, with the Sioux at the Little Bighorn it was mostly the men.

So you can't us such terms to name a football team Redskins or do the tomahawk chop but it's fine for a Presidential candidate to use "off the reservation."
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Under current far-left PC rules, yes. For everyone else, including most on the left, it should be a big who cares. Same with the CP time skit she was in on.
Oh come on... I don't like Hillary but that's pushing political correctness a bit too far. (which her opponents are, much much worse about)

Also, the natives at the Little Bighorn didn't "go looking to attack the 7th cavalry" the 7th cavalry went looking for the various tribes. I don't even see where it would be derogatory to Indians.
First of all, there shouldn't be different rules for one party but not for others. If the far left love PC then they should have to live with it.

Second, how can you say "off the reservation" isn't a negative term, when that is how she is using? She isn't using it to praise Trump. It implies being off the reservation isn't a good place for them to be. It implies they are up to no good. And why did the 7th Cavalry go looking for the Sioux? If they were on the reservation they wouldn't have to look. Col. Custer felt that the savages belonged on the reservation which was the official policy of the US Government.
First of all, there shouldn't be different rules for one party but not for others. If the far left love PC then they should have to live with it.

Second, how can you say "off the reservation" isn't a negative term, when that is how she is using? She isn't using it to praise Trump. It implies being off the reservation isn't a good place for them to be. It implies they are up to no good. And why did the 7th Cavalry go looking for the Sioux? If they were on the reservation they wouldn't have to look. Col. Custer felt that the savages belonged on the reservation which was the official policy of the US Government.
Well, according to the US government in 1876.... it wasn't a good thing that the Natives kept going off the reservation. It wasn't good for the expansion of the nation. Col. Custer was a glory hound, he didn't care what he was doing as long as it got him a better position back in Washington.

My main point is it's a saying that simply implies going away from the majority's common perception, which is what the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Northern Arapaho were doing out on the plains. It isn't meant to make fun of them. It isn't saying that they were wrong to do it or right to do it. It's just a phrase.

Kind of like if she said 'Jerry Rig'. I don't think you'd hear a bunch of German's getting angry about that.
If a Rep was part of a skit that contained the phrase "colored people time" there would not only by protests but CNN would still be covering it. You can have a race baiter like Al Sharpton make numerous racist and anti-Semitic remarks and still not only be employed but featured by MSNBC. Hypocrisy at its finest.
Yes, I know these are common expressions. But you usually don't usually hear a president say "It was a Chinese fire drill. I was Jewed out of my votes. I got Gyped (Gypsies)." We all know a bunch of them that people used to be taken as normal speech in some circles. Indian giver. Paddy Wagons for fighting drunken Irishmen to be taken to jail. Cheese eating surrender monkeys for the French. [The last one is from the BBC.]

I agree, off the reservation is heard often, but not from presidents. And it wasn't a value neutral term as she used it but out of control.

To be nice, I won't even mention what they say about Greeks.
I got jipped has become so common that I don't seriously think most people even realize its origins. I think the same of the mention of Paddy Wagons. I doubt Chinese Fire Drill would get much of a rise out of staunch PC people on either side of the equation. It might get a mention or two in the news and then pass on to obscurity.(If Republicans said it.) I would put 'off the reservation' in this mostly non offensive category as Chinese Fire Drill.

The rest of the phrases you mention TUME would get red flagged by the PC crew. I'm not that much of a PC person, so it doesn't really bother me. Some PC phrases are taboo for good reason, and some not for any real solid reason. For me it's a you know it when you see it kinda thing.
If a Rep was part of a skit that contained the phrase "colored people time" there would not only by protests but CNN would still be covering it. You can have a race baiter like Al Sharpton make numerous racist and anti-Semitic remarks and still not only be employed but featured by MSNBC. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Oh I agree. In a sane society people would realize the black guy was in on the joke and it wouldn't matter. But yeah, if it were a republican he would be labeled racist and the black guy would be called a traitor to his race.
Anyone remember this one from a few years ago?"niggardly"

Two totally different origins for the words. Not spelled the same. But one sounded too much like the other and there were protests.

Are u delicately informing me that gyped and jipped are not two spellings of the same term? I assumed because the meaning was so similar, that they were just ******-rigged different spellings of the same term? :)
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Are u delicately informing me that gyped and jipped are not two spellings of the same term? I assumed because the meaning was so similar, that they were just ******-rigged different spellings of the same term? :)

Actually, no, I was just rambling. I should be the last one to correct anyone, my spelling, grammar, and typing are far from perfect.

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