Debate #3


I.T.S. University President
Mar 16, 2003
Didn't watch much as we were focused on the WS and Thunder so interested in others' takeaways.

Moderators were horrid. Interrupting constantly, combative and overall making it way too much about their time in the spotlight. I did see Cruz's comeback regarding the questioning and agreed with that the short time I'd been watching.

Jeb is so exhausted. There's not really anything left there.

Fiorina poised and on point as usual. It's hard for the men to compete with her skills in these formats. She never even flinches.

I didn't think Carson was great on his tax plan questions.

I didn't see Trump get a single question when I was flipping back and forth so no idea how he fared.

Marco is still my choice. I only saw the question attacking his running for president while a senator and thought the responses were outstanding, both to the moderators and Jeb. Saw part of the question about his finances and thought it was a pretty dumb attack question. I really don't care if someone cashes out a $65000 retirement account early for any reason or think it has much to do with them doing a job. But I suppose it fit the line of questioning of "you SUCK at X, how will you do Y as President?".
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Very good post, BBJ. I have long felt that Rubio with Kasich as a kicker at VP is the formula for winning. But also is a positive message rather than a negative one.

Rubio turned the question about his finances into a positive. He, like many, had student loans. He paid them off. "I wrote a book" was a good answer to the nonsense that he is overly ambitious. He found an ambitious way to pay his debts. Anyone who wants to be the president of the most powerful country in the world is pretty darned ambitious regardless of party.

Cruz got it right, the moderators were leading the attacks on all candidates. No softball questions like Hillary was asked. Cruz became a real candidate again.

Bush telling Rubio he needed to resign, needs to look in the mirror. Bush is old news. He has had big money going for him and has little to show back. He has nothing left but to attack. His campaign is in the death spiral.

Finally, this was probably the least watched debate, shown against the World Series and on a minor network, CNBC, that many people may not even have access to. Therefore, it will be seen by most in sound bites.
Winners - 1. Rubio 2. Cruz 3. Christy

Losers - 1. CNBC (my first view of those bozo's) 2. NBC and the "mainstream" media in general 3. Bush (he's done and actually needs to endorse the one he trashed last night) - he looks petty and out of place now. When he gets out of the race, his money and voters go to Rubio. IMO

Christy really made up for lost ground with his comment on the un-importance of fantasy football in the debate. Those idiot mods asked the stupidest question in the history of presidential debates.

I understood that the debate was supposed to be about the economy, but very little was actually discussed about it. That's the fault of the mods and the stupid NBC cable news channel they work for.

Why does the Republican Party even give NBC a chance and a forum to have a debate?
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Christy did have a decent showing from the little I saw too.

I also didn't see any of Paul and Kasich and thought maybe they weren't even there. Literally never even saw them on camera. Were they non-factors?
Both Paul and Kasich were there. Paul never really got much time. Kasich made some points about saying you were going to do something without experience in the system and without a plan. Since I see Kasich as a vice presidential possibility, I think that eliminates him with Carson, Trump, and Fiora but not with the others.

At the risk of repeating myself from older discussions, the Republicans usually need Florida and Ohio to win. Kasich is from Ohio and two are from Florida, including my top candidate.
The ratings are out and it drew about what the CNN debate did - 15 million. So there's not much reason to ever do business with CNBC again. Buh bye!

Going on these lieberal networks is an example of the Republican party trying to appease the left at every turn. Why they do this is beyond logic. But in the end, I think it turned around on the radical socialist left and revealed them as the biased jerks they really are.
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The blame of this fiasco lies squarely on the RNC. They knew (or should have known) that John Harwood is a cheerleader for Hillary Clinton and has a long history of promoting Dems and liberals. Yet, they agreed to allow him to moderate a Rep debate. They got exactly what they deserved.
No harm. We got to see just how biased some of the media is. And the neat thing is that CNN and CBS were forced to admit it. CNBC should start covering sports...oh wait they are covering fantasy football.
I wonder. Would they Grill HRC like that.

The obvious answer to that is NO!

But I think Jeb should have taken his mothers advice and stayed out of this POTUS race. There's no fire in his belly and he is destroying his chances at future political office at the state level in Florida. He is becoming Charlie Christ. I guess he thought his knowledge of Spanish would overcome his look of weakness on TV. I'm glad he's losing TBH because I get to keep my promise to myself of never having voted for a Bush.