"Cost of attendance"

Title IX is much more than scholarship money although with college athletics that is what it gets associated with. It essentially says you cannot discriminate based on gender. Workplace sexual harassment falls under this, same with Jameis Winston's discipline hearing at Florida St. With regards to college athletics, its not just scholarship money. Its resources such as academic counseling, access to facilities, equipment, etc. I don't think it has been brought up yet, but I'm waiting for coaches in women's sports to challenge whether or not their salaries fall under Title IX, i.e. coaches in men's soccer probably make more than the coaches of the women's soccer team. It's an interesting argument.

The equivalency sport designation has nothing to do with Title IX really, your school just has to offer the same amount of resources to women's athletics as they do to men's and vice versa. (The vice versa part is rarely challenged although I think the University of Minnesota men's golf team did a few years back.)
Title IX is much more than scholarship money although with college athletics that is what it gets associated with. It essentially says you cannot discriminate based on gender. Workplace sexual harassment falls under this, same with Jameis Winston's discipline hearing at Florida St. With regards to college athletics, its not just scholarship money. Its resources such as academic counseling, access to facilities, equipment, etc. I don't think it has been brought up yet, but I'm waiting for coaches in women's sports to challenge whether or not their salaries fall under Title IX, i.e. coaches in men's soccer probably make more than the coaches of the women's soccer team. It's an interesting argument.

The equivalency sport designation has nothing to do with Title IX really, your school just has to offer the same amount of resources to women's athletics as they do to men's and vice versa. (The vice versa part is rarely challenged although I think the University of Minnesota men's golf team did a few years back.)

So that means Matilda Mossman should get the same pay as Frank Haith? I don't think you can make that argument. Salaries are based on how much you (theoretically) bring to the program. Now, if say... our softball coach left and a woman with comparable qualities was picked as his replacement, then she might have an argument if she was being payed less.
Title 9 and the lack of a female football equivalence certainly leads to some odd rules and situations. Women's basketball gives 2 more ships than it male counterpart. Women's golf and soccer also give more ships than the men's programs. Softball, despite needing less players than baseball, gives more ships.
Aston, I am not advocating one way or the other, simply stating I wouldn't be surprised if that is something that is explored